Ever heard of 'etymology'?
Absolutely. Love it; look up names all the time for various reasons.
Interesting you cut off the rest of the comment that continues on after the names thing, which means you missed the entire point.
If it was JUST names, you might have a point; but it's names AS WELL as gender being talked about for kids. Just so you know, this idea of the nick or short/other names for kids, whether trans or not, DID come up in the discussion of trans ID when Policy 713 was being an issue in NB, because when it comes to these things, those making it up tend to push the "official names" as well as "official gender", with "official" meaning those assigned at birth. And I'm sure you would think it's stupid - and it is - but it was a concern raised by people. Back to the point - notice you said NOTHING about pushing girls into the "girl colors and clothes" and boys into "boy colors and clothes"; so does that mean you agree with that thought process?
And let's put it a different way. Take away names like Jim and James and Michael and so on, to make it less confusing for you; what about kids with unisex names? Lesley, Alex, Angel, Jesse, Mandy, Bailey, Riley; not boy names, not girl names. You get a Jesse show up at a school in a dress, are you going to demand that someone yank their clothes off to genital inspect to make sure the gender on their ID matches the body parts? Because THAT is what is being proposed. Don't think so? You aren't paying attention then to what's going on in the states.
And you didn't answer the question, either.
"So you don't think "normal kids" should be treated with respect to who they are as people?" Your answer is likely no, because that's the ONLY answer you can give that doesn't make you out to be a bigger bigot than you are.
There's no linguistic progression when you're name is Bob and you insist on being called Wanda.
Because in that case, it's not linguistic progression, it's a name change suiting the person that they pick themselves. Are you saying people can't change their names if they want?
Also, names like Jim, Ted and Mike are the familiar versions of James, Theodore and Michael. If someone introduces themselves to you as "James", they will likely correct you if you call them Jimmy. But family and good friends will likely get away with it in more familiar moments.
Yeah, you ever on the other end of calling someone a name they don't want to be called? I get it often. And that's not just short form names, either, so not just Jim or Jimmy for James.
Point is, if someone tells you their name is X, then you fucking call them X because who the hell are you to say otherwise?