Montreal store kicks out veteran selling poppies


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
sanctus wrote: It's my country too. I happen to feel that hearing about past wars I did not participate in ad infinitim is tiresome. i couldn't give a dman about WW2 or WW1, not my war, not my issue

It might not be an issue for you but for those of us who are grateful for the sacrifices of those who died defending this country your point of view offensive and obscene. Like most "Pacifist" you say you hate all violence but when you or your ethos are threatened you expect society to protect your rights at all cost including the use of violence.

Facts: World War 1 66,573 Canadians died and 138.166 were wounded.

Fact: World War 11 44.927 died and 53,145 were wounded.

The fact that you can come onto the internet and post your tribe and verbal garbage "Thank a Soldier", and say "Thankyou" to those who died for your freedoms and those who fight today so you may sleep safe and sound. I will never forget their Sacrifice. LEST WE FORGET.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Agreed, but what if it doesn't work , should you not defend yourself in you throw your children at them and then offer yourself?

We are not just talking right or wrong, or one point of view vs. another. These (now or back in ww2) are terribel mean fighting machines coming toward do nothing?? They can kill you, kill you family, destroy your home, gas your neighbours and you do nothing?

I am not doing nothing. I'll be praying for them. One man commiting a crime does not give me the permission to commit another crime. Look, my feelings reflect that I believe we as humans have reached a point when we should be seeking other means to our problems than resorting always to violence. If that means a few of us have to stand up and ssay "peace", than so be it. Eventually enough people should hear the word!

As for WW2,Ii really don't give a tiddleywinks concern about it it's over. Case closed. What I resent are the constant reminders of violence in our society. Why can't we celebrate the memory of King instead, for example, with as much ardour as we do that of warriers?.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
It might not be an issue for you but for those of us who are grateful for the sacrifices of those who died defending this country your point of view offensive and obscene. Like most "Pacifist" you say you hate all violence but when you or your ethos are threatened you expect society to protect your rights at all cost including the use of violence.

Facts: World War 1 66,573 Canadians died and 138.166 were wounded.

Fact: World War 11 44.927 died and 53,145 were wounded.

The fact that you can come onto the internet and post your tribe and verbal garbage "Thank a Soldier", and say "Thankyou" to those who died for your freedoms and those who fight today so you may sleep safe and sound. I will never forget their Sacrifice. LEST WE FORGET.

That is my point, hopefully we forget and instead of dwelling on evil in the past focus on evil around us today. Nobody died for anybody's freedoms. that is propaganda. They died for the benefit of the aristocrats and politicians. They died to support the British Empire. Period.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
I am very well read and educated, thank you very much. And, no their god is not God.

Perhaps it is not common knowledge that the Christian God is the same God of Islam.

All of Islam can claim to be offspring of Abraham; the man of faith. Abraham had sex with his wife’s handmaid, Hagar and that union produced a child, Ishmael. Ishmael is the progenitor of the entire race of modern Muslims.

Hagar was driven from Abraham’s camp because Ishmael was not the child through whom God had promised Abraham his legacy. It would be through Sarah’s naturally born son, Isaac, which the line of the Messiah would later emerge from.

God did permit Ishmael to live and have an incredible legacy. God told Hagar that there would always be enmity between the legacies of Isaac and Ishmael. This enmity has existed throughout all the ages since. It is no secret that there will never be peace between Muslim and Jew. There is barely peace between Muslim and Muslim.

God is God....Men have screwed with his meaning!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I've gotta side with Reinhold Niebuhr on this one. Sometimes you have to fight. Remembrance Day is supposed to be the time to remember both how collectively stupid we can be, show respect for those who had to fall when things had gone too far and hope that some day we manage to get it right.

Rudyard Kipling​

God of our fathers, known of old--
Lord of our far-flung battle line
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine--
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!​

The tumult and the shouting dies;
The captains and the kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!​

Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!​

If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe--
Such boasting as the Gentiles use
Or lesser breeds without the law--
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!​

For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard--
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding, calls not Thee to guard--
For frantic boast and foolish word,

Thy mercy on Thy people, Lord!​

Ah, words I never expected to say...........EXCELLENT POST, BitWhys


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Nope chatter away sanctus. You wrote: I am very well read and educated, thank you very much. And, no their god is not God.

Regarding our God isn't their God (Islam) you do know if the radical Islamists read that they'd issue a death threat against you?

Canadians died so you have the freedom to type your tripe on the net. It's not propaganda it's the truth.


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
Nope chatter away sanctus. You wrote: I am very well read and educated, thank you very much. And, no their god is not God.

