Canadian Woman in Mexican Jail


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
A lot of us have been doing a lot of speculating on what will be the most suitable penalty for this lady. one of us even suggested she serve the whole penalty in Mexico. I don't think any of us know any of the details about her involvement with her crooked boss. The lady was a cook/chef traveling with her employer. The measly $26,000.00(her boss made billions) she got as termination pretty much shows she wasn't in on the big money. If she is guilty of anything, it is probably ignorance, and a touch of stupidity.


The more I hear about this case, the more I am convinced this woman was screwed in a major way.

BTW, according to CBC News, she should have a parole hearing in about three weeks.....
That must be a record even for Canada.....sentenced to 5 years, paroled in 3 weeks.



Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The way this is unfolding everyone saves face. The Mexicans can say the found her guilty and justice prevailed, then pass her a sentence that conveniently makes her eligible for parole in Canada immediately. It appears scripted at many levels.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
It's all one big friggin joke. Did I not tell you all that as soon as she got sent back here Canada would release her almost right away?

Well now they sent her back to Canada to finish her sentence and now they're going to release her, just as predicted..... regardless that they found her guilty and that she actually was.

Oh but I guess if you sob your sorry little ass to the media and bitch that the country isn't bailing you out, eventually it will.

Makes me want to puke in my underwear and wear it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
It's all one big friggin joke. Did I not tell you all that as soon as she got sent back here Canada would release her almost right away?

Well now they sent her back to Canada to finish her sentence and now they're going to release her, just as predicted..... regardless that they found her guilty and that she actually was.

Oh but I guess if you sob your sorry little ass to the media and bitch that the country isn't bailing you out, eventually it will.

Makes me want to puke in my underwear and wear it.

Guilty of what?

Accepting severance pay?

Found guilty by whom?

A judge with no jury?

And her trips to the media may very well be the reason she was found guilty as she embarassed Mexico.........


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
If you decide to go someplace and for whatever reasons get yourself into trouble...why is that my responsibility? I take responsibility for my actions and over what I can control and the choices I make...when did the notion of responsibility change?


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Guilty of what?

Laundering Money perhaps.... you know, that thing she was charged for?

Accepting severance pay?

Pay that was given to her from stolen money which I am pretty sure everybody who worked in that company was fully aware of being illegal.... oh but she claimed she never knew it was illegal nor did she ask..... well Ignorance of the Law is not an excuse and if you have some little hint in the back of your head that there might be something wrong with the money given to you and you don't ask before you accept the money, then you are equally guilty as the person handing it to you. And trying to cover your ass by not asking or just turning a blind eye isn't an excuse either.

And her cover as being a cook for some internet company is a blaitent joke.

Tell me something.... what exactly did her company actually do that was their ligit cover besides internet fruad?

I have yet to hear anybody explain that one to me.... and if there isn't any other explination except being an "Internet Company" then clearly the entire company was just one big internet scam, and they attempted to scam people outside of Canada and elsewhere, such as Mexico figuring they could avoid legal action against them.... and if they faced it, they knew their country would bail them out.... just as what happened right here.

It's so typical of scam artists it's sickening.

I knew Mexico would find her guilty beyond the media hype because she had no logical defense for her case or her actions, nor does it all add up. Not to mention I am sure the Judge/Courts had more information available to them on this case then you or I, so I would trust their judgement more so then some public's opinion based on the media.

Found guilty by whom?

A judge with no jury?

Yeah guess what? Not all court cases use a Jury and sometimes they just use a Judge..... what's the problem?

And her trips to the media may very well be the reason she was found guilty as she embarassed Mexico.........

Pssh... she embarassed herself and Canada, not Mexico. The reason why her final hearing was delayed was because her defense sent in more information at the last minute and the Judge had to review the new information, which prolonged her final ruling.... all the while she started her poor ass media crying that she'd have to wait a couple more days.... Boo Friggin Hoo for the Little Princess.

She and all her dumb ass supporters unloaded this evil image of Mexico and that they were waiting for bribes to release her, and they treated her like hell and she was suicidal, etc...... then the Mexicans released the video footage of her in the pagent showing how well they've treated her......

