Liberal stronghold riding in Toronto up for grabs today!!!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Bi-election? By election, Bye-bye-election? Liberals were planning this byelection for close to a year — they found a candidate who was good on paper, who clearly put in the work for a tight race, but in the end lost because voters, even in St. Paul’s, have chosen to move on from Justin Trudeau.

What is truly remarkable about this is that the Liberals controlled every aspect of the timing of this byelection, giving them every advantage.

To win, Stewart needed several things to happen.

He needed disaffected Liberals, upset with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s leadership, to come out and vote for him, which many clearly did. He also needed professionals and small business owners upset over the capital gains tax changes to show up for him, which they did.

Finally, he needed the Jewish community concentrated to the Forest Hill neighbourhood to abandon their long-held ties to the Liberal Party and vote blue, which clearly many did.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
"This was obviously not the result we wanted, but I want to be clear that I hear your concerns and frustrations," Trudeau said in a media statement. He did not take questions from reporters.
Thank you CBC. I am enlighten.

Trudeau has binned half of his cabinet and … nothing changed in the polls. He tabled another budget and … nothing changed. He sent most of his new cabinet to Toronto-St. Paul's to tout the budget and … the people said "no." What more of a signal does one man need?

Chrystia Freeland on Monday stated while voters were casting ballots in a by-election, in what had been up to then the Liberal fortress of Toronto-St. Paul’s, Freeland said those voting for (winning) Conservative candidate Don Stewart would be voting for a vision of Canada that is “cold and cruel and small,” in favour of “cuts and austerity, not believing in ourselves as a country, not believing in our communities and in our neighbours.” Etc…
1719357051620.jpegThe vote in Toronto-St. Paul’s — a narrow but shocking Conservative victory in a riding that had been Liberal since 1993 in a city where the Conservatives hadn’t won a single seat since the 2011 federal election — suggests many Canadians have had enough of Liberal arrogance.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Trudeau, in reacting to the St. Paul’s loss that will increase calls within his party for him to resign said, “I want to be clear that I hear people’s concerns and frustrations” and that “I and my entire Liberal team have much more work to do to deliver tangible, real progress that Canadians across the country can see and feel … my focus is on your success and that’s where it’s going to stay.” Oh great…
“I’ll take a balanced budget from the Spring of 2015 Pre-Trudeau for $1,600,000,000,000.00 Alex!”


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Trudeau, in reacting to the St. Paul’s loss that will increase calls within his party for him to resign said, “I want to be clear that I hear people’s concerns and frustrations” and that “I and my entire Liberal team have much more work to do to deliver tangible, real progress that Canadians across the country can see and feel … my focus is on your success and that’s where it’s going to stay.” Oh great…
View attachment 22756
“I’ll take a balanced budget from the Spring of 2015 Pre-Trudeau for $1,600,000,000,000.00 Alex!”
I’ll take Kobe steak with my wine please .


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I am more convinced that the Liberals will do a change. They have made leaders fall on swords for less. If they don't, I have to assume that Justin has some sort of blackmail material on most of them. I am thinking this fall or winter or maybe even next spring. Give the voters little time to assess the new leader and he/she would campaign on the "I am not Trudeau" banner.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I am more convinced that the Liberals will do a change. They have made leaders fall on swords for less. If they don't, I have to assume that Justin has some sort of blackmail material on most of them. I am thinking this fall or winter or maybe even next spring. Give the voters little time to assess the new leader and he/she would campaign on the "I am not Trudeau" banner.
They'll have to run all white men next time.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
And Trudeau's to blame.
We (Canadians in general & nobody specifically) voted him in three times. Once for those that don’t follow politics, I get…
He gives Canada a bad name.
2019 & 2021 federal elections though, that’s on Canada (with a side of China I guess) and Canadians. That’s totally on us as a whole whether we voted for this clown or not as individuals…we gave ourselves a bad name.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
"Freeland said those voting for (winning) Conservative candidate Don Stewart would be voting for a vision of Canada that is “cold and cruel and small,

Well, it beats being a Canada that the Liberals turned into a FAR more dangerous country. It beats being a Canada that colludes with extremist foreign entities *cough*CCP*cough*islamists*cough*. It sure beats being a Canada that invites nazis to Parliament to celebrate them. It sure beats being a Canada that lets islamo-nazis terrorize Canadians in "protest" of shit going on somewhere else. It beats being a Canada with a govt that isn't even qualified to run a bath.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
We (Canadians in general & nobody specifically) voted him in three times. Once for those that don’t follow politics, I get…

2019 & 2021 federal elections though, that’s on Canada (with a side of China I guess) and Canadians. That’s totally on us as a whole whether we voted for this clown or not as individuals…we gave ourselves a bad name.
Sure, now try to sing that to the Bon Jovi song. Just enjoy the humour bud, I'm here all week. :cool:
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
…Well, it beats being a Canada that the Liberals turned into a FAR more dangerous country. It beats being a Canada that colludes with extremist foreign entities *cough*CCP*cough*islamists*cough*.
It sure beats being a Canada that invites nazis to Parliament to celebrate them. It sure beats being a Canada that lets islamo-nazis terrorize Canadians in "protest" of shit going on somewhere else. It beats being a Canada with a govt that isn't even qualified to run a bath.
Between the rising cost of living, the dearth of housing and the prime minister’s have-it-both-ways approach to the Israel-Hamas war, voters sent a clear signal that they’ve had enough. The Jewish community, which makes up 15 per cent of St. Paul’s, felt particularly abandoned and angry.
The chatter now isn’t about whether Trudeau will quit, but when. The knives are out, and they are being sharpened both inside and outside the party. This isn’t just about one man: there are now dozens of Liberal MPs whose seats are at risk, etc…


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The Libs better have one goddam big rabbit in that hat of theirs else they're going to get destroyed in 2025. But of course there's still plenty of time for the Cons to shoot themselves in the foot so... could be some fun times ahead.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
One Liberal MP told CBC News that if the caucus waits until that early September meeting to regroup and reset, "we will be writing our obituary."

"We put everything we had into it and still lost," a second Liberal MP told CBC News. "This is an unmitigated disaster."

A third Liberal caucus member suggested the loss may have been a good thing because it could force the Prime Minister's Office to recognize that the current mix of strategy and policy isn't working? "PMO needed that message," the third MP said.

"What's the plan?" a fourth Liberal MP told CBC News. "We need a course correction."

Another caucus member told CBC News that MPs are hearing from Liberal supporters that it's time for a leadership change. The same MP said it is ultimately up to Trudeau to decide whether he stays or goes, but added that a new leader could breathe life into the party.

"Does [Trudeau] want his legacy to be not just the decline, but the destruction of the Liberal party?" they asked.

Some Liberals who spoke to CBC News blamed the prime minister and his staff for manufacturing the Toronto-St. Paul's byelection in their latest cabinet overhaul in July 2023.

There was a consensus that if the prime minister was intent on staying, something significant would have to change???

The most common ideas were a newer new cabinet — built with the singular purpose of taking the fight to Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre — or a major shakeup in the senior political staff. Fire up the bus boys, we’ve got some cabinet members to throw under it again!!

Even the most worried MPs who spoