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  1. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    There are two satellites that provide global coverage every 1-2 days, named Terra and Aqua. Both have a moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer called MODIS, that aquire data in 36 spectral bandwidths or wavelength groupings. The wavelengths range from 405 nanometers to 14.385 micrometers...
  2. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    You measure the energy that arrives from the sun. You measure the energy that escapes our atmosphere back to space. The difference is the flux, and these observations are showing you how much energy Earth is absorbing and emitting. If the expected long term trend- like that mentioned in the OP-...
  3. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    That's a load of crap. Earlier you wrote substantiated, relating to failed projections. Yes there's lots of those, however I'd love to see this assertion that there is nothing consequential left after subtracting the failed projections substantiated. Even if, and this is a big if, you could...
  4. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    Waldo, Bear isn't a fake skeptic. Unlike a lot of people you will run into discussing this topic, he asks genuine questions, and modifies his views when he learns of new information. That's exactly what everyone should do, but unfortunately it's not what even most people do, at least in this topic.
  5. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    Well, if you want to be skeptical about temperature homogenization procedures, and track the dataset, it helps to be aware of these things! The fellow who wrote that guest post at WUWT obviously wasn't aware, but knows how to copy numberts into a spreadsheet. We deserve better skeptics than that.
  6. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    So that was 2012...and NASA GISS explained that the GHCN- Not NASA's data set, but it's used by NASA- had changed from version 3.1 to 3.2. NOAA who maintains the data, released a technical bulletin about the change on August 1, 2012...
  7. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Really? I'm not so sure about that. Let's just take a look at that famous modeling result that projected in 2013 an ice-free Arctic. Here's what the BBC article from 2007 said: "Our projection of 2013 for the removal of ice in summer is not accounting for the last two minima, in 2005 and 2007,"...
  8. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Well first off, they were not mainstream findings because they were not findings reproduced broadly in the field. If you want to use a blanket statement like, "Scientists find X', well then it helps if it's more than one scientist who has come to the same conclusion. Second, and this is an...
  9. Tonington

    Chimps & Pigs, the human hybrid family tree

    Not just fish, it's a well conserved regulatory network, that pre-dates the first fish. It's sort of a complicated topic, that could easilly spill into pages and pages when you start to tie oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH all together. Oxygen started showing up between one and two billion years...
  10. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Only in your alternative reality, which we've already established. :)
  11. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Just how far does your denial go though? Do you deny that greenhouse gases are opaque to IR? You've come full circle again. I can give you the test procedure to figure this out at home. So long as you can get a canister of N2, Alka Seltzer tablets, pop bottles, some pressure relief valves, and...
  12. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Hardly, but it's certainly one of them. Surely you can think of some of your own differences. For instance, a magnetic imager in a hospital is not peering around planets, and stars. Some more questions upon further reading, how exactly does a microwave curve around and follow a trajectory...
  13. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    There are no experts in here...the irony I'm driving at though is that when you make posts critical about peer review, about vested interests, about the consensus, it's really no different in the end than what you just did. You posted an article that is popular amongst a group of people and...
  14. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Nobody is immune from being a crank. He's a radiology professor, which could explain why he get's the physics on Black body spectrum so wrong. Recognized expert by whom? No, an appeal to authority does not carry that much weight with me, and again, I find it very ironic that it does with you...
  15. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Well before diving into this, I have to say first of all that it's ironic for you of all people to give a rat's @ss about whether or not someone has a PhD. If the process of science framed by politics is as flawed as you say it is, then you should trust your own understanding of what you're...
  16. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    ...there's that alternative reality again. I'm being serious, what is being measured at great disatnces in the microwave range of frequencies? If 'the foreground' is your alternative reality, then it's time for me to say good night! :)
  17. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Simply asserting that doesn't make it so. What does Thunderbolts say the telescopes are measuring then in the microwave range of frequencies?
  18. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Of course it is. It's not just climate change, pick any topic that has policy implications. Likewise, you have a political stance and it shapes your view. We all do. It's naive and foolishly arrogant to think our favored explanations are the least biased. Don't get me wrong. The scientific...
  19. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    The temperature on the moon drops ridiculously fast when moving from daylight to darkness. There's lots of differences between the moon and Earth. An atmosphere for one, and a wet atmosphere at that. That means we have thermal inertia to overcome, where the moon does not. That, and we have...