Heisenberg Uncertainty principle: (ab ≠ ba) and Electron.
Sir Arthur Eddington wrote:
We used to think that if weknew one, we knew two,
because one and one are two. We are finding
that we must learn a great deal more about`and'.
Because one (1) can be different from another one (1).
Take electron -symbol (e)
Take proton - symbol (p)
They are absolute different particles.
And interaction between electron and proton is not thesame
thaninteraction between proton and electron: ep ≠ pe
(non-commutative algebra. Heisenberg Uncertainty principle)
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Theelectron (particle/wave) is not the same as the proton.
They are absolute differentsubstances / matter.
There is EM wave theory,there isn't proton-magnetic theory.
Energy/ information can be transferred only by electromagnetic fields.
Andin 1895 Lorentz proved that there isn’t em waves withoutElectron
Noother particle can do this work.
We don’t have a theory about protono-magnetic fields that can
transfer an energy/information.
In our earthly world there is only one (1) uniquefundamental
particle - electron (!) what can transferenergy as an information.
Electronhas six ( 6 ) formulas:
1900, 1905. Planck and Einstein found the energy of electron: E=h*f.
1916. Sommerfeld found the formula of electron : e^2=ah*c,
1928. Dirac found two more formulas of electron’s energy:
+E=Mc^2 and -E=Mc^2 (positron).
According to QED in interaction with vacuum electron’s
energy is infinite: E= ∞
Electron tied with atom by the energy: E=-me^4/2h*^2= -13,6eV
And pure proton doesn't have formula, it has only "letter".
It means that electron is active particle (pure energetic particle)
and proton is passive mass-particle.
These particles have absolute different structure and matter.
Therefore the interaction between electron and protonis not the same
thaninteraction between proton and electron: ep ≠ pe
(HeisenbergUncertainty principle)
Somebody wrote another example.
A thing called “shoe” and a thing called “ sock” alongwith
the operator”and” which combines “shoe” and “sock” things.
If you play around with it, you will find
that the “ order “ is fairly important.
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