Hey Wally dear forum friend not zealot, I don’t know about the other people here but I have manned up long time ago………..
Did you hear the speech of the St. John Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams, he loves Harper……………………….and you know why? As Danny Williams put it today on television was quote “Harper is a fraud” and you can take that to the bank… Danny Williams is urging Newfoundlanders to refuse Harper as the alternative for Canada’s wellbeing……………and you know Wally after is all said and done Canada will be better off in the hands of the Liberals. A Liberal Canada will give many poor an equal opportunity…………. Please keep in mind that the puffin flying over Dion and SH!TING on him has given Harper and his Conservative losers a black eye that will be there until the 14th of October and beyond…… You must remember what happened to Kim Campbell……….The Canadian voter took a big dump on the Con machine and put it out of function……….
Sock, if you tape a penny over the needle, you'll get past the crack in your broken record. If you have a collision with a truck that knocks your car off a cliff, is the big reason you'd scrap it because the tires were flat?
How do you suppose Dion's tax is going to be good for the poor? We don't get that income tax break he's spouting off about because we don't have taxable income - but we still have to pay the increased prices on everything.