Shooting at Virginia Tech


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
he was on antidepressants, same as them guys that did columbine. luvox, prozac and zoltov...which sound like alien names t' me, lol , can and do cause homicdal and suicdal tendencies
[SIZE=+2]America Over-Dosed:[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]The Role Of Anti-Depressants[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]In The Columbine Tragedy[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]& Other Bizarre Killings[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Christopher Bollyn[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]American Free Press[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]June 2006[/SIZE]
Many of the nightmarish killings of recent memory, especially the bizarre family tragedies which seem to be occurring with increasing frequency, have been scientifically linked to a sleep disorder caused by commonly-used, but dangerous and addictive anti-depressant medications.​

The Psychiatric Drugs Connection T he massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, took place on April 20, 1999. Astonishingly, for eight days after the tragedy, during thousands of hours of prime-time television coverage, virtually no one mentioned the word "drugs" Then the issue was opened. Eric Harris one of the shooters at Columbine, was on at least one prescription drug. The New York Times of April 29, 1999 and other papers reported that Harris was rejected from enlisting in the Marines or medical reasons. A friend of the family told the Times that Harris was being treated by a psychiatrist. And then, several sources told the Washington Post that the drug prescribed as treatment was Luvox, manufactured by Solvay. Two days later, the t1drug issue" was gone.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
The problem I have with this is their is nothing wrong with being weird. Being weird is different then having a serious mental illness. What a boring world we would live in if we were all the same.
No absolutely nolthing wrong with being wierd, but there were written reports about this
young man, that should prevent him from buying a firearm. If those files are private info.
that means that people with mental disabilities can purchase firearms, ridiculous.
Fix it, and fix it now.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
No absolutely nolthing wrong with being wierd, but there were written reports about this
young man, that should prevent him from buying a firearm. If those files are private info.
that means that people with mental disabilities can purchase firearms, ridiculous.
Fix it, and fix it now.

exactly...he was picked up on stalking and some other charge as well.. previously


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
No absolutely nolthing wrong with being wierd, but there were written reports about this
young man, that should prevent him from buying a firearm. If those files are private info.
that means that people with mental disabilities can purchase firearms, ridiculous.
Fix it, and fix it now.

I totally agree with you. I just wish the media would use the word mental illness instead of saying weird or off.


Council Member
May 24, 2006
Great Satan
I refuse to watch or read the little sh|ts manifesto. I couldn't care less if mommy and daddy didn't love him. Or whatever his damn issue was. At some point, people need to quit being victims and take responsibility for their actions. Course I guess he can't now..but at least he's gone.


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
I refuse to watch or read the little sh|ts manifesto. I couldn't care less if mommy and daddy didn't love him. Or whatever his damn issue was. At some point, people need to quit being victims and take responsibility for their actions. Course I guess he can't now..but at least he's gone.

It's actually kind of disturbing. I found it so disturbing that after about the fifth time seeing it I had to change the channel. I just don't like the feeling of being subjected to that much hate. His parents were irrelevant. His universe was in his head.


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
I just had a chance to see what he sent (at least a small part of t) to NBC and man that young man was sure whacked out. He sounded like he was just palin angry at anything and everything. It's too bad those who spotted him and tried to get him some help couldn't succeed. What troubles me most is the lack of what I deem adeqaute response on the part of the VT Campus Police Department. The minute the first shooting took place earlier in the day the whole campus should have been locked down and all classes cancelled. I know it is 20/20 hindsight but think of what the possibilities could have been versus what the realities are. This is really an international nightmare. Some other deranged person is now going to try to break this record for shootings. Too bad. Those who think like this don't know any borders and all of us are potential targets. This is one that any form of gun control couldn't have prevented. I think he was set to do this at any cost.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Fueling the agendas for the "Ban-Gun-Lobby" is the most remarkable factor here. Although, each experienced reader will recognize that there was a GUN BAN in effect on the whole area of the Virginia Tech campus. It failed to protect the victims, clearly - as it would fail to protect ANYONE OF YOU - if any "gunban" would be widened throughout the States. It is interesting to watch the behaviour of the MSM - especially in the case of the killer at the Appalachian School of Law in January 2002. Three persons got killed before two ARMED students managed to subdue the aggressor and PREVENTED WORSE.

