L Gilbert
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  • L Gilbert is very apologetic for being an ass the other day. :)
    hahaha are you saying you turned the other cheek :D
    I thought so, thanx...This is why I told you, you were one of the good guys. Though we differ in our stance a bit, we don't stand on ideological grounds when we think.

    That shows critical thought, intelligence and maturity. What else can you ask for in a good guy...

    Me, I'm a loud mouth, ignorant shyte. I like to poke when I post. You're more subtle and mature than I am, lol.
    I guess I didn't pay much attention to it when my storage was something like 10,000.
    LOL...No!!! LG, you and I think quite similarly, I just don't let that out in the forums. It's much more fun to poke the fringe...you aren't fringe. You're one of the good guys! Sorry, if you thought I was talking about you bud.
    And yeah, all is well here on our end. We've been busy with renos (what's new), and I've been busy with my new life plan... gym, studying, housework, and liberal amounts of socializing OFF the damn computer. lol.
    Sorry to confuse you Les.

    Tyr is whoever he thinks is a good writer. He abjectly refuses to stop breaching copyright, and give people credit for the articles they've authored, when he reposts them to the forum. I've been making a point of pointing out that he's essentially plagiarizing, by referring to him according to the articles he posts like they're his own.
    The usual. Fixing people's mechanical beasties. taking care of the critters, etc. Had anniversary #25 on St. Paddy's Day.
    I trust all is weel at your end. :)
    hey Les. Hope all's well with you. I've been away just trying to reorganize my life offline. What have you been up to?
    I commented on something in a thread (I don't remember which one) and in your response you referred me to your signature. I understand your signature, but I never did see how it pertained to the discussion. Since neither of us remembers the thread, I'm sure we are never going to explain it. Unsolved mysteries.
    Ah, yes - I remember reading that many times. However, in this instance - what are you saying that I don't seem to understand?
    Sorry, I know it says you can add a signature but I guess I haven't taken the time to figure that out as I didn't seem able to add anything there for myself and I am here on your page and I do not see "your signature".
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