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  1. Tonington

    Scientists in cover-up of ‘damaging’ climate view

    I'm sorry for your loss.
  2. Tonington

    Scientists in cover-up of ‘damaging’ climate view

    The GWPF has separated it's activities, due to some activities failing to meet the requirements of an education charity. The new arm of GWPF will be called GWPF. GWPF will focus on education, and GWPF will focus on campaigning and misinformation activities that will not interfere with GWPF...
  3. Tonington

    Scientists in cover-up of ‘damaging’ climate view

    Oh it's even worse than the referee's comments: “I do not believe there is any systematic “cover up” of scientific evidence on climate change or that academics’ work is being “deliberately suppressed”, as The Times front page suggests." -Lennart Bengtsson Ironic that he is also talking about...
  4. Tonington

    Scientists in cover-up of ‘damaging’ climate view

    Pretty hard to claim it's a cover-up when the referee's report is made public. It's there for anyone to see... The report found that Bengtsson's paper: Was not innovative research, the calculations used are available in the original reports The work assumed a heat energy model was the perfect...
  5. Tonington

    There is no such thing as "climate science"

    8O So much arguing over semantics that don't really matter. Climate science is a field of study. So is life science. So is food science. So is forensic science. Deal with it. These are common fields and keywords in job search engines among academic listings, why is that? They are common search...
  6. Tonington

    Michael Mann Is A Liar and a Cheat. Here’s Why.

    Remember how the illiterate used to moan about the supposed shift from global warming to climate change? It's funny, it's now catastrophic anthropogenic climate change that they are skeptical of. Garden variety anthropogenic climate change is well established! Well, that shows they aren't...
  7. Tonington

    Website tracks temporary foreign workers

    Businesses Employing Temporary Foreign Workers | NTFW Looks like it may only work in BC and Alberta right now, meh. Found via:Website tracks temporary foreign workers | It's similar to what we've seen elsewhere, with businesses offering more unpaid internships to bus tables and...
  8. Tonington

    Heisenberg Uncertainty principle: (ab ≠ ba) and Electron.

    You wrote that "Rutherford studied..." screed at the latest by 2009, well before the Higgs Boson was discovered. The way physicists study the inner structure of the atom is not like smashing a watch to see how the watch works. Smashing the particles out of atoms reveals what is there, you can't...
  9. Tonington

    Heisenberg Uncertainty principle: (ab ≠ ba) and Electron.

    It's burger love month in PEI, one restaurant has an offering called the Heisenburger. It would have been delicious if they hadn't overcooked it. DB's thunderdolt: Ripples in Ohio From Ad on the Big Bang - Pierre-Marie Robitaille, another crank working outside his field. Not sure...
  10. Tonington

    Death knell for AGW

    Absence of evidence isn't the same thing as evidence of absence...If I roll two sixes in twelve rolls do you have good evidence that the dice are fair or not fair? Lowered confidence when biology indicates it should be lower, yep they're doing things right. :lol:
  11. Tonington

    Quebec students are being rejected as voters

    Apparently the concern is the interpretation of domicile. Some students who have lived in Quebec for years are being turned away. Students rejected as voters don’t meet ‘domicile’ demands One 'english' student recorded his interaction with the elections commission officials: Montreal Student...
  12. Tonington

    Michael Mann Faces Bankruptcy as his Courtroom Climate Capers Collapse

    Representing yourself and not having to pay lawyers is a pretty sweet gig when you are using crowdsourced funding and selling merchandise to pay for your legal fees. Steyn may have to sell much more if Mann's lawyers' motion is successful: Michael Mann motion to dismiss Mark Steyn’s counter-suit...
  13. Tonington

    Death knell for AGW

    Try going to the campus in Antigonish this summer, and ask for a demonstration of the spectrometer that Zipper was explaining to you. See for yourself. U of Chicago is not an economics's a research university. Yes, they do happen to have a strong economics faculty, but they also...
  14. Tonington

    Death knell for AGW

    From your model...I'm talking about reality. Maybe you should take Petros' advice and write a paper. Put your views up there for scrutiny. Dare you. :lol: That was kind of the point. Before suggesting a series on climate change, you should get a grasp of some more basic science first. After...
  15. Tonington

    Death knell for AGW

    Because otherwise the temperature of the modelled earth is incorrect. Because you're missing a large part of the physics in the system without these interactions.
  16. Tonington

    Death knell for AGW

    Are you kidding? Exactly what do you think shortwave and longwave radiation are? There is no greenhouse effect if there is no electromagnetic radiation, specifically short and longwave in the infrared region of the spectrum. Rubbish. It's not wind. Electromagnetic waves leaving the Earth...
  17. Tonington

    Death knell for AGW

    I found a reference book that's perfect for you:
  18. Tonington

    Death knell for AGW

    As a proponent of this electric universe, could you please point out to me where the prediction is in that linked material: Sun Shape of heliosphere Thornhill: The expectations of NASA scientists are not being met because their shock front model is incorrect. The boundary that Voyager has...
  19. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    A bit better than your claim of no successful model predictions. :-P
  20. Tonington

    Our cooling world

    See the date in the bottom right hand corner? Normally people use the word 'meanwhile' to mean in the intervening time, not the past. The Antarctic just reached it's minima for the season. Suffice it to say, the image Locutus posted isn't really terribly out of line with what has been...