Proof of Christianity


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
I challenge you to find any better evidence than that which is presented on the website! Clealy proving Christianity is not an impossibility - Jesus certainly did it when he was here. Why should it be impossible now?


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
Youshould know that being a False Prophet is a sin. Alot of your Knowlage of the bible is counfussed, and their are simpler versions of the End times which are much more understandable.

Also You clearly lack the Knowlage of the Bible to argue it with Athiests. Jesus didnt waste his time Argueing with non-beleaivers, he would pray for them. Hence that is all you can do, weather they except it or not. Jesus also would not force his Views on others. The Bible wants us to live as best we can, and to emelate Jesus as best we can. Regardless of who we can convert in our wake. we convert through our actions and everyday life. Preach the Gosphel if you are asked, or if their is interest, preaching to those with closed minds, will get you no where, while you can preach to those who yurn for the knowlage.

You need to stop looking so deeply into Internet inturpations which are reading to far into things, and forget the main message, Love, Be loved, and through this you will spread the word of God.

You speak of true Christanity, their is none, their can only be True Spirtuality, By understanig God, his teachings, Through all spirtual Texts.

also 616 is the Mark of the beast.
Some feel that way anyway.
One of the many missinturpations ofthe bible, which cause havoc. This is why the bible shoulf be open to your own inturpition, not others, IE preachers, and religious figures. Take form it what you can, and make of it what you will. Time has twisted the text, so thats all we can do, it make of it what we can, and intueted on our own.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
If it's a numerical coincidence, there is only a one in ten million chance for it to happen. The chances are that it would not have happened. But it did. And there's a huge amount of more evidence on the site. It is not only numerical, but also linguistic, in nature and even in the way the land masses are arranged (ever noticed how Florida looks like the head of a snake? - if you live in Florida please see urgently). The evidence is everywhere!


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
If it's a numerical coincidence, there is only a one in ten million chance for it to happen. The chances are that it would not have happened. But it did. And there's a huge amount of more evidence on the site. It is not only numerical, but also linguistic, in nature and even in the way the land masses are arranged (ever noticed how Florida looks like the head of a snake? - if you live in Florida please see urgently). The evidence is everywhere!

More bible code. I bet I could find my name if I ran the program often enough.


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
If it's a numerical coincidence, there is only a one in ten million chance for it to happen. The chances are that it would not have happened. But it did. And there's a huge amount of more evidence on the site. It is not only numerical, but also linguistic, in nature and even in the way the land masses are arranged (ever noticed how Florida looks like the head of a snake? - if you live in Florida please see urgently). The evidence is everywhere!
Nice to see you ignored my post, and the people on this forms Distaste for Religion.....Please mess off, your not doing Gods work your just argueing, and thats not getting you anywhere, evryone has their mind made up already, wether you or I agree with what they think it is a waste of your time.

Internet Crusadeing is not how you win Souls for God. Nor is annoying people.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
Neither is following the outward form of the Christian faith - or pursuading others to do the same. See 2 Timothy 3:1-9. As for "Internet Crusading", the internet is the most convenient place to put the apocalypse so that everyone can see it.


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
Neither is following the outward form of the Christian faith - or pursuading others to do the same. See 2 Timothy 3:1-9. As for "Internet Crusading", the internet is the most convenient place to put the apocalypse so that everyone can see it.
So you would rather use fear tactics to gain followers, than Good action, and Spirtuality to make people follow the lord?

Id rather produce true followers, than people who are scared into it by the end times. Iam sure God would see it that way too, because he would know the heart of the people, would he not, and people who claim to beleaive in him because they are scared of the end times, may not be what he looks for.

