Shooting at Virginia Tech


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
sorry... its just every breathing moment I am in a religious war, and it sometimes overwhelms me


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
Mass murder is not a modern thing and as far as I've read on the subject the same stresses produce the same results in humans irregardless of the era. It is I believe connected to cultural and social problems that still plague mankind, you know war, starvation disease.

We all search for a reason to this tragedy but I don't believe their is one. If he didn't have a gun he could use bombs or poison or take out his victims one at a time. We can't blame guns or lack of them. We can't even blame culture because this guy was pretty withdrawn. He wasn't a gamer he wasn't a rapper. He pretty much lived in his own world outside of culture.


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
Lets blame guns! Rosie wants too!
I don't know if tougher gun laws would of prevented this but it shouldn't off been so easy. Buying a handgun shouldn't be as simple as walking into a store and putting it on your credit card. There should atleast be an aplication process.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Don't worry about me I'm not the only one who has exactly the same attitude, there are millions of us all over the world, we've seen it before over and over. A bus load of people are murdered everyday and not one second of air time do they get, so save your scorn, it's pointless, more than a million human beings have been murdered in cold blood in Iraq and nothing is said ,thier lives are not worth even one tear so don't expect me to cry for these poor ones I have many others to consider and not enough tears to go arround.My country is engaged in murder in Afghanistan and we wallow in the deaths of our troops while we don't give even a fleeting glance at the innocents snuffed by our greed.
So I feel nothing for these ones killed in Virginia, I'll loose no sleep, it won't effect my digestion at all and I'll forget them before they're buried.
I understand how and why you feel the way you do, as I think that way as well, but I will
think of all these young people,as I do for those in Iraq and Afghanistan as well, and other
areas of the world. It is true, the ones in Iraq/Afghanistan who are dead, aren't given much thought at all, it is very sad, and we all should give our heads a shake for doing
that, yes we should. 160 dead today in Bagdad, all had families just as the university
people did, it is no different, no it isn't. They should be given just as much attention each
and every day that happens, and thank you for bringing that to all of our attention.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
There was a breakdown between the laws regarding mental health and the police enforcement at the college

In the years prior to this the young man had started a fire in his dormitory, stalked two girls who reported him, a teacher reported his bizarre essays, he had been sent to a psychiatric outpatient clinic for evaluation - where he received anti-depressants - and never returned for any further work under the care of professionals. Nobody did a follow up.....nobody made sure he was going to get help.

He never would have been able to purchase a gun had the privacy act been dropped to allow law enforcement to have his name on the 'no buy' list of firearms.

He has full blown paranoid schizophrenia and for four years nobody enforced he get help because he was so scary to the students and faculty alike, so he continued to lose touch with reality.

It does nothing to solve the killings and the tragedy and huge losses to the families, but I wish the medical community had the power to put someone that ill under immediate lock down until the right pharmaceutical relief could be found. It is a bitch of a disease and his life must have been so out of control - the word salad he repeated in his notes to the NBC network were at the farthest edge of reality if he had any feelings left.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
There was a breakdown between the laws regarding mental health and the police enforcement at the college

In the years prior to this the young man had started a fire in his dormitory, stalked two girls who reported him, a teacher reported his bizarre essays, he had been sent to a psychiatric outpatient clinic for evaluation - where he received anti-depressants - and never returned for any further work under the care of professionals. Nobody did a follow up.....nobody made sure he was going to get help.

He never would have been able to purchase a gun had the privacy act been dropped to allow law enforcement to have his name on the 'no buy' list of firearms.

He has full blown paranoid schizophrenia and for four years nobody enforced he get help because he was so scary to the students and faculty alike, so he continued to lose touch with reality.

It does nothing to solve the killings and the tragedy and huge losses to the families, but I wish the medical community had the power to put someone that ill under immediate lock down until the right pharmaceutical relief could be found. It is a bitch of a disease and his life must have been so out of control - the word salad he repeated in his notes to the NBC network were at the farthest edge of reality if he had any feelings left.
I totally agree with everything you stated, with all of that information they had concerning
his behavior, there was definitely a problem with follow up and communication between
agencies, I sure hope this has been noticed and will be addressed. I watched the interview
with his roomates, and they and others knew he was 'strange' and 'different', and this
was talked about many times, one of the boys talked to an authority figure, but nothing
was done. It seems he had to commit a crime, before anyone would act. Too bad, hope they learn.


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
I totally agree with everything you stated, with all of that information they had concerning
his behavior, there was definitely a problem with follow up and communication between
agencies, I sure hope this has been noticed and will be addressed. I watched the interview
with his roomates, and they and others knew he was 'strange' and 'different', and this
was talked about many times, one of the boys talked to an authority figure, but nothing
was done. It seems he had to commit a crime, before anyone would act. Too bad, hope they learn.

Why not just require a background check before you can purchase a hand gun?

edit: OMG their was a back ground check before he could by the gun but they couldn't check out his medical records.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

A background check was done - by the book - the gun seller had verified his alien card, his driver license, his residence card at the academy..... no registered police record on file... he was a clean cut student...

.....a breakdown occurred between the privacy laws of the medical community (as I wrote earlier) and the law enforcement agencies in the area - who would have contacted all gun dealers to add this kid's name to their list had they known of his sickness and possible violent behavior.

If you want to blame anyone - blame all the people who turned away from the unpleasant young Asian who muttered and was rude..... I mean who wants to deal with that right? If a pretty young girl fainted in the quad, everyone would run to help her up and revive her..... the fact he was ignored for four years by so many people is tragic.


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
If you want to blame anyone - blame all the people who turned away from the unpleasant young Asian who muttered and was rude..... I mean who wants to deal with that right? If a pretty young girl fainted in the quad, everyone would run to help her up and revive her..... the fact he was ignored for four years by so many people is tragic.

The average person does not have the knowledge to randomly diagnose some on the street nor do they have the power to force them to get treatment.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I know, it's so frustrating to think about, but I can remember throughout the years, always someone we could single out as 'wierd', many conversations about, yeah, "is he/she ever
wierd", but noone ever thought of doing anything about it, other than mention it. With all
the other shootings in the U.S., over the years, I am so shocked that the preparation of such
events is so shabby, this young man is a perfect example of 'incompetence' in the system. I
hope we are doing better in this country. It is absolutely shocking that this man could buy a


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
I know, it's so frustrating to think about, but I can remember throughout the years, always someone we could single out as 'wierd', many conversations about, yeah, "is he/she ever
wierd", but noone ever thought of doing anything about it, other than mention it. With all
the other shootings in the U.S., over the years, I am so shocked that the preparation of such
events is so shabby, this young man is a perfect example of 'incompetence' in the system. I
hope we are doing better in this country. It is absolutely shocking that this man could buy a

The problem I have with this is their is nothing wrong with being weird. Being weird is different then having a serious mental illness. What a boring world we would live in if we were all the same.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Some people don't want to be socially excepted.

I don't think this was bullying... I think he was just a loner, an outsider, that snapped.

I am not blaming the girls who got weird vibes from him and stayed away.


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007

A background check was done - by the book - the gun seller had verified his alien card, his driver license, his residence card at the academy..... no registered police record on file... he was a clean cut student...

To me their seems to be a problem with the background check. In my opinion both the complaints about stalking and a previous recommendation from psychologists for further psychological evaluation to see if he should be detained against his will. The police new both of these things. There should have been something in the database that the police could check that would at least slow down how quickly he can obtain a firearm.