Nouveau Tech Society Scam

Baltar Guyus

New Member
Apr 19, 2007
I have recently received my 3rd letter from the Nouveau Tech Society. I have once again untill Friday to respond. I haven't got the money but it appears another book is also required after you receive the first 1000 page one with the much vaunted"Secret".
This letter indicates that he had to convince the leading members that though I hadn't paid after the 56 page booklet or on the second letter that I was worth it. I am worth it actually. However man does not live by bread alone. Jesus was poor and look what he did for mankind.
I am not saying that this society isn't real. It exists. Why do the rich and famous need my $139.95? Why not send me the book and I would surely repay you when I have the fortune it hearalds those who have it. I even called and asked the girl who picked up the phone if she was a member of the Noveau Tech Society, Her reply"You have to be invited." The phone number exists for this place in Grove City, Ohio. I want to believe but having done some TeleMarketing let me clue you in. They create a need for Urgency by telling you that you have untill Friday or your window is gone and they will never contact you again. I have received 2 more letters none the less.They also prey on your weakness and greed to achieve "Super Powers." You already have that it is commonly known as Free Will.
I want to believe this so it is working on me. I need a miracle in my life right now. However that little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me that If I am this desired by Noveau Tech that maybe I should use my powers for other things that don't require a $139.95 . You should all make your own judgement about this Society because there is a ton of sites when you google it. Obviously something is driving it forward into main stream Society. Love , Money, Power and the ability to win when you Gamble. Who wouldn't want that? The real Gamble sets the stakes at $139.95 so buy in if you believe they can really deliver!


Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
I have recently received my 3rd letter from the Nouveau Tech Society. I have once again untill Friday to respond. I haven't got the money but it appears another book is also required after you receive the first 1000 page one with the much vaunted"Secret".
This letter indicates that he had to convince the leading members that though I hadn't paid after the 56 page booklet or on the second letter that I was worth it. I am worth it actually. However man does not live by bread alone. Jesus was poor and look what he did for mankind.
I am not saying that this society isn't real. It exists. Why do the rich and famous need my $139.95? Why not send me the book and I would surely repay you when I have the fortune it hearalds those who have it. I even called and asked the girl who picked up the phone if she was a member of the Noveau Tech Society, Her reply"You have to be invited." The phone number exists for this place in Grove City, Ohio. I want to believe but having done some TeleMarketing let me clue you in. They create a need for Urgency by telling you that you have untill Friday or your window is gone and they will never contact you again. I have received 2 more letters none the less.They also prey on your weakness and greed to achieve "Super Powers." You already have that it is commonly known as Free Will.
I want to believe this so it is working on me. I need a miracle in my life right now. However that little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me that If I am this desired by Noveau Tech that maybe I should use my powers for other things that don't require a $139.95 . You should all make your own judgement about this Society because there is a ton of sites when you google it. Obviously something is driving it forward into main stream Society. Love , Money, Power and the ability to win when you Gamble. Who wouldn't want that? The real Gamble sets the stakes at $139.95 so buy in if you believe they can really deliver!
When you see something like this the old adage 'Too good to be true' applies.


New Member
May 13, 2007
The Nouveau Tech Society

They almost got me!!! Well I am a Christian. I got the first letter a few weeks ago maybe. I just got the first booklet this Friday. When I began to read it I knew I would never truly join them for they keep speaking of a secret. My first thougth was this was also the Illuminati (may not have spelled it right), anyway I had already read a few books about them and what they are truly about. Like many I also wondered who are these people and what profile are they talking about?

Also anybody who wants to control someone is wrong! We have free will from God, so its not right to want to force anyone to be or do anything. I also believe and testify of a peace of mind and joy in my heart that comes from my knowledge and understanding of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am content in and through all things, the good times and the bad times. The ups and the downs. I always seem to have peace.

I also believe that anything not of God or from God is of the Devil and or man himself. If these people have something that can make any one better, make societies better then why hold back anyway? They speak of love, but if they all had true love, then they would share with the world. Who doesnt want peace and happiness for themselves and those they know and love?

Thank God I didn't have the money to order the second book and it also came on Friday and I work a second shift job, so it was too late to mail it anyway. I didn't get inside to find it until about 15 minutes after midnight, lol. God is Good! He watched out for me, usually I get home earlier than that, but was a little late!