..... Both the Mexicans and the Canadian government shot down most of her bogus claims with such things as:

The Mexican authorities allowed her 24 hour access to the kitchen in the jail, which no other prisoners had.

The Canadian Government checked up on her on a regular basis (Where she claimed they left her to rot) and on a few occasions the Canadian Reps didn't meet with her for many reasons, one of which was that she was attending the Pagent and having a grand ol time.

The Mexican authorities said she wasn't eating properly, even the diet in which she requested, and when they sent her to the hospital due to not eating properly, she ordered out for fast food and pigged out on that while there.


You guys want to know what's really going to piss me off to no end now that she's back here in Canada?

• More and more interviews from the media about her terrible ordeal and her crying her ass off.
• There'll probably be some lame ass low budget movie about her troubles in Mexico, or at the very least a crappy TV Movie on CTV.
• She'll get even more rich from all her books and all her interviews, crappy TV cameos and she'll continue to scam and profit from all of this...... the poor oppressed princess of Canada.

FFS.... all of this is just the very start of the annoyances, not to mention the potiential tensions between Mexico and Canada over this debacle.

We've only just begun to hear about her poor, sad little life.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC

Martin '100 per cent better,' after return from Mexico, mother says

The mother of Brenda Martin, the Canadian woman who spent more than two years in a Mexican jail, says her daughter seems "100 per cent better" since returning to southern Ontario.

No kidding, because she got what she stomped her feet and cried for..... fkk'n drama queen.....

Marjorie Bletcher said she spoke with her daughter Thursday night by phone after she arrived at the Grand Valley Institute for Women in Kitchener, Ont., from Mexico. A government-chartered jet carrying Martin touched down at Waterloo Regional Airport shortly before 6 p.m. ET.

"She said 'I'm home, Mommy, I'm home," an emotional Bletcher told CBC News on Friday. "She sounded 100 per cent better than she has sounded in the last week or so.

"She just didn't know what was going to happen and she could not almost believe they were going to let her go in Mexico. She's been worried about that. She's had so many letdowns, that's been her problem.

"She said 'I'm OK and I'm going to be OK.'"

Found guilty in Mexican court

Martin, 51, from Trenton, Ont., had been working in Mexico and was found guilty last week of money laundering by a Mexican judge. She had been in a Guadalajara-area jail since 2006, and in the past few months was sedated and on a suicide watch.

Longtime friend and advocate Debra Tieleman said she also spoke with Martin on the phone Thursday. She said Martin thanked her, Canadians and "everyone who brought me home."

"She said it was amazing to actually land and to know that she was in Canada. She said that the corrections officials were so kind to her, that people at the prison had been just amazing to her," Tieleman told CBC News.

"She was just thrilled to be home, just absolutely thrilled. Sounded like a different person."

Um... because she probably now knows she's going to get out of jail in a few days rather then the 5 years (Or 3 if you want to account for the two she already served) and she's basically got this image as some friggin hero.... for what?

Martin was sentenced to five years in prison in Mexico without parole, as well as a fine of 35,800 pesos, or around $3,500.

Her lawyer, Guillermo Cruz Rico, said Martin will be eligible for parole and could be free in a couple of months. She has already served one-third of her sentence, counting time served before the verdict.

So she was sentenced to 5 years with no parole, and then sent to Canada and now is getting a Parole?

What a system.

Martin, 51, was accused of participating in a $60 million internet fraud scheme run by Canadian Alyn Waage, who was convicted of fraud in 2006 and is serving a 10-year term in a U.S. prison.

Mexican investigators said Martin, who worked as Waage's chef in Puerto Vallarta for 10 months, accepted a severance package knowing the money came from the scam.

But Martin has maintained her innocence, saying she knew nothing of Waage's schemes. Waage's testimony corroborated her story.

What a Joke.....


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

What the hell do you have against that woman? I have seen no proof that she was guilty of anything but poor judgement. She sure as hell didn't make a lot of money!


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC

What the hell do you have against that woman? I have seen no proof that she was guilty of anything but poor judgement. She sure as hell didn't make a lot of money!

