Now that being said, I AM very critical of your government and of its history... But I have so much to learn... It's of course easier for me to have access to anti-US opinions but I always make a great effort to see the other side of a coin.
And you should be, everyone should be. So long as you can attempt an objective analysis, you won't go wrong. Knee-jerk anti-americanism used to get my blood boiling, until I understood that is was coming from the meek. So why bother debating an issue. I have thrown tons of evidence in every direction and from every direction, and it is never enough.
I used to be a flag burning (American) die hard socialist/marxist until my early twenties. It was the 80's after all. Until Istarted reading material not spoon fed to me. If anything, Europe made me more capitalist when I lived there than the US "system" could ever hope to accomplish.
Questioning government, not trusting government is paramount to a democracy. When you think your (any) politicians have done right by the people, then you're not paying attention and you're not being a good citizen. But there is a far cry from questioning government and believing anybody out there that has a political ax to grind.
S_lone, you're one of the vey few members here I enjoy reading criticism against the US, you're not anti-American, if anything, I believe you look up to the US and hope it will deliver what was promised 200 years ago.
Remember that the US is an experiment, we took a great many thoughts and ideas from all corners of the world to create a unique (And very American) Constitution. People get dissapointed of America, because most them, living on the outside, look up to America. I've had many conversations with many people all over the world, whether it be a tourist in New York, or a visit to their country, and I have found the same results. This experiment has been criticised from it's inception.
European elitists have had much to do with this since the US even existed. Do your research, look deep into history, and you will find many answers to your questions. We're certainly not infallible and we have phucked up big time, many times.
We've had our fair share of moronic Presidents in our hsitory. We've also accomplished a great many things, on our own, and with foreign assistance.
Keep the questions coming, they're very well presented IMO.