Regarding our God isn't their God (Islam) you do know if the radical Islamists read that they'd issue a death threat against you?

Canadians died so you have the freedom to type your tripe on the net. It's not propaganda it's the truth.

Truth is often relative. Had we lost the war, the "truth" would have been terribly different. Wars are tools the elite use to thin the herd. They are always about protecting the political elite of one country from another.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
Truth is often relative. Had we lost the war, the "truth" would have been terribly different. Wars are tools the elite use to thin the herd. They are always about protecting the political elite of one country from another.

So its a Christian's duty to remain sanctimoniously idle while the tribe-de-jour runs amok?

not on my shift.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
How can someone be so arrogant to think that their god is the one and true God. I am not a religious person anymore, I used to be Catholic, when I was, I assumed thet God spoke to the different peoples in their own languages. That accounts for the differences, as you inevitably lose meaning in translation. Doesn't the bible also say God split the peoples and they had different languages so they could not conspire together, or something like that? The intolerance of Catholics like you sanctus is what shaped my dissent. Earlier you posted that you believe humanity has evolved to the point where we don't need violence. But apparently we still haven't developed the open minded thinking that will abolish intolerance and the resulting conflicts it breeds.


Council Member
May 24, 2006
Great Satan
I know many believe this to be true, but it is not. I speak soely from a traditonal Catholic perspective, which is what I follow. Their god is false because it replaces and denies Christ.

This is the same Catholics who produced the The Malleus Maleficarum? Just wondering...


[SIZE=+1]Innocent, Bishop, Servant of the servants of God, for an eternal remembrance.[/SIZE]
DESIRING with the most hearfelt anxiety, even as Our Apostleship requires, that the Catholic faith should especially in this Our day increase and flourish everywhere, and that all heretical depravity should be driven far from the frontiers and bournes of the Faithful, We very gladly proclaim and even restate those particular means and methods whereby Our pious desire may obtain its wished effect, since when all errors are uprooted by Our diligent avocation as by the hoe of a provident husbandman, a zeal for, and the regular observance of, Our holy Faith will be all the more strongly impressed upon the hearts of the faithful.​
It has indeed lately come to Our ears, not without afflicting Us with bitter sorrow, that in some parts of Northern Germany, as well as in the provinces, townships, territories, districts, and dioceses of Mainz, Cologne, Tréves, Salzburg, and Bremen, many persons of both sexes, unmindful of their own salvation and straying from the Catholic Faith, have abandoned themselves to devils, incubi and succubi, and by their incantations, spells, conjurations, and other accursed charms and crafts, enormities and horrid offences, have slain infants yet in the mother's womb, as also the offspring of cattle, have blasted the produce of the earth, the grapes of the vine, the fruits of the trees, nay, men and women, beasts of burthen, herd-beasts, as well as animals of other kinds, vineyards, orchards, meadows, pasture-land, corn, wheat, and all other cereals; these wretches furthermore afflict and torment men and women, beasts of burthen, herd-beasts, as well as animals of other kinds, with terrible and piteous pains and sore diseases, both internal and external; they hinder men from performing the sexual act and women from conceiving, whence husbands cannot know their wives nor wives receive their husbands; over and above this, they blasphemously renounce that Faith which is theirs by the Sacrament of Baptism, and at the instigation of the Enemy of Mankind they do not shrink from committing and perpetrating the foulest abominations and filthiest excesses to the deadly peril of their own souls, whereby they outrage the Divine Majesty and are a cause of scandal and danger to very many. And although Our dear sons Henry Kramer and James Sprenger, Professors of Theology, of the Order of Friars Preachers, have been by Letters Apostolic delegated as Inquisitors of these heretical pravities, and still are Inquisitors, the first in the aforesaid parts of Northern Germany, wherein are included those aforesaid townships, districts, dioceses, and other specified localities, and the second in certain territories which lie along the borders of the Rhine, nevertheless not a few clerics and lay folk of those countries, seeking too curiously to know more than concerns them, since in the aforesaid delegatory letters there is no express and specific mention by name of these provinces, townships, dioceses, and districts, and further since the two delegates themselves and the abominations they are to encounter are not designated in detailed and particular fashion, these persons are not ashamed to contend with the most unblushing effrontery that these enormities are not practised in these provinces, and consequently the aforesaid Inquisitors have no legal right to exercise their powers of inquisition in the provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, and territories, which have been rehearsed, and that the Inquisitors may not proceed to punish, imprison, and penalize criminals convicted of the heinous offences and many wickednesses which have been set forth. Accordingly in the aforesaid provinces, townships, dioceses, and districts, the abominations and enormities in question remain unpunished not without open danger to the souls of many and peril of eternal damnation.​
Wherefore We, as is Our duty, being wholly desirous of removing all hindrances and obstacles by which the good work of the Inquisitors may be let and tarded, as also of applying potent remedies to prevent the disease of heresy and other turpitudes diffusing their poison to the destruction of many innocent souls, since Our zeal for the Faith especially incites us, lest that the provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, and territories of Germany, which We had specified, be deprived of the benefits of the Holy Office thereto assigned, by the tenor of these presents in virtue of Our Apostolic authority We decree and enjoin that the aforesaid Inquisitors be empowered to proceed to the just correction, imprisonment, and punishment of any persons, without let or hindrance, in every way as if the provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, territories, yea, even the persons and their crimes in this kind were named and particularly designated in Our letters. Moreover, for greater surety We extend these letters deputing this authority to cover all the aforesaid provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, territories, persons, and crimes newly rehearsed, and We grant permission to the aforesaid Inquisitors, to one separately or to both, as also to Our dear son John Gremper, priest of the diocese of Constance, Master of Arts, their notary, or to any other public notary, who shall be by them, or by one of them, temporarily delegated to those provinces, townships, dioceses, districts, and aforesaid territories, to proceed, according to the regulations of the Inquisition, against any persons of whatsoever rank and high estate, correcting, mulcting, imprisoning, punishing, as their crimes merit, those whom they have found guilty, the penalty being adapted to the offence. Moreover, they shall enjoy a full and perfect faculty of expounding and preaching the word of God to the faithful, so often as opportunity may offer and it may seem good to them, in each and every parish church of the said provinces, and they shall freely and lawfully perform any rites or execute any business which may appear advisable in the aforesaid cases. By Our supreme authority We grant them anew full and complete faculties.​
At the same time by Letters Apostolic We require Our venerable Brother, the Bishop of Strasburg (Albrecht von Bayern, 1478-1506 - ed.), that he himself shall announce, or by some other or others cause to be announced, the burthen if Our Bull, which he shall solemnly publish when and so often as he deems it necessary, or when he shall be requested so to do by the Inquisitors or by one of them. Nor shall he suffer them in disobedience to the tenor of these presents to be molested or hindered by any authority whatsoever, but he shall threaten all who endeavour to hinder or harass the Inquisitors, all who oppose them, all rebels, of whatsoever rank, estate, position, pre-eminence, dignity, or any condition they may be, or whatsoever privilege or exemption they may claim, with excommunication, suspension, interdict, and yet more terrible penalties, censures, and punishment, as may seem good to him, and that without any right of appeal, and if he will he may by Our authority aggravate and renew these penalties as often as he list, calling in, if so please him, the help of the secular arm.​
Non obstantibus . . . Let no man therefore . . . But if any dare to do so, which God forbid, let him know that upon him will fall the wrath of Almighty God, and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul. Given at Rome, at S. Peter's, on the 9 December of the Year of the Incarnation of Our Lord one thousand four hundred and eighty-four, in the first year of Our Pontificate.​

