L Gilbert
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  • Thanx a million LG!!! Your kindness to others speaks volumes about your noble character and your pure awesomeness!
    Glad to bump into you again, see ya on the theads! Cheers! :)
    Hi Gilbert,

    I have read your reply to my questionnaire~
    thanks a lot~~~~

    I should say that the remark you added in the end help me a lot~
    actually, i'm not a student studying business, but linguistic~

    I just wanna to use a linguistic theory to study the connotation of red.
    thus, I wanna to know what the reasons are while you're shopping~

    anyway~ helpful reply~ thanks!!!!!
    Dear L Gilbert,
    I know your name from this forum. I hope I won't make you feel uncomfortable.
    I'm a Chinese undergraduate student who is proceeding my research paper on 'red'.
    I'm looking for some people from abroad to help me to answer the questionnaire.
    Could you do me a favor?
    It won't take you too much time, 16 questions only in two pages of A4 size paper.
    I know it may surprise you, but at this moment, I just need help.
    Because I don't have any friends abroad, nor foreign teachers in our university.
    So, I'm worrying about my paper.
    I hope you can help me out....:neutral::icon_smile:
    I'm asking all of you for help...I hope I can get your nice help...
    Silly Les, I'm Norse, no Asian. Our view on dragons is much more sinister. lol.
    I've seen some of your posts on here recently Les, but never seem to catch you around. How's life been treating you?
    Hi! Have a great holiday! :) The best of luck and lots of happiness to you in the coming Year! :)
    Have a great Christmas and I hope the new year brings good fortune and happiness.
    Hey Gill , hope your doing well. I have to admit I've missed you. Take care of yourself.
    thanks for your christmass pic. Hope you have a great one:lol:
    Hey LG...long time no see, missed ya a lot. I hope you have yourself a very Merry Christmas and joyous new year bru!!!
    Merry Christmas Les. All the best to you and (Shelly?) in 2008. (was I right on your better half name?)
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