This about covers the drug issue.
Safe Injection Stopped.
Safe Injection - in concept - is a good idea. Of course in practice it sucks because as usual, the money and people aren't there. So stop it until the funding is there.
Funding for Rehabilitation that doesn't have a six-week waiting list.
Good luck on that. Rehab doesn't work unless the person wants it to work and is ready for it to work. Funding won't change a person's rehab experience if they are there and don't want to be.
Mandatory minimums for trafficking drugs.
Cause that works SO WELL in the US.
Mandatory minimums for murder.
Cause... that's not the law now?
No bail for violent offenders.
That I can agree with - not just drugs but of any kind.
We need a path to recovery, not a ghetto built for consumption.
Sure, but you have to have a reasonable and workable path first.
Your suggestions aren't what you think they are. And they're pretty much the same ol' bullshit that the US has parroted... and look how it's "helped" them?
And before you bring it up, my suggestions would be more:
Push more funding into safe injection sites so they are opened 24/7 and manned properly, including security. With the caveat that anyone found NOT using a safe injection site is jailed for 30 days minimum to 'dry out'. Second offence of not going to a site puts one in six months. And that every site HAS to have a way to help people who are tired of the ride and want off, and transport to any facility is provided right then, so there's no time to think/second guess the choice.
Since you can't force people into Rehab, the only thing to do is make them appeal more to people who do want to get off drugs and hope word of mouth makes them more inviting to go. So not just funding but actually something to draw people to it.
If you traffic drugs you've a choice - an X amount of time of public service where you are 'paid', but half to 3/4 of that pay goes to fund local rehab places and safe injection sites and you are confined to 'jail' when not out doing public service, or you get an X amount of time in jail and that time in jail depends on what you were dealing, who you've dealt to and if anyone did any harm while under the influence of drugs you sold to them.
If you re-offend after getting out, minimum of X jail time after that.
A chance of REDUCED time if you actually become part of a rehab plan or mentor program of how to avoid drugs, get off them, keep kids from them.
But the BIGGEST thing that needs to be done is more fucking police. And stop this idea that the RCMP are all a community or province needs for policing. Because that is the WORST idea and never should have happened to begin with. So more funding into having local police in communities, especially those experiencing a rise in drug related problems (and yes, biased on this right now since this is happening in my town currently).