I don't care what you do. If I was going to jump off a cliff, would you care to try and stop me? I don't know.
No it isn't, it's a joke. Every time science comes up with some evidence for this, that, or the other thing, there's a great big scramble going on to change the meaning of what's written in the bible to match science. Science doesn't do anything to try and match what the bible says.[/font][/color]
That is called evolution of knowledge! I thought I had explained that? Like I said before, you don't explain things very well.
Guess what, nature was humming along right nicley long before man and his gods showed up. Friggin asinine statement.
Perhaps you should know that mankind has been worshiping something of an unknown entity way before Abraham. God of the crops, the Sun, the Moon, the buffalo, the elephant, the eagle, the raven etc. etc..
I can accept that and can add to the mix that God came to us in person to reveal Himself as to who He was, is and will be. Like I said, long before man showed up on the planet, nature was humming along quite nicely. Get it? Humans are only about 4 million years old, the planet is about 4 and a half billion years old. Nature didn't just show up when man did.
And yet another arrogant and highly presumptuous statement. It was once said that we'd never know how birds could fly. Well, now we do. It was once said that we'd never have a cloaking device such as in Star Trek. Well, now we do.
Well, you are looking at mankind for your answers, while I look at God for my answers, and they will be different as you have demonstrated in all your posts. That's right, the answers will be different: mine are based in reality and yours in fantasy.
Prove it. I said “we can know” if you but have faith in God! Otherwise, forget it! I did forget it. It doesn't matter to me even if there were gods. It sure doesn't matter to me that there isn't gods.
..... and then filtered through the horsesh|t that is religious dogma? I'll take the knowledge after the press and politicians have played with it before I'd accept info after religions have touched it. Again I point you to exhibit (A) mankind’s knowledge. Well, it suits me fine, because guess what? I am a bit of mankind. Knowledge of fantasies is whimsy.
rofl Whatta pantload of doodoo.
I have some scripture for you:
"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes "Gene Roddenberry
Logic? And No faith? Apparently.
"Which is it, is man one of God's blunders or is God one of man's?" Friedrich Nietzsche
No blunder on Gods part, but definitely on mans part, for man fails to see the beauty in Gods creation of mankind.So we are a blunder of this god's. I see. I thought so, as this god was made in man's image. Thanks for clearing that up.
"We must conduct research and then accept the results. If they don't stand up to experimentation, Buddha's own words must be rejected. " Tenzin Gyatso
Point you to exhibit (A) Yep. This god of yours cannot stand up to the testing. Dismal failure.
"People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs" Unknown
Unknown has no beliefs, so as not to be laughed at! I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. Unknown: laugh at me all you want. How do you know what the author's beliefs are? Do you know who this unknown author is? And another arrogant and presumptuous statement.
"If the Bible is mistaken in telling us where we came from, how can we trust it to tell us where we're going? " Justin Brown
“If”?............... Is there a doubt in his mind? Surely he must think that the possibility exists? Boyoboy, you sure missed the context of that statement. Not surprising, you miss the point lots anyway.
So you just keep believing and I'll keep evolving. You are correct there and one point that I can agree with you on. Here here! Where where? Did you mean Hear, hear? Yep. I'll keep evolving into something better and you can stay stagnant in your beliefs.