There are only two genders. Trans isn't one of them.
Well thank you for showing you're clueless to what trans is.
Now go get an education
I think the one needing education here is you, Tax.
so you can comprehend what people write, instead of what you would like to think they write.
You said "I also have a problem with treating what is a mental or psychological or whatever you want to call it trait?"
Being trans is not a 'trait', unless you are going to claim gender overall is a trait?
Your problem, as you claim, is that people are treating what you believe is a mental/psychological "or whatever you want to call it" trait. But since gender is not a trait, that is not what is being done.
Here's some education for you that you don't need to look for.
- a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin ( transcend; transfix ); on this model, used with the meanings “across,” “beyond,” “through,” “changing thoroughly,” “transverse,” in combination with elements of any origin: transisthmian; trans-Siberian; transempirical; transvalue.
- Chemistry. a prefix denoting a geometric isomer having a pair of identical atoms or groups on the opposite sides of two atoms linked by a double bond. Compare cis- ( def 2 ).
- Astronomy. a prefix denoting something farther from the sun (than a given planet): trans-Martian; trans-Neptunian.
- a prefix meaning “on the other side of,” referring to the misalignment of one’s gender identity with one's sex assigned at birth: transgender.
In the instance of Trans people, it simply means the opposite gender of the one assigned at birth. It's still a gender, just opposite of what the person was given. Hence why it's called TransGENDER; opposite/on the other side of GENDER.