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  1. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    :lol: Are you trying to be ironic? Ignoring results and calling people gubmint shills is an example of? :lol:
  2. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Yes, exactly. Also, let's not forget that the satellites measuring the lower troposphere overlap too, even though they aren't even the same thing as the surface temperature record. Qualitatively these records may be different, but not quantitatively.
  3. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Yeah, that's a good question. Not the same data sets, but statistically there is no difference despite the fact that they are very different. GISS uses a base period 1951-1980. NOAA uses a base period 1981-2010. GISS uses 2° x 2° gridded data (so globally that's a sample space of 360 x 180)...
  4. Tonington

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’ said mesosphere too. Well guess what duckface, it's still above the stratosphere. The stratosphere is cooling.
  5. Tonington

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Yes it does Bizarro. If the layer of atmosphere above is acting like an electric current, and generating heat, then in order for that heat to affect the surface temperature, it has to also affect the atmosphere below as well. Yes, heat. Did you actually read what came before? I'm sure you've...
  6. Tonington

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Yes, please provide. It wasn't included in the handout. How does heat pass through the stratosphere without heating it?
  7. Tonington

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    No kidding. Joule heating in the thermosphere, cooling in the stratosphere, and warming at the surface. I would love to know how you can heat an upper layer of the atmosphere, and connect it to surface warming when a layer in-between cools. :lol: Does not compute.
  8. Tonington

    Ride sharing service fires some of their staff...

    And the employees learn of their pink slips via email...written in Comic sans font type. A third party HR firm named ZeroChaos handled the terminations. Uber Fired 15 People in Email Using Comic Sans | | Betabeat There are many unkind ways to end a working relationship, but leave it to Uber to...
  9. Tonington

    Death knell for AGW

    Yes, that's a strange proxy, when we have, you know, thermometers... Relative to where I guess? The average Dec-Jan-Feb snowfall in Winnipeg (60 cm) can fall in one Nor'Easter here in Charlottetown. Last winter we had nearly 280 cm of snow. But Winterpeg can keep it's cold, I'm fine with that :)
  10. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    That's sort of like saying data are not science. Of course they aren't. That doesn't mean they aren't related in a meaningful way.
  11. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    It's a free internet ;) For an example of the type of work I'm talking about, read Ross McKitrick's paper from earlier this year. Here's the type of analysis I was talking about: He takes the records for UAH and RSS, and each of those dots represent the trend calculated if you start the...
  12. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    I don't think it will, so long as people continue to have a poor understanding of the statistical methods. The signal, is somewhere between 0.1 and 0.2 °C per decade. The variability in the system will always be there, and the variability is sufficient at short time scales to make pauses occur...
  13. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    I see some dark blue there too... Time for some fun with facts: UAH satellite derived temperature trend (1979 start date): 0.138 ± 0.067 (2 sigma) °C per decade. Thus the 95% confidence interval of the trend is 0.071-0.205 °C per decade. NOAA thermometer network and ocean temperature network...
  14. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    Yes, I did more than just notice the name, I read up on who they are, and other projects they're involved in. It's the equivalent of a creationist group running a website called They peddle the same crap you do. That's some great bait! :lol: Hmm, we finally agree on...
  15. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    So then, decreasing solar wind should make more low level clouds and the earth should cool. Has the Earth been cooling since 1991-1992? Nope. Why 2007, hmm looks like that was the most recent warmest temperature for NASA. That's not a very good reason to pick 2007. The solar wind has been...
  16. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    It's the GISP2 ice core from Greenland, a multi-dacade running average of the δ18O proxy for temperature. We have thermometers now, and don't require a proxy, much less one that stops at 1855. It doesn't show present day temperature. When the Greenland meteorological data is added to the ice...
  17. Tonington

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Because the atmosphere is not dry, and certainly not made of 100% nitrogen...the actual lapse rate can never exceed the adiabatic lapse rate, but it can be a lot less than the adiabatic lapse rate. Water vapour moves up in convective currents, the water vapour condenses into liquid water, and...
  18. Tonington

    Death knell for AGW

    Sure doesn't! It would be helpful if the data were available. Someone email Steve McIntyre.
  19. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    Not sure why you think I should indulge your questions when you ignore mine, it's like you think you're entitled...I'll come out and play when you finish your math homework.
  20. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum is associated with a large extinction event- it wiped out about 80% of the oceans organisms. The temperature increased by 6°C over 20,000 years. We're experiencing close to 1°C per century. So right now it's warming close to two orders of magnitude faster...