Sounds like next week all of the provincial premieres are meeting with Trudeau (?) to discuss this…& then all will travel to the US to meet with Donald Trump. I hope like Hell they leave Trudeau at home in Canada, tied up and stuffed back in the closet with one of those S&M ball gags.
Every single time Justin Trudeau opens his mouth, he seems to do more damage. He’s got at least another eight weeks or so to shoot his mouth off with no personal consequences for himself, and huge consequences for Canada. If the adults are going to Washington to deal with this, please leave Trudeau at home.
Then this ditzy Hamas sympathizer Joly, just stuff her in the same closet as Trudeau, with her own ball gag, ‘cuz she’s not gonna help anything either, & chances are she’s not even gonna win her own riding in the next election.

Anyway, back to Trump’s claim of subsidizing Canada to the tune of $100 billion dollars…I’m assuming he’s talking about a trade deficit, & not a subsidy?

If that’s the case, it’s actually a deficit of $40 billion, not $100 billion, & American has 10 or 11 times the population of Canada and is in general wealthier than we are and they buy more stuff. About 25% of everything that America buys from Canada is discounted crude oil, & heavy Canadian crude oil at that, that their own refineries are set up for refining…& though America is one of the largest producers in the world, it doesn’t make enough for its own consumption (petroleum products I mean).

So here’s where it gets the difference, & keep in mind The crude oil for Canada is sold to America at a discount below the world price…

…& that’s why, as Ottawa is posturing and fumbling and stumbling, Danielle Smith is coming across as more and more coherent and mature as the largest oil producing province in Canada (with Saskatchewan being the next largest, though only a fraction of Alberta’s production).
{Justin & Jagmeet, they just need to shut the hell up because they’re done like dinner (!!) and they are not helping whatsoever}
Now here’s a quick snapshot of other countries that America trades with, and America’s trade deficits with them, & Canada isn’t even in the top five…

Just offering perspective.