Pontiffs are infalliable when speaking on matters of Dgoma and faith...don't forget...:D


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
Unfortunately a Catholic perspective usually a set of made up rules and regulations setup over 1000 years to keep its members in line. It was only recently they even gave notice to any other sect of Christain life..They were along the prevailers of the It's no wonder it is their personal God as well.

I'm not trashing the Church and certainly not the faith,but rather the political nature of the organization

It's funny I would here about a great following of the Catholic faith..hasn't more wars been started and more power held by that organization then any other??


Electoral Member
Oct 9, 2006
The Store Owners' need a great big kick in the butt!!!

They wouldn't be free to chose anything if Hilter had been successful!

i wonder how many Jewish employees that they have???? If Hitler had been successful in the perfect Aryan RACE there would have been a wipe out of first Jewish, then Blacks etc. etc.

This just totally disgusts me.

So does Sanctum's drivel about Jesus and Prayer. I am a Christian as well, buddy, and you need to check your bible. Because Jesus warned his followers of what was to come, and he wasn't saying to blow down and start praying.

And by the by, where you are was purchased by those soldiers and families of those soldiers who had the courage to protect and defend it.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
As a lapsed Catholic I don't see the Catholic Church as being all powerful or rich anymore, because of it's refusal to deal with the Sex Crimes of it's Priest the Catholic Church has lost billions in law suits. It's members abandoned the church by the thousands, I'd say the mighty has fallen.

I have this urge to scream "MY GOD IS THE ONLY GOD", not that I believe that.