Maybe its time to face facts..Condemning Hamas and Hezbollah, or anything that comes off as too pro-Israel, will alienate a vast swathe of the progressive movement. If you are on the left in 2024, you have to break bread with people who effectively support terrorism, laundered as part of a liberation movement. Especially if you have ambitions beyond being a card-carrying party member. Much of the NDP understands this well, and the Liberals are close behind.
For over a decade, the Liberals have made their bed for diaspora politics, and they’ve been sleeping with its practitioners since 2015.
Getting away from it risks the wrath of a jilted lolover.
Only Israel can defend itself. Anyone else who defends themselves from Israel are radical supremacist terrorists.
Data on casualties | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory
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Crazy. I wonder if anybody knows about this?