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  • That is what I figured. I removed his Avatar and Profile picture but forgot to ban him(I was a little tired at that time, I think. At least I hope that's the reason. LOL!). Another weird thing is that it said 'Modifying Profile Picture' as if it was constantly occurring even though ten minutes had passed. Was that due to it perhaps being a spam-bot?
    Was there a member here called 'transmitter' or 'transistors'? He seems to have vanished without trace, and I know I posted on his Wall. Weird.
    Thank you. I wasn't sure if it was intended or not, so I am glad for the confirmation.:)

    You liking the new layout?
    Hmmmm. There seems to be a lot less colour at the bottom of the main page. Is this a permanent change or is it due to the crash from a while back?
    Thank you, again, Andem. I really appreciate you taking the time to inform me of these things. Cate
    Thank you so much, Andem. On more question, if you don't mind? How do I go about putting permanent quote in my postings as I see other people do. Do they type it in every post???
    Andem, how do I go about posting a cartoon image without using a URL? I have them stored in my computer. Can't I just download them from there? Sorry to bug you but I can't seen to find any Help that refers to this issue.
    Thank you for the welcome, Andem, I appreciate it. I really like this forum and I have been on a few. Look forward to reading you. Mowich
    hey Chris... the new format looks very cool. I'm just curious, is there a way to design it so that the threads show when they've been read, like the old one did with the bold and normal text changes?
    Hey Chris, what's your take on the vBulletin 4.0 situation? It seems many are up in arms but it will probably be a great product. Invision switched early to the new and improved coding and it has been a hit. I've noticed a bunch of people jumping ship to IP lately and am now afraid IP will raise prices because the market (vB) is creating the room for profit. The cost of this software is sure rising. You should form a group to design your own and catch the wave.
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