Do you now! Good, when will you start writing posts based on what Jesus ACTUALLY taught?
One example, have you been to Mass lately to receive our Lord's Body? And yes, He did teach it was His actual Body and Blood.
Mary, you are trying to say that I need to be a Catholic in order to explain who Jesus is!
Jesus is in my heart, and that’s the only place He needs to be.
I commune daily with Him in spirit! For many, only when there is a Mass.
I live and walk each day cognizant of my Lords leading.
I have joy and peace in my spirit for I know that I am in good hands.
What have I to fear? If I have Jesus, what else do I need?
Is that so hard to understand? Is rather simple, but the traditions of mankind cloud the view of the truth.
Tell me, what was the object of Jesus’ coming? To save that which was lost? To save all who believed? To: usher in a new Kingdom? To: end the old and begin the new?
The churches are good in that they supposed to steer the lost souls to Christ, not to hold them captives to there dogmas.