Colpy said :
"In a free country, there is absolutely no requirement for me to explain the reasons that I would own any legal device.......unfortunately, this nation is slowly pulling away from the concept of liberty."
Unfortunately, some people feel that Liberty means that they can do whatever they want and screw everything and what everybody else thinks or wants.
Until we are fully capable of understanding that with Liberty there must come maturity, responsibility and respect for life and those around them, which we have scarcely ever seen, especially from people who always like to point out that they are 'Free to do what they want', i don't think that Canada should go there. What with the USA being only one example of the prototype of this sort of Freedom, we see that the only freedom to be had is by the one holding the gun.
What i see going on that may be more subtle is that Canada seems to be desperately trying to be like the US. That only makes me think that our Prime Minister - as strong and as independent as he wants us to believe he is, is really just a pussy for Bush to play with.
Here's another way to look at it. Take the heinous murder that happened in Manitoba just recently. You know the crazy guy that decided to come to Canada because there he would be free to do whatever he wanted and then basically carved up a human being right on a greyhound bus while everybody was running and in shock. Sounds bad enough hey? Well imagine if every man on that bus had a gun and decided that they wanted to be a hero, but didn't have the actual skills to qualify as one, there very well could have been a possibility that not one but everybody on that bus would've been dead - including the perpetrator. After all, the only statement that this crazy has made since everything happened is "Just kill me!"
It is a known fact, and should be known especially by people who own guns, that in many cases, the weapon being used as self defense ends up being used against the victim. Why? Because many, who are full of piss and vinegar and otherwise, usually lack the intelligence/judgement and the gumption to use the gun on a human being and underestimate their opponent. You can't beat crazy with fear. And in the majority of cases, anyone who is out to seriously hurt somebody is usually far outside the proper mental parameters of society. Shooting animals is very different than shooting a human being. And if you think that it's something that you could do, then you shouldn't own a gun.
"Those who live by the sword, die by it" It's an old quote but it is still quite relevant.
However, Colpy, that you should be free to own a gun, sure! if we could trust everybody in this country to respect life and be responsible. But they don't do psychological assessments on people to see if they are even mentally capable to own one because that would be infringing on their freedoms. So in the name of Liberty we sell guns to people who want to kill and end the Liberty of others.
How ignorant and hypocritical of us to be shouting out our right to freedom knowing that that which that we are fighting for is something that has been used and has no other purpose but to end and destroy Liberty itself.
With that, until we stop hearing the pubestent-like arguments that it's 'my right' and 'it's a free country' or 'i can do what i want', i think its safe to say that we, as a collective society, obviously don't know what Freedom is or what it really means.
Guns are not the answer to our problems.
But what i do know is this : if we as a society decide to choose guns as the answer then you can be ASSURED that the very Liberty that you say gives you the right, will the first casualty. Guaranteed!
Africa anyone?