You should ask yourself that question, why would we after years of False gods focus on one real one for year and years and years more then any false god?
We have the ability to have a relationship with this God through Prayer one that is very real...You may have troubble getting your head around it, having not the same experiances as Me, or other Christains, Muslims and Jews. With the experiances we have spoke in Tounges, Been Slayed int he spirit, and have prayers met and chased out deamons. You may not agree, but you arent open to the spirtual world, which I have felt exsists...
Iam also not some Holyer than now person, Iam your average joe, sick sense of humor, fowl mouth and enjoy a drink now and then. I do however try and have a relationship with God, because I cant deney him I have seen to much in my younger years, and still today in my life. You souldnt not Understand, I supose.
Past God were not you really think zuse and areis and all the greek and roman gods were real? They were statues and carvings...things that could be dystroyed, My God, can not be, my God made me, I did not create him out of wood or gold. Those who seek him will know him.
P.S. You asked how my deity Can be Infinate, Simple He has said so. He has said "Iam Infinate" he has said he is The Alpha and Omega, the begging and the end. If he says he is ill take his word for it.
We have the ability to have a relationship with this God through Prayer one that is very real...You may have troubble getting your head around it, having not the same experiances as Me, or other Christains, Muslims and Jews. With the experiances we have spoke in Tounges, Been Slayed int he spirit, and have prayers met and chased out deamons. You may not agree, but you arent open to the spirtual world, which I have felt exsists...
Iam also not some Holyer than now person, Iam your average joe, sick sense of humor, fowl mouth and enjoy a drink now and then. I do however try and have a relationship with God, because I cant deney him I have seen to much in my younger years, and still today in my life. You souldnt not Understand, I supose.
Past God were not you really think zuse and areis and all the greek and roman gods were real? They were statues and carvings...things that could be dystroyed, My God, can not be, my God made me, I did not create him out of wood or gold. Those who seek him will know him.
P.S. You asked how my deity Can be Infinate, Simple He has said so. He has said "Iam Infinate" he has said he is The Alpha and Omega, the begging and the end. If he says he is ill take his word for it.