And as for Proof of Christanity, yea its real, its religion....You must mean Proof of God, in which you need fiath to consider it thruth...whichclearly you dont understand...Faith not Fear.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
If it's a numerical coincidence, there is only a one in ten million chance for it to happen. The chances are that it would not have happened. But it did.
Nonsense. There are, as I tried to explain to you earlier, any number of things you can make the number 616 point to with at least as much logic as you showed in deciding it points to a particular verse in the Koran. Why, for instance, didn't you decide it points to 2 Kings 6:16? Because that one says, "And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them," which would be pretty difficult to twist into anything to do with the point you're trying to make. You just plucked that presumed connection out of nowhere because it suits your purposes. If you're going to build a coherent case, you first have to explain why 616 should be rewritten as 61:6 and points to a verse in the Koran, and second why it shouldn't be rewritten as 6:16 and doesn't point to any verse in the Old or New Testaments. And why doesn't it point to the 6th trigram of the 61st hexagram of the I Ching? Maybe it points to the 6th sign of the zodiac, and the 16th day of the month as defined by sun sign astrology? The possibilities are endless. You have to look at all the data, not just the stuff that you think supports your point of view. I'm still calling BS on you.

Your probability calculation could look even more impressive if you used the number of days rather than years between AD 200 and AD 1800. And why not? Presumably Jesus was born on a particular day, and Mohammed received his initial revelation on a particular day. Then you'll get a probability against it happening by chance well up in the billions instead of a mere one in ten million. In reality though, the probability of a new religion forming in any randomly chosen 1600 year period is pretty much a certainty, and the probability that some fantasy-prone mystical thinkers will find something significant linking it to things they want to believe in is an absolute certainty.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
In answer to the first post - people need some motivation to act on poverty. If we just continue as we are, then we slide off the metaphorical cliff.

AS for the evidence argument - this is like saying "Well we found the criminal's DNA signature on the dead guy's jacket, but since we didn't find it on his shoes, or his trousers then we're going to have to discard the evidence." Your argument does not follow mathematical reasoning.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
You're hopelessly muddle-headed, alasdair. If you can see what's wrong with the little bit of arithmetic I put forward, why can't you see the same thing in your own argument? It's no different.


Nominee Member
Oct 1, 2006
I've started a new discussion on Prophesy about Florida - the contents of the apocalypse is more important than the semantics! One of the main purposes is to show how poverty can be eradicated by the West (who clearly have the resources to do so). I look forward to hearing from you in the new discussion!

The Project Man

Liquer'd Up & Lash'n Out!
Aug 22, 2006
You want proof!

This sight has the most proof of A god!

It is to the point. No confussing statements. Nothing to translate from very old texts and languages. No Rosetta Stone needed. Very Direct.

Your Pal,
Purple Beard, CEO Pirates Global


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
This sight has the most proof of A god!

It is to the point. No confussing statements. Nothing to translate from very old texts and languages. No Rosetta Stone needed. Very Direct.

Your Pal,
Purple Beard, CEO Pirates Global
Give mt the Proof that their is no God.

Give me the Proof that your beloved Darwin theroys are 100% proven. Please show me how we evolved from apes, and tell me why apes are no longer turning into Humans as we speak. Tell me how we came from bacteria, to creatures with Eyes and thought, how did a aniba, decide it wanted to grow legs? how did it decide it wanted to see other things, what gave it this though process, Please do tell.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
It is impossible to provide 100% proof of a negativity. Don't be silly. It is up to you to prove that a deity exists. It is not up to atheists to prove that it doesn't. Especially when there is no evidence to refute.

As far as evolution goes, as I understand it, it is not a complete model. Nor does it have to be. We don't have to have all the answers. But we should work with something that makes sense, and has some evidence to back it up.

The Project Man

Liquer'd Up & Lash'n Out!
Aug 22, 2006
You Should have hit the LINK!

Give mt the Proof that their is no God.

Give me the Proof that your beloved Darwin theroys are 100% proven. Please show me how we evolved from apes, and tell me why apes are no longer turning into Humans as we speak. Tell me how we came from bacteria, to creatures with Eyes and thought, how did a aniba, decide it wanted to grow legs? how did it decide it wanted to see other things, what gave it this though process, Please do tell.

EASTSIDE, my post was sarcastic!

The link is to "The Flying Spaghetti Monster" not to a christian site. LMFAO.

