
The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The shooter was improperly trained. He likely thought a head shot was the way to go, but anyone with military or police training would fire for the center of the visible mass. Trump would be dead if it had been a military thing, if anyone's floating conspiracies. This looks like a kid willing to die to stop Trump, but lacking the training to execute such a plan.
A true gun guy wouldnt have used a Dollar General .22LR either.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Maybe that'd be the reaction 10 or more years ago, but right now, absolutely have to disagree with this.
We will have to agree to disagree here because I believe that people are still people…& political differences aside, Americans are still Americans…just like up here, political differences aside, Canadians are still Canadians.

If anybody is going to circle the wagons as a unified entity when shit hits the fan, it’s Americans. Look at 9/11 or the protectionist reaction to the 2008-2009 financial meltdown for examples of real (not speculative) reactions. America is the melting pot. It’s been demonstrated repeatedly. We’re imposing our divisive multicultural mindset on their mentality to think otherwise in my opinion.
…it's not too far a stretch to believe that they would be gleeful if Biden had been the one to be shot. Or super gleeful of it was Harris
The same can be speculated, based on preconceived ideas about stereotyping, of either side, but it’s biased irrelevance. TikTok vids of Self aggrandizing retards in this very thread already earlier for examples.
Anyone remember how the election turned out after they tried to assassinate Reagan?

View attachment 23250
This whole thing is revolting & the rhetoric from both sides need to STFU! If you don't like him, bloody well vote!!
I completely concur with your assessment of the situation, eligibility pertaining, etc…
Trudeau will use this to add another 10 Cadillac SUVs to his motorcade .
Trudeau will use this American situation and reaction to an American election in America, with very different rules and laws that are American specific…as a bogeyman to any perceived opposition to him in Canada. I doubt he would believe it himself, but he will sure sell it. We’ve seen it with Roe versus Wade and many other examples. I’m sure I’m not the only one that wonders at times which country Trudeau thinks he’s campaigning for or in when he does this.

Any attempts at diplomacy between Poilievre & Trump between now & forever before (and after) federal elections in both nations will be Weaponized by Trudeau against anyone and everyone.
His ego is why a lot of things happen, and not a lot of them are good things.
Same could be said with respect to most politicians, regardless of nationality, and let’s use our own PM as an example.
Or someone taking a shot at Biden, or Harris.
Seriously, doubt it, but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t take every precaution to avoid that happening preemptively. They’re both toast as much as Freeland is in the next couple of months…so why would anybody bother? They’re done as of yesterday before the Secret Service got Trump into the motorcade and on his way to the hospital (& that’s not even mentioning the last US debate between Biden & Trump). Worse than lame duck at this point.
And on hats, shirts, and anything else Trump can use it for to monetize his campaign.
Yep…absolutely everywhere, & not just until November or January either.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Sadly .22LR was enough to kill 2 people though.. :(

Pretty sure if Trump didn't turn his head at the last second, it might be a different newsday.. or Civil war in the USA.
5 shots....a universally legal clip. Anti gun people cant bitch.

It would have crashed markets.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I can see the tinfoil hat crowd coming out, saying this was staged, and it will happen. Nobody is going to volunteer to have somebody shoot them in the ear from 200 m away or whatever the heck it was…damn. That’s just beyond crazy, & a whole lotta dumb luck involved in Trump surviving yesterday.
Considering how some of the Republicans (and their lapdog types) reacted with Pelosi's husband was assaulted, including Trump, it's not too far a stretch to believe that they would be gleeful if Biden had been the one to be shot. Or super gleeful of it was Harris.
The same can be speculated, based on preconceived ideas about stereotyping, of either side, but it’s biased irrelevance. TikTok vids of Self aggrandizing retards in this very thread already earlier for examples.
Or this:
We will have to agree to disagree here because I believe that people are still people…& political differences aside, Americans are still Americans…
Etc… I can see America uniting like it did after Reagan was shot, or 911, or the financial fallout from Fanny May and Freddie Mac, or several other examples, etc…
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
What a clown.. the burning of cities, Antifia, BLM is done by left wing nutters

MAGA are too damn busy working for a living. The leftist are the welfare grabbers.

Yes you are a clown, but here you are, posting anyway and continuing to be said clown.

Meanwhile you miss the entire fucking point of the video. Congrats Boom, you've succeeded in another level of 'new low'.