I don't think it matters one way or the other, unless it is much easier to cheat with
paper ballets as opposed to electronic machines.
There was so much said about the final outcome in Ohio las election, and no one can
prove what actually happened, so no one will ever really know, but it was charged that
the bush people made sure he won that state by cheating, and I'm sure they can find
a way to do that if they really want to.
The vote was very close in ohio, and bush managed to win the state, (or did he?),
they have no shame in politics, they do what they do to win at any cost, they don't
care, winning is everything.
Don't forget the people running the election in every state, are also republicans or
democrats, with their own agenda, just like the supreme court in the 2000 election, so
outcomes, unless they are so overwhelming, can be changed.
Whoever you are voting for, just hope that they are winning by a large margin, and cheating can't make the difference.