I have learned to watch out for groups who hold back things. They tell you they have secrets they can't share. One thing about my God and Father. He states a lack of knowledge destroys us, so by this we know he wants us to know and understand all that we can. He desires for us not to be mislead and deceived, but instead full of knowledge and understanding concerning truths.

Well I really just wanted to say I wouldn't trust them especially being a Christian. You all have a blessed day and if any mother's read this today. Happy Mother's Day to you!

You want happiness and peace and joy, I am a witness that it is found in the Lord!

Take Care All


New Member
May 28, 2007
Sentiment For Life

I too have had three letters sent to me. The last one said I was too special to simply let me fall away and have my gifts go to no use. This person (Your Friend and Mentor, Anonymous) insisted that he had to convince others I really was worth a final chance. All I needed to do was log onto a web site and my chance to turn around my life would begin. In the meantime they were, "power-thinking your future."
I do not believe in love, faith or hope--not any longer. My life is trashed because of those three things. I won’t bore you with how those three items could lead to destruction of ones life. I just know "Infinite Diversity and Infinite Combinations" actually exist. I went to the trouble of signing up here to simply say: If you are young and seek a good life, however you define that, just study history. All the answers to life goals are there in. That, to me, is the secret of life so many seek but for some reason miss. I learned this truth, but too late to build a business and home.
If this seems to dramatic for you then read on.
Fearlessness is better than a faint heart for any who put his or hers nose out of the door. For the length of each persons life and the day of death were fated long ago (ask any doctor).
Therefore, expect your share of trouble. Endure it! Or even better, laugh at it! Most of all, use it, rise above it and carve out a name with bravery, loyalty and generosity.
To do thus means you have to learn to value life itself (i.e. birth of all life, natural instincts, the physical universe and the end of all the same).
Understand the fault with and criticize sternly (as would a caring parent or best friend) those without skill or wisdom.
Cherish and celebrate friendships, beware of treachery, practice moderation, be hospitable and try to expect the unexpected.
These quests for knowledge lead to wisdom and a good name. The good name will outlive you but, perhaps not your children.
Redbeard :clock:
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New Member
Jun 25, 2007
So you wanted to hear from someone who has brought the book, well I have and I can confirm it is a 1000 pages of waffling nonsense, it denounces God and is very anti-religion, I myself did not particularly believe in God at the time.
My husband had the book for a while and no riches or other good fortune befell him. The only useful thing to be taken from the book is not to beleive in superstition or good luck charms and the such (yet interestingly they say that just owning this book and good things will happen for you)! is that not placing your faith in something like say a lucky book! hmmm,
Then of course once you have brought 1 book they will tell you need to buy yet more books to get the true power!! and so it goes on. Any hidden messenges in the book are that you need to part with yet more money!
So for those of you who are in doubt out there I can confirm it is a scam, the only people getting rich are its authors.
My book has since been trashed:lol: Believe me when I say save your money and your time and simply shred any letters from these scammers.
For those of you who want peace turn to God only He can grant true peace.


New Member
Jul 9, 2007
HI just wanted to let everyone know that I have just received my 56 page free secret book. What a joke. I wanted to learn more about this secret society so i got on the web and found this. Its good to know that most everyone else had the same idea. The one thing that really got me was that EVERYONE in the storys on this book got there 1000page book FREE. They either found it or someone gave it to them. That is where i saw the scam. Glad everyone else did also. Have a great night or day.


New Member
Jul 12, 2007
I have recieved same, Do they think we are idiots? The first letter told of Keven going to Vegas and meeting a winner who, over time, and through some librarian obtained the manuscripts. Next 28 days I was in possetion of my 56 page booklet reading about Jennifer in the exact word for word Vegas story as above................It's like if your gonna scam, at least perfect it..Jeeze.


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
nouveau tech

I, too, have recieved the letter. I admit I almost became a sucker too.until I recieved the first letter ,you know,the one" you will never recieve again".This is all I have to say, if they know me so well they will know that I have absolutely got nothing and if they want me to join their "society" so badly they will have to send it to me completely free of charge,No shipping and handling included.


New Member
Sep 17, 2007
Nouveau nonsense

Frankly, I was amused while briefing the letter I received today. The claims they were making were too outrageous to be taken seriously. I truly thought a couple of times that it might be a bazaar joke. What an INTRO! "It turns out you're more special than any of us imagined!"? I don't believe it has ever been my experience previously to be so completely "stroked"!!