Truth be told there is no god as has been discribed by people. I am not certain that one even exists. I do know that evolution took place. I do know that jesus was not god incarnate. I do know religions are a crutch for the weak minded to feel better about themselves and they feel selfrightous enough to actually tell people how to live. They should tend to their own backyard before they open their mouths, lest their forked tounges be ripped from the gapping hole in their faces.


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
EASTSIDE, my post was sarcastic!

The link is to "The Flying Spaghetti Monster" not to a christian site. LMFAO.

Truth be told there is no god as has been discribed by people. I am not certain that one even exists. I do know that evolution took place. I do know that jesus was not god incarnate. I do know religions are a crutch for the weak minded to feel better about themselves and they feel selfrightous enough to actually tell people how to live. They should tend to their own backyard before they open their mouths, lest their forked tounges be ripped from the gapping hole in their faces.
I knwo its not a Christain Site, Tell how you know Jesus is not God Encarnate... Religion is not a Crutch for the weak. It is harder to be a true Christain than to be a Secualr human. People Assume things of you, and usally your looked at funny, treated poorly by others, being a christain in todays world is not like the middle ages whene vryone was God Fearing, it takes a little balls to beleive that there is a God. When did evolution take place? and how and from what. Id liek to know how well versed you are in your belifs. Because from what it sounds like your just spitting out anything you like...Atleast Dexter Sinister can argue his belifs....Dare you?

Little Running Gag, I wasnt asking for him to prove a deity, I am asking him to prove evolution of man. Its a Theroy, not a fact. As is the Big bang. And evry other thought of how we came to exsit.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Little Running Gag, I wasnt asking for him to prove a deity, I am asking him to prove evolution of man. Its a Theroy, not a fact. As is the Big bang. And evry other thought of how we came to exsit.

Please re-read what I wrote.

1. I pointed out that it didn't make sence to prove the non-existence of a deity.

2. I conceeded that evolution doesn't have all the answers, that it is an incomplete model.

Disclaimer: I am not an expert on evolution so asking me questions regarding it is going to be fruitless. I don't need evolution to explain to me how I came to exist, nor do I need religion to explain the same. To me it is enough to know that I exist.

I do tend to stick more with the evolution camp, but that is because evolution is what science is using as its dominent thoery. I don't know enough about genetics, chemistry, etc. to completely understand evolution, but I do know what makes sense to me. And that is definately not religion.

Also, not all atheists 'believe in' (I really don't like that term, do we believe in gravity?) evolution. It is not a defining trait. Just like not all Xians believe in the Trinity. Nor do all theists believe in the Abrahamic god. The only thing that atheists have in common with each other is that they either, a) believe that there is no proof of a deity, or b) believe that there is no deity. Thats it.

Taking pot shots at evolution isn't going to prove the existance of your god. Do you have any idea how many gods man has invented? Even if evolution is proven to be false, that won't make your god (or any deity for that matter) magically the one and only answer. It still doesn't make sense to believe in a deity without at least some substantial evidence.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
I don't need proof since my proof is inside..I feel him, I have been shown things I hadn't seen before. I have been lead in directions I never knew I was heading..That's my proof!!


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
Have you ever been to church services? Heard people Speak in tounges? Seen poeple possed by deamons be deliverd from them? That How I know there is something greater than us. Call me crazy but its all first hand experiance. How about Unexplainable cureings....There are many, people bed ridden, about to die on death door step...all of a sudden the cancer they had is no longer there it, is if it was never there to begin would and Atheist explain this? Near Death which people have claimed to have seen heaven, and hell? What about STigmata? I ture phonemenon. What about Ghost and Polterguest? Things HUmans have do you rule them out, and if not how do you explain their exsitance? Do you just brush them aside? You can not, there ae actully people scientist, who follow Ghost/deamon activity, there have been slews of shows and articals about common experianced shared with humans with the paranormal. How do you explain that. You can not, unless you use God. There is more in this world to wrap our heads around then how humans came to be, because there are more than just humans active in our lives. What about statues that drip tears? paintings that cry? How do you explain paranormal activity?