Posted Apr 18, 2007 02:44 PM PST

The Bath School Disaster
With all due respect and sympathy to the victims and their families of the Columbine and McDonald's shootings, the Oklahoma bombing, and other mass murders, they were not the worst mass murders of children in the US.
Posted Apr 18, 2007 09:42 AM PST

And he didn't use a gun to do it!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I refuse to watch or read the little sh|ts manifesto. I couldn't care less if mommy and daddy didn't love him. Or whatever his damn issue was. At some point, people need to quit being victims and take responsibility for their actions. Course I guess he can't now..but at least he's gone.

Dead on, Thomaska.
Another bothersome thing keeps nagging at my does a single person with a handgun, for God's sake, manage to shoot dead 29 people in close proximity..............and wound how many more?
It seems beyond comprehension.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

He had two handguns - one a 9 mil Glock and a 22 cal Walther - and plenty of ammunition from the pictures of the bulletproof vest he was wearing with all the pockets filled...

He had the last group trapped in a classroom with no way out. They would have to get past him to run -
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Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Mental illness is a disease affecting the brain and how it works - it isn't because his home life was unpleasant, or he had poor social relationships - he had a disease - and while affecting his mental capacities - it is also physical as well as pathological and nobody goes looking for the disease - it just happens to an unlucky few.

His flat affect which he displayed over the years was misinterpreted as depression which is why he was given anti-depressants. These are not the correct treatment for paranoid schizophrenia.

The young man was passed around like a hot potato - the school staff didn't want to deal with him, nor were they equipped to deal with him - and to avoid having to get him committed, they dropped the issue of possible future harm - perhaps because he was a senior they hoped he would finish school and be gone when he became even sicker.

Unless a person is trained to look for triggers or signs - he would present as an angry nerd - which is what he probably was at the beginning - but the progression of his illness translated much of daily life into a campaign being waged against him personally (in his own mind). His room-mates wouldn't have the skills to get it but when he was sent specifically to a psychiatric facility - how the hell they didn't assess his obviously off-balance skewed versions of frustrating to all of us who count on professionals being able to take charge of this guy who was so sick.

A lot of people moved this kid along the conveyor belt to the day he killed... because we don't wish to get involved - nobody wants to tackle a jerk who isn't friendly but rude and anti-social - and mental illness wins another round in taking down the primary person and his victims.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
A reader's letter to the editor of the Daily Telegraph. Guns make the US a much more violent and dangerous place to live in than Britain -

Role of the gun in murder rates in the US and UK

Sir - In the light of the horrific massacre in Virginia, homicide rates both in Britain and the United States offer a revealing picture.

England and Wales had 766 recorded murders in 2005 (including the 52 victims of July 7). Scotland was a slightly riskier place to live in the same year (when you consider its population is 5 million compared to England and Wales's almost 55 million), with 93 violent deaths, bringing the total across Britain (not including Northern Ireland) to 859.

This suggests an average of two or three a day, and the risk of violent death in Britain is roughly 15 per million.

America reported 17,000 violent deaths in 2005. This would suggest 46 deaths a day, representing a risk of violent death of 56 per million.

The American Rifle Association defends the right to bear arms on the grounds that it is not guns that kill people, but people who kill people. Well, of course, guns don't kill people, providing that they are kept locked up, preferably in a vault whose key has been thrown away.

If you are armed or known probably to be armed, it is more likely that your assailant will be armed, too. Since assailants don't usually warn you before shooting, I don't see how having a gun is a protection.

It is a weapon intended to be used aggressively, not defensively. For precisely these reasons, resistance to arming British police is strong.

In America in 2005, 55 law enforcement officers lost their lives violently. The murder of a law enforcement officer in Britain is so rare that it makes national headlines.

The right to bear arms is enshrined in the American Constitution. Does that make it right? Amend the constitution.