The dead give-away was the claim that they knew me, and then insisted that I was interested in such selfish, self-promoting goals. The audacity to mention God so many times, and yet insist upon this mystical "power" being reality?!? Do we each hold a power within us? Of course we do!!! How much we tap? And how we allow that to guide our choices in our lives is up to us. No "booklet" is going to unlock this just by its perusal!

I believe I know how I ended up on their "special people" list. I recently ordered a book that Kevin Trudeau wrote, and he included a note in this letter urging me to submit my response. As for obtaining addresses, and phone numbers, it's truly much simpler than some might like to admit. As far as I'm concerned, the man is little more than a "snake oil" salesman.

I'm glad I decided to search for info on the web, it's good to hear from so many who decided to question what people wrote to them "especially".



New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Just wanted to let you know this letter is still alive and kicking around. I knew it was a scam when it said it was sent First Class mail and the envelope said .33 cents. That's bulk mail if I ever saw it and who would ever swear on a bible in a letter. Only some crazy cult person. We had just ordered this book from Kevin Trudeau regarding organic foods and ended with this letter as well.


New Member
Oct 29, 2007
Exactly as I thought ...

Gee, it is just as I thought. The letter to my boyfriend arrived after he ordered thosed Kevin Trudeau books and me I glanced at one or two of his Nouveau Tech books and noticed the vague language that takes twenty or more pages to get to even one clear point---just like Trudeau--lots of speaking "around" things. I have a B.A. in English and have analyzed a great amount of writing and the N.T. is very evasive and weird at times--even. I give about $4.50 tops for one of these $139.00 volumes printed on the cheapest newsprint paper around that will not physically last over time--newsprint is very acidic and breaks down easily--which is why professional artists who are printmakers or sketch never use it for serious work. Therefore, the chances of the paper of these volumes making it through your future family "dynasty's" reading and handing down of them is pretty iffy right there---the paper is so cheap it is unlikely to hold up!!! I get much more out of a new vacuum cleaner and a man who would act less self centered. This stuff is very similar in certain ways to Scientology and the whole concept of getting "clear" of your programming. They didn't want me either---my former boyfriend was a former Navy guy and they sucked him into their playing psychological word game stuff and selling classes and books...eventually I got him to see the light and the falseness of their philosophy. Common sense just ain't that common.Anyone know if these NT guys ever do produce any meetings of the elite as they claim they will---post third volume???


New Member
Oct 29, 2007
I did not buy it

Hmmm.... I believe I made it pretty clear in my message that I DID NOT BUY the NT stuff. It does not seem to contain any info I don't already know. My post was not about ME purchasing it.:cool:


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Hmmm.... I believe I made it pretty clear in my message that I DID NOT BUY the NT stuff. It does not seem to contain any info I don't already know. My post was not about ME purchasing it.:cool:

Sorry. I don't really read these anymore. One thing for sure, these guys have a sweet scam going as lots of people are tempted.:smile:


New Member
Dec 3, 2007
Melbourne, Australia.
Hello to all from Melbourne, Australia.

I just got the same letter in the mail today and I think I will send in for the FREE secrets that will change my life. Hey, I have to find out for myself, right! I have bolded the word "FREE" Because they have appeared so many times in the letter, 14 to be exact. So I am taking them at there word and am expecting not to ever be asked for any moneys (I know they're reading this).. My letter totals 8 pages and was sent on November 29, 2007. Received today December 3rd. The return address is:

850 South Boulder Highway, Henderson,
Nevada 89193
United States of America

The self addressed envelope they sent me is addressed to:

Invitation Processing
P.O. Box 95338
Las Vegas, Nevada 89193-5338
United States of America

I have included all the address details above as they seem to be new and if they do ask for money, I can start giving those addresses to every dodgy website I come across so they start getting bulk mail outs blocking up there P.O. Box.

I hope the world becomes a better place and people stop griping about those of other countries as that seemed to be the overtone of the first couple of pages of this thread. Apart from that lets keep the conversation going as that is the only way we'll all be educated enough to spot and stop dodgy systems, scams and such.

Hope all are well and thanks for taking the time to read my post.

Kind regards, Benji_Waters
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New Member
Dec 3, 2007
Melbourne, Australia.

My letter stated that they called themselves the NT Secret Society and the 56 page booklet will contain all of the NT Secrets and that they will change my life somehow. I will keep you all posted on the transformation..
Cheers, Benji_Waters :lol:
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