Spitting out some more of anything I like
Jesus is not god incarnate because he was born . Not even getting into the virgin birth thing. God did not create him like Adam. No one would know. There is no need for an earthly family. It serves no purpose and the god of the bible is very direct in his actions. It would have been a waste of his time to tie him to a family. This part is a faith issue.
Religion is a scapegoat for the problems of the world and misdeeds of the evil people. It is use to rationalize our state of being on this planet. Being secular is more difficult in the simple fact we are still good people and will have no reward at the end of the rainbow. At least you guys go to heaven during the rapture and the rest of us have to live through the tribulation.
It does take little balls to believe in a god because it gives you cover. All that goes on is god’s plan, he works in mysterious ways. It takes huge balls to go out in this word without the protective blanket of a god covering your back, and the opportunity to repent on your death bed.
Evolution IS taking place and has been for longer than the 6000 years that is taught today. Evolution has been backed by the church. The hard liners back peddled in 1969. They had changed their stance on the creation “story”, they inserted the new term, “Divine Intervention”. Divine Intervention just has gone through a repackaging, as with all products that are not flying off the shelves. The new product line is I.D.
The stages of the reproductive system are a form of evolution condensed into 9 months of gestation. It simply is not just stages of an action. If evolution was not fact jesus would have been born with both a tail and gills. Both of which are present in a human fetus. If creationism is true the human embryo would be distinct from other similar embryos. Since god created all the things separately. All things would have a distinct line. This is not the case. Take a look at DNA it self. Why would we have parts of DNA that are not triggered to grow, but are present in other beings. God got lazy, made one batch of dough and just used several cookie cutters.
The “Big Bang” and the beginning. No one knows. There are many beliefs. No one knows.
I believe in this type of scenario more so than a creator.
If you would like a more well informed reply with graphs, charts, and a power point presentation, they are out there. Seek and ye shall find.
I knwo its not a Christain Site, Tell how you know Jesus is not God Encarnate... Religion is not a Crutch for the weak. It is harder to be a true Christain than to be a Secualr human. People Assume things of you, and usally your looked at funny, treated poorly by others, being a christain in todays world is not like the middle ages whene vryone was God Fearing, it takes a little balls to beleive that there is a God. When did evolution take place? and how and from what. Id liek to know how well versed you are in your belifs. Because from what it sounds like your just spitting out anything you like...Atleast Dexter Sinister can argue his belifs....Dare you?
Little Running Gag, I wasnt asking for him to prove a deity, I am asking him to prove evolution of man. Its a Theroy, not a fact. As is the Big bang. And evry other thought of how we came to exsit.
Jesus is not god incarnate because he was born . Not even getting into the virgin birth thing. God did not create him like Adam. No one would know. There is no need for an earthly family. It serves no purpose and the god of the bible is very direct in his actions. It would have been a waste of his time to tie him to a family. This part is a faith issue.
Religion is a scapegoat for the problems of the world and misdeeds of the evil people. It is use to rationalize our state of being on this planet. Being secular is more difficult in the simple fact we are still good people and will have no reward at the end of the rainbow. At least you guys go to heaven during the rapture and the rest of us have to live through the tribulation.
It does take little balls to believe in a god because it gives you cover. All that goes on is god’s plan, he works in mysterious ways. It takes huge balls to go out in this word without the protective blanket of a god covering your back, and the opportunity to repent on your death bed.
Evolution IS taking place and has been for longer than the 6000 years that is taught today. Evolution has been backed by the church. The hard liners back peddled in 1969. They had changed their stance on the creation “story”, they inserted the new term, “Divine Intervention”. Divine Intervention just has gone through a repackaging, as with all products that are not flying off the shelves. The new product line is I.D.
The stages of the reproductive system are a form of evolution condensed into 9 months of gestation. It simply is not just stages of an action. If evolution was not fact jesus would have been born with both a tail and gills. Both of which are present in a human fetus. If creationism is true the human embryo would be distinct from other similar embryos. Since god created all the things separately. All things would have a distinct line. This is not the case. Take a look at DNA it self. Why would we have parts of DNA that are not triggered to grow, but are present in other beings. God got lazy, made one batch of dough and just used several cookie cutters.
The “Big Bang” and the beginning. No one knows. There are many beliefs. No one knows.
I believe in this type of scenario more so than a creator.
If you would like a more well informed reply with graphs, charts, and a power point presentation, they are out there. Seek and ye shall find.