Trevor Rigg, Edinburgh, UK
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House Member
Jun 9, 2006
How much longer will people in North America blithely ignore the manifestations confronting us all nearly every day? We have a culture saturated with violence. Our movie and television industries escalate gratuitous violence to higher and higher levels with every new release. Although the second amendment was intended to arm a civilian militia to counter the possibility of a British attack, firearms manufacturers and political parties have used the “right to bear arms” as the rallying call to embed violence as a right!

We have never adequately addressed the underpinning elements within our cultures and societies that spawn the disregard for civility that makes us all victims. We have never embraced the hypocrisy of making the Chinese victims to our “national dream”…then hitting immigrants with a head-tax…

We’ve been lulled to acquiescence by media and vested interest to believe that the African American in the United States has actually achieved equality with whites….

We’ve been conditioned to believe that the poor are responsible for crime and anti-social behavior because…they make poor choices and repeat cycles of poverty across generations…its their fault!

We throng to basketball courts to watch the shenanigans of anti-social behavior of many basketball players before we’re willing to celebrate the athleticism of the team player….

We pay to attend hockey games where there’s “hopefully” going to be a broken neck or at least a number of pools of blood on the ice surface…before we acknowledge the players with skill who don’t make their enormous salaries as goons….

We purchase high-powered automobiles that are capable of speeds beyond the posted limit and regard our “right” to own these monstrosities as license to own the road…and poor pity the unfortunate that cuts us off….

We will tolerate poverty and second-class citizenship for our native Canadians but spring into action when a few white folk get sick drinking tainted water in Walkerton….

We endorse our governments establishing a tax on the poor and hopeless…lotteries…then when it turns out that convenience store operators are guilty of defrauding a hundred million dollars…we hold them responsible not the government that created the system in the first place…

We ignore the sicknesses of anorexia and bulimia until we’re told we have a problem…on the Oprah Winfrey show….

Our idealized perfect (sexy) men and women…runway models with the best diet the best costumes the best management…is adopted as the model for normalcy and when we as regular folk don’t measure up we end up with disorders both psychological and medical….

There are fundamental inequities and injustices that pervade our societies and we ignore the expression of these inequities and injustices until they’re turned into movies and video games….

Our attention is focused on picking-up-the-pieces…and waiting while movie moguls and TV empires have the opportunity to marginalize everyone from women and people of color to children and anyone who’s “different”…

We elect not to bring the same sharp focus of criticism on our social institutions that we bring to those whom these very social institutions tell us are “responsible” for the carnage and suffering that permeates our airwaves….

If you want to know who’s responsible for VT massacre…look in the mirror.


disturber of the peace
OMG... I just got home, the radio is connected in my bathroom, and it flicks on when the lights are on, and I heard about a massacre.

Run to TV... FOX News Channel, in awe.

Agreed sanctus, may God be with the families.


This is Columbine times 4.

I can`t imagine, as a person that age I feel for the people.

Self, your in Virginia, it didn`t happen in Richmond I don`t think... but your state must be in a standstill rate now.
How many died in Baghdad yesterday? Around 200? How come little mention of that? How come as soon as something happens in the states it is the worst tradgedy imaginable and everyone goes into a tizzy and such...but 200 people die in explosions in a Iraq...and where is the outrage?

Not meaning to take away from the IS a tragedy...but so is the situation in is the situation in Afghanistan...there are countries where when something like this happens they are LUCKY if only 32 people die.

What I think is that...and I have nothing to substantiate this, it is just a theory...but the US has set an example...that murder and death and killing solves things. It doesn't. But, when the country you are living in takes this approach, wouldn't it have an impact on the attitudes of it's citizens, and potentially open the door to a situation like this?

I also think this is a good time for the US to take a much closer look at how it handles guns in it's society.


disturber of the peace
I refuse to watch or read the little sh|ts manifesto. I couldn't care less if mommy and daddy didn't love him. Or whatever his damn issue was. At some point, people need to quit being victims and take responsibility for their actions. Course I guess he can't now..but at least he's gone.
What a keen awareness of mental health issues you have, there.