“War was declared against Western countries”
No my friend there was never a declaration of war made by any nation against “Western countries”….
Who can declare “war”?
What you’re suggesting is that a band of fanatical Islamists operating under the aegis of al-Qa'ida commited an act of war against the United States and Canada and this was an act of war.
These people are criminals, not the agents of foreign governments! What gives you the idea that a criminal conspiracy successful in engendering fear and hatred in North Americans is the policy of some legal foreign entity?
You bought that Iraq was sitting on a pile of weapons of mass destruction too right?
But your presentation confirms exactly what the terrorists want. Your idea that there is a cultural divide predicated on religious grounds that a foreign power i.e., Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, whomever…seeks to destroy the goose that laid the golden egg…
It makes perfect sense as far as your concerned that after years of commerce and piles of money paid for petroleum to oppressive regimes in the oil producing nations in the Middle East that they would choose to cut their throats while they cut ours just to impress upon us that our habits of consumption are the real source of conflict?
Connie Rice has an Exxon super-tanker named after her….the soviets occupied Afghanistan with hopes of securing a “right-of-way” to build a gas pipeline (ask the mayor of Kandahar he used to work for the American oil cartel) ….despite all these contributing factors you believe that Islamists are driven by their religious zeal to eviscerate Christianity and this is all about religion…..
How about them leafs…….
YES, some sects do want to wipe out Christianity and that ofends me, and I'm not even Christian!
Do I really have to waste my time and find all the sound bites, pics and vid clips to show you that the extremists in the Muslim world want nothing more then the global occupation of an Islamic Army?
You and I both know full well, you will heed nothing from any time I invest in our education, so why bother.