Catholic Discussion

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
the best stout i ever had was beamish, but guinness is pretty much the only one ive seen available here
Nelson Brewing Co.'s Blackheart Stout was pretty damned good (I liked it better than Guinness) but the Co. made the brewmeister change grain brand, so it isn't as good now. Were getting the grain form your islands somewhere. Don't know where it comes from now.


Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
Listen to this saying: "If they only knew" they would not have crucified our Lord.

If you understood what the bible is saying, you wouldn't be so apt to criticize what you don't understand, for if: "You only knew".

There you go again! Suggesting that you know more about the Bible than Sanctus! Let's look at it from a practical, secular point of view.
I would guess his knowledge of bible things and church history better than mine BECAUSE THAT IS PART OF HIS JOB. I don't think he is better or more advanced spirituallty then I am, because I don't know him personally, but when it comes to these sorts of things, I'm going to go out on a limb and think he just might possibly know a bit more about the Scriptures than some guy who is not in his profession. Just like a mechanic, my husband might know a trick or two, but I am going to have more faith in a professional.
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Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
I don't believe killing is good, does that mean I believe in the 10 commandments and am actually a religious person? No.Sin is sin. Bad is bad. Nono's are nono's. Whatever you want to call it, you religious types are the ones that are always dwelling on "sin", not me. I don't know where these "deadly sins" or "cardinal sins" came from but I do know a few of them. Just because I agree with a few religious concepts doesn't mean I am religious. Grow up. There is little room for gods, werewolves, faeries, etc. in my "psyche" as I realize they are just fantasies and I treat them as such. May your mind get to the point sometime or other that you are no better, nor above anyone else.
And have a nice day, child. :)

I can accept and respect that. Anyway, for the most part I'm sure you do not have any objection to most of the Commandments. I say that and I am fairly certain I don't know more than you or that Jesus is at my side whispering secret Bible codes in my ear.;-)


Electoral Member
Dec 22, 2006
Toronto, ON

Yes, it sure does say something; it says that all these good people resent anyone thinking they are better than they because they, like I, suspect you're so full of yourself that you can't see the forest because the trees are in the way. Get over yourself, fool. You aren't any better than anyone else.

That's what irks me, this assumption, however thinly he tries to hide it, that only he and he alone has the key, the knowledge we all lack. AJ you make the case for Sanctus, that interpreting the Bible without the guidance of the Church leads to error.


Electoral Member
Dec 22, 2006
Toronto, ON
I have a big heart!:love9: And I understand peoples limitations on knowledge of the word of God.
Therefore I can condemn no one for not understanding what I say.


So, if I do not understand what you say, it is not because you might possibly be wrong, it is only because I am not as spiritually in tune as you are. don't answer with fifteen million quotes, answer a direct you think that all of us here who have faith in God are not as spiritually advanced as you--yes...or---no???

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I can accept and respect that. Anyway, for the most part I'm sure you do not have any objection to most of the Commandments. I say that and I am fairly certain I don't know more than you or that Jesus is at my side whispering secret Bible codes in my ear.;-)
I don't have any objection to any of the commandments. Just that a few are inapplicable to me. :) (I think it's the first 4 or 5.)


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
So, if I do not understand what you say, it is not because you might possibly be wrong, it is only because I am not as spiritually in tune as you are. don't answer with fifteen million quotes, answer a direct you think that all of us here who have faith in God are not as spiritually advanced as you--yes...or---no???

We all have the same potential to love. But there are degrees. Knowledge of the word, experience and teaching by the Holy Spirit add an increase of love.

Love covers a multitude of sins, and is the only weapon of choice to defeat evil in this world.

Jesus used it and conquered the world. He then left it as a commandment of which we ought to investigate to get the full measure of understanding of what Godly love is.

If we all on this board understood what Godly love was, there would be no discussion.


P. S. To answer in a yes or no context to your question, you've answered that for me. Yes!


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Evolution applied to Christianity - need explanation

As a Christian I am having trouble understanding how to apply the Theory of Evolution to my belief


1) Evolution is a theory, but has been proven quite thoroughly
2) God created us in his image. Adam came from the dust, and Eve from the rib of Adam.

So my semi-idea is: God created the creatures of the world through an evolutionary process, and since man was created in HIS image, we were unique and the exception to that?

OR, every animal and man was originally CREATED, and from that original creation they evolved...

Help please.. I need some advice on how to apply this. Just denying it as hogwash is ignorant, I need some advice on how to apply this to Christianity.


BTW.. I only accept the Adam & Eve thing, I can't alter that.. or anything else in the Bible for that matter.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
How did you come to being a Christian?

Now, you can't be born into the belief, you have to come to decide and accept it.

To me, I was in my teens, and before then I went to church with my parents and just followed the procedure. But one night, in the hot summer, I looked up at the sky and the stars, and it hit me. Those stars, this life, this planet. This is no act of scientific procedure. Only God, my savior can have created such an amazing ALL. Before that I had doubts on the whole thing, but you know you just come to that point, and its BAM! You know, and you never doubt it again.

So the night sky gave me my epiphany, I want to here about other people's experience of becoming a true believer.

God Bless.
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Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Well, Christians aren't going to throw Creationism out the window. Thats one of the founding bricks on the belief. That God created us all.

I am asking for others how we can logically apply both these ideas to Christianity without altering the beliefs of the Bible.