Curiosity :
Do you feel that in marriage you have become more giving and religious as opposed to your previous life of celibacy.
Hi Curiosity Well ,I dont know if I,m more loving and/or giving. As far as celibacy goes the first year, when I took my vow,I was lost,I was in battle with myself.But later when I understood everything ,reasons for my actions , therwas no effort-it takes alot of self knowledge.
Here is a little story....hope it makes sense to you Curiosity.
Two monks were going from village to village, preaching, and they came to a river, and they saw by the side of the river a girl weeping, and one of them said to her, ‘Sister, what are you crying for?’ and she said, ‘This morning early, I waded across the river, and my home is on the other side and there is no boat, and I can’t wade it now because the river is full, and that’s why I don’t know what to do and that’s why I’m crying.’ So one of the monks says, ‘Don’t cry, it’s very simple.’ He picks her up, wades across, leaves her on the other bank and goes on. So these two monks go on for two hours and after two hours the other brother says, ‘Brother, we have taken a vow never to touch a woman. Brother, what did it feel like to carry that woman. Did you get excited? Did you feel extraordinary things happening to you?’ And the other says, ‘I left her two hours ago and you’re still carrying her.’