A hell of a lot more then what I'm making per year and I got all kinds of experience and education.... far more then a damn cook.... but that's beside the point. What I have against her is that she's a text book two-faced lying scam artist and if anybody can't pick up on that, then I don't know what to tell you.

Her story of being a cook is BS as explained countless times in numerous threads.

Her suicide watch and drama ways of being in such terrible shape stinks to high heaven of a spoiled woman who probably got everything she ever wanted as a child because she knew how to play the water works for her "mommy" and sob about feeling suicidal..... cripes that Bi'atch looks close to be 60 years old.... if she was going to kill herself, she would have done it a long time ago, and being someone who used to be suicidal, I know the difference between someone who actually is suicidal and someone who plays it for the attention, and she's been playing it for the attention since day 1.

and thirdly before I go any farther.... how blind.... no correction.... How damn stupid must you be not to notice that you're a part of a company which has scammed $60 million from people on the internet?

Oh yeah sure... she was innocent alright. Mark my words (And I've been right so far about this case... from Mexico finding her guilty right up to Canada getting her and then revolving the door for her) she's got her whole life setup now, she's going to have all kinds of book deals and she's going to be a big Canadian Celebrity (as big as those come I guess) and amongst the money she hasn't been caught scamming and she kept, she'll have even more added on top of that.

Hell.... let's go one step farther in predictions here..... I bet you that shortly after she's released and she's a free scam artist again, she's going to attempt to sue or get some form of additional compensation from the Mexican government for her poor poor miserable life.

They should lock her away for 5 years in jail regardless and straighten her corrupt ass out but good.

Sorry, but I look far beyond emotional appeals and sob stories on TV and there was a hell of a lot more leaning on her guilt then there was proving any sort of innocence on her part.... hince why she was found guilty in the first place.

If you guys seriously think she's innocent in this, then my jeez..... I don't know what else to tell you. I guess it's not my loss.... yet.


Oh yeah and one more thing... for any sucessful money scam to work, one needs a third party to take the money and launder it to make it untraceable or else they're eventually going to find you much faster..... her boss was not the one and only person in this scam responsible and it takes much more then just one person to do this easily...... so their company has a cook.... once again.... what internet company has their own personal Cook?

Tell me exactly how did her boss get away with stealing $60 million in the first place before he was caught? What was the process he used to do this? I'll give you three guesses.
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
She put most of that severance pay back into the co. as an investment.:lol:Now, that was dumb!

Dumb? Nope.... only dumb if you're trying to look innocent. That was how their company did it.... hire the employees on.... have them there for a bit, fire them, give them these severance packages, they invest them back into the company, they're hired back on.... they do it again..... come on people.... money laundering 101.

And to keep it going, if they are caught the boss will take the fall and cover everybody's ass in the deal, which doesn't matter for him because once he's back out of jail, he's already loaded.
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Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Tell me exactly how did her boss get away with stealing $60 million in the first place before he was caught? What was the process he used to do this? I'll give you three guesses.

I can tell you one thing: If you have an internet company that is scamming tens of millions of illegal dollars, you sure as hell don't tell the cook who's getting about two grand a month all about it.


Jan 6, 2007
Prax... might I point out that you're making some assumptions, filling in some blanks for yourself, and seem a bit emotionally invested. ;-)


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Prax... might I point out that you're making some assumptions, filling in some blanks for yourself, and seem a bit emotionally invested. ;-)

I think plenty of people have filled in plenty of their own blanks on this case and are more emotionally invested then I on this matter.... I'm just getting started.

It's simple common sense and many of my basic questions have not been answered at all yet, not by media reports, not by released court documents, not by others in these forums, nothing....

If this was done in our own courts, she still wouldn't have a decent nor logical defense... but then again, in our courts, we have to prove guilt, not the other way around (But then wtf do we arrest and charge people in crimes if we don't think they're guilty to begin with?)

I'm not filling anymore gaps and holes then anybody else in this topic, the only problem is that I make more sense because I know the game she's playing.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I'm not filling anymore gaps and holes then anybody else in this topic, the only problem is that I make more sense because I know the game she's playing.

Does she write to you every day? Do you get regular information packages from her lawyer? Admit it Praxius, on this topic you are as poorly informed as the rest of us......;-):smile: