Proof of Christianity

The Project Man

Liquer'd Up & Lash'n Out!
Aug 22, 2006
Spitting out some more of anything I like

I knwo its not a Christain Site, Tell how you know Jesus is not God Encarnate... Religion is not a Crutch for the weak. It is harder to be a true Christain than to be a Secualr human. People Assume things of you, and usally your looked at funny, treated poorly by others, being a christain in todays world is not like the middle ages whene vryone was God Fearing, it takes a little balls to beleive that there is a God. When did evolution take place? and how and from what. Id liek to know how well versed you are in your belifs. Because from what it sounds like your just spitting out anything you like...Atleast Dexter Sinister can argue his belifs....Dare you?

Little Running Gag, I wasnt asking for him to prove a deity, I am asking him to prove evolution of man. Its a Theroy, not a fact. As is the Big bang. And evry other thought of how we came to exsit.

Jesus is not god incarnate because he was born . Not even getting into the virgin birth thing. God did not create him like Adam. No one would know. There is no need for an earthly family. It serves no purpose and the god of the bible is very direct in his actions. It would have been a waste of his time to tie him to a family. This part is a faith issue.

Religion is a scapegoat for the problems of the world and misdeeds of the evil people. It is use to rationalize our state of being on this planet. Being secular is more difficult in the simple fact we are still good people and will have no reward at the end of the rainbow. At least you guys go to heaven during the rapture and the rest of us have to live through the tribulation.

It does take little balls to believe in a god because it gives you cover. All that goes on is god’s plan, he works in mysterious ways. It takes huge balls to go out in this word without the protective blanket of a god covering your back, and the opportunity to repent on your death bed.

Evolution IS taking place and has been for longer than the 6000 years that is taught today. Evolution has been backed by the church. The hard liners back peddled in 1969. They had changed their stance on the creation “story”, they inserted the new term, “Divine Intervention”. Divine Intervention just has gone through a repackaging, as with all products that are not flying off the shelves. The new product line is I.D.
The stages of the reproductive system are a form of evolution condensed into 9 months of gestation. It simply is not just stages of an action. If evolution was not fact jesus would have been born with both a tail and gills. Both of which are present in a human fetus. If creationism is true the human embryo would be distinct from other similar embryos. Since god created all the things separately. All things would have a distinct line. This is not the case. Take a look at DNA it self. Why would we have parts of DNA that are not triggered to grow, but are present in other beings. God got lazy, made one batch of dough and just used several cookie cutters.

The “Big Bang” and the beginning. No one knows. There are many beliefs. No one knows.
I believe in this type of scenario more so than a creator.

If you would like a more well informed reply with graphs, charts, and a power point presentation, they are out there. Seek and ye shall find.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
I wont bother wasteingmy time argueing with you, Its Unfortuneate you feel that way about religion.

Forgive them for they know not what they say..hehehe

Boy Eastside, some people are bitter aren't they.... Maybe Project is the great hero taking on the world with no cover, HOWEVER, I certainly have never felt like I was in need of cover, to be shielded. If , as I do. believe and feel there is more to this world then dirt, what exactly do I need to be sheilded from? I don't need protection to stay alive.

Has anyone read 5 people you met in heaven? It has nothing to do with religion but rather the possible nature of what we are all about...try it.

I know there is something greater, I feel it, I have been steered by it, I have learned from it. and when I die I will meet it.

The Project Man

Liquer'd Up & Lash'n Out!
Aug 22, 2006
Id liek to know how well versed you are in your belifs. Because from what it sounds like your just spitting out anything you like...Atleast Dexter Sinister can argue his belifs....Dare you?

I am not argueing I am replying to your request.

Thank you and have a nice day.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Have you ever been to church services?
Yes. It seemed an awful lot like indoctination to me.

Heard people Speak in tounges? Seen poeple possed by deamons be deliverd from them?

How about Unexplainable cureings....There are many, people bed ridden, about to die on death door step...all of a sudden the cancer they had is no longer there it, is if it was never there to begin would and Atheist explain this?
While I'd like to see some real evidence of this, I can say that the human body is a remarkable thing. I don't think that we give it enough credit.

Near Death which people have claimed to have seen heaven, and hell?
Hallucination brought on by lack of oxygen.

What about STigmata? I ture phonemenon. What about Ghost and Polterguest? Things HUmans have do you rule them out, and if not how do you explain their exsitance? Do you just brush them aside?
I have yet to experience them myself. Not to mention that even if they were actual events, it doesn't necessarily point to the Christian god.

You can not, there ae actully people scientist, who follow Ghost/deamon activity,
Not respected scientists.

there have been slews of shows and articals about common experianced shared with humans with the paranormal. How do you explain that.
See above.

You can not, unless you use God.
Or other naturally occuring phenomena that doesn't require the existance of a deity.

There is more in this world to wrap our heads around then how humans came to be, because there are more than just humans active in our lives.
And that is what science is there to figure out. To find explanations to things we don't yet understand. Simply attributing these things to a deity is at best irresponsible. If we don't ask questions, how will we ever find answers?

What about statues that drip tears? paintings that cry?
Naturally occuring condensation. Not to mention that many of these events have been proven to have been perpetrated by members of religious groups attempting to further an agenda.

How do you explain paranormal activity?
See above.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Give mt the Proof that their is no God.

Give me the Proof that your beloved Darwin theroys are 100% proven. Please show me how we evolved from apes, and tell me why apes are no longer turning into Humans as we speak. Tell me how we came from bacteria, to creatures with Eyes and thought, how did a aniba, decide it wanted to grow legs? how did it decide it wanted to see other things, what gave it this though process, Please do tell.

Boy, there's more arrogant ignorance and misunderstanding in those few sentences than could be adequately dealt with in anything less than book length. Every sentence is shows fundamental misunderstanding.

First, there's no proof that there's no god, and you know it. Neither is there any proof that there is a god, and what people usually offer as "proof" is nothing more than a self-serving interpretation of an emotional state. Or, in the case of things like stigmata, bleeding and weeping statues, spontaneous healings, and so on, every case that's ever been properly investigated has proven to be fraud, or error by the credulous.

Second, there's no proof that Darwinism is 100% proven, and you ought to know that too. No scientific theory would claim that, nor would any reputable scientist make such a claim for any scientific fact beyond the trivial, such as the claim that the earth orbits the sun. Science doesn't deal in absolute knowledge the way religion does, and is thus a good deal less likely to arrogant and ignorant.

Third, we did not evolve from apes, we are apes ourselves taxonomically and share a common ancestor with other apes.

Fourth, no creature decides it wants to do something like grow legs, those developments are driven by natural selection operating in well understood ways on variations among individual creatures. Your knowledge of evolution--and probably science generally--evidently comes from people who understand it no better than you do. You've probably been reading nonsense by people like Duane Gish, Philip Johnson, William Dembski, and Michael Behe. Read the popular works by people who really do understand it, people like Ernst Mayr, Stephen Jay Gould, Niles Eldridge, and Richard Dawkins.

And finally, Darwinism has no bearing at all on whether god exists or Christianity is true. Natural selection certainly happens, but maybe god designed natural selection, or maybe natural selection would have existed without a god. Nobody knows, but evolution itself is a fact as well established as the fact that the earth orbits the sun.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
This becomes such a stupid arguement!!!

The bible never spells things out in a scientific way. Adam was formed from the earth...It doesn't say directly, the truth is everything on this planet is formed by the earth. So if it was directly in an instant or slowly evolved we are still from the earth..just as the bible says.

I have personal proof God exists, but if you don't have a relationship with him you's never know he was there.. If you never met your best friend you would not know he exists would you?

The only thing I can say is that it sounds just as silly to those who don't believe, that there is a God, as it does to say all the universe and living things just happened by aceident.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
By the time someone gets to a point in their life where they have formed a personal view of what the world is, how it was created, where life comes from, etc. it is unlikely that that view will be reversed without some great event to shake the very foundations of their being. An Atheist has their own beliefs, as do Christians and other creeds. Take for example a young earth creationist. If they give a speech at a church, the response will be much warmer than say a seminar with scientists. The same is true for the vice versa of this situation. The reason for this being the strong feelings a person has experienced which has shaped their world view. We often close off possibilities when they challenge this state, it makes the opposition personal, which makes trying to convince someone one way or the other an exercise of futility.

To touch on this talk of theories. A theory is a well tested hypothesis, one which is unlikely to be rejected by further evidence. It is by no means a Law, which some people here seem to be getting confused with.


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
To touch on this talk of theories. A theory is a well tested hypothesis, one which is unlikely to be rejected by further evidence. It is by no means a Law, which some people here seem to be getting confused with.

My main point of anger, is Atheist, or big bang theroy followers, love to rule out the possiblity of God, as if their Theroy is so much more Proveable. Thats what bothers me, because it isnt a more realistc theroy, and both take faith.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Even as an Atheist, I myself would not say that either argument is more credible than the other. When I was a Catholic, I didn't see the two as being mutually exclusive. The reality is that we will never be omniscient. Asking for proofs is a lot like me proving that the best beer in the world is Kilkenny. My proof really isn;t a proof to others, and indeed isn't a proof at all, totally subjective.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
My main point of anger, is Atheist, or big bang theroy followers, love to rule out the possiblity of God, as if their Theroy is so much more Proveable. Thats what bothers me, because it isnt a more realistc theroy, and both take faith.

Atheism and evolution are two mutually exclusive concepts. I don't know why you keep lumping the two together. And it isn't like atheists know all the answers either. The difference is that most of us atheists refuse to believe in something that has zero concrete evidence to back it up (the existance of a deity).

Evolution, on the other hand, is a theory about the way in which life has developed over time. It doesn't state that there is no god. It doesn't profess to be the absolute answer to life, the universe and everything. It isn't like that. Evolution, however, does have some evidence to back it up. Something that belief in a god doesn't have. That is not taking something on faith. That is accepting the most realistic explanation because of supporting evidence.

Is it 100% provable? No. Does it have more supporting evidence than Abrahamic religions? Most definately.


Electoral Member
May 9, 2006
The only thing I can say is that it sounds just as silly to those who don't believe, that there is a God, as it does to say all the universe and living things just happened by aceident.

I hear this argument all the time, but I don't understand it. Where did God come from? Did he just happen by accident? Which is more believable, that humans, animals, plants, the earth, the stars etc. happened by accident, or that God (an intelligent being capable of making all of these things from nothing) just happened by accident?

Also, I'd like to say the post above by LittleRunningGag is an excellent post.


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
I hear this argument all the time, but I don't understand it. Where did God come from? Did he just happen by accident? Which is more believable, that humans, animals, plants, the earth, the stars etc. happened by accident, or that God (an intelligent being capable of making all of these things from nothing) just happened by accident?

Also, I'd like to say the post above by LittleRunningGag is an excellent post.
He always was....Clearly our Human brains cant concive many things, this would be one which we can not concive.


Electoral Member
May 9, 2006
He always was....Clearly our Human brains cant concive many things, this would be one which we can not concive.

God has always been? Sorry, I can't believe this. I can disprove that.
For one thing....if you say God has always existed, then God must have been around an infinite number of years ago. Now, if I said to you "I am going to do something (for example create humans) in an infinite number of years from now", that means it would never get done, because we will never reach infinite number of years. So, going back in time an infinite number of years from the creation of man, God would have created man infinity years from then, which means it never would have happened. I'm not sure if my explanation is clear, but if there is one thing I am certain about, it is that the Universe (by definition that includes everything including God) must have a finite life time.


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
How old is the universe?

You dont know that do you? The creation of the universe is still taking place... New sytems and galaxys forum. I think God has made it possible for them to forum and has been there from the beginging of the first galaxys.....

You donthave to understand it...its all faith, but if you see fault thats fine wiht me...and no your infanate number of years thing doesnt work, we havent been around for infinty, and infinity isnt an actual messurement of time... God has always been...In which God Himself is Infinate.

Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-fin-i-tee]Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun, plural -ties. 1.the quality or state of being infinite. 2.something that is infinite. 3.infinite space, time, or quantity. infinite extent, amount, or number. indefinitely great amount or number. 6.Mathematics. a.the assumed limit of a sequence, series, etc., that increases without bound. b.infinite distance or an infinitely distant part of space. 7.Photography. a.a distance between a subject and the camera so great that rays of light reflected from the subject may be regarded as parallel. b.a distance setting of the camera lens beyond which everything is in focus.

Time that has always been a unstopable can only be Infinate. In which God is. he has always been....he is infinate there is no messurement of God and no end to him, time is not always there we created time time is not truley infinate because time itself hasnt always been. Time begins and time has a numerical value. Years are time....Years can not be messured in the infainate because you said yourself that it can never be reached there for useing the messuremnt of Years on something that cant be messured is incorrect....your argument makes no sense because you missuse infinty. God would be the Infinate...when you use the word correctly, he always was. Undestand?

Now with that being said, the Univierse is not Infinate ebcause it hasnt always exsited, it had to start somewhere. Whta started it....My awnser Infinate being. Never said you had to agree with me...but your use of the word infinate is incorrect, and can not be applied with messurement because all mesurement ends.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Just to clear up some misconceptions of the Big Bang theory. There are currently two schools of thought on this matter, the rubber band and the quantum singularity. The rubber band says that the universe was once another universe, it collapsed onto itself and then re-expanded again. It will continue to do so as th emass of the universe doesn't have enough momentum to break the bonds of gravity. The quantum singularity states that matter has always existed in the form of a singularity. All the mass that makes up the entire universe was condensed to a singularity smaller than a pixel on your computer screen. The extreme amount of mass in a small volume of space caused the singularity to explode, and the matter contained in that space was thrown out in all directions.

I happen to believe in the rubber band explanation.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Oh yah, this summer scientists in Europe will be conducting experiments in the new Large Hadron Collider. They will be slamming protons into each other with energies of approximately 7 terra-electronvolts each, yielding a total energy of 14 terra electronvolts. Thats roughly 5000 times the energy involved in an atomic detonation. This explosion will create a tiny black hole, and the scientists believe this will be kind of like a mini big bang. They hope to gain an understanding of the black matter, which makes up about 70% of our universe. They have calculated the risk of destroying earth at at about 10 to the minus 40 - a 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance.

I'm fealing pretty lucky.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Time that has always been a unstopable can only be Infinate. In which God is. he has always been....he is infinate there is no messurement of God and no end to him, time is not always there we created time time is not truley infinate because time itself hasnt always been. Time begins and time has a numerical value. Years are time....Years can not be messured in the infainate because you said yourself that it can never be reached there for useing the messuremnt of Years on something that cant be messured is incorrect....your argument makes no sense because you missuse infinty. God would be the Infinate...when you use the word correctly, he always was. Undestand?

Why does god have to be infinite? Why can't the universe be infinite?

Now with that being said, the Univierse is not Infinate ebcause it hasnt always exsited, it had to start somewhere. Whta started it....My awnser Infinate being. Never said you had to agree with me...but your use of the word infinate is incorrect, and can not be applied with messurement because all mesurement ends.
How do you know the universe hasn't always existed? Why is it that the universe can't be infinite but your deity can be?

Here's a question for the Abrahamics: Why your god? Why not someone else's? Why not a different interpretation of the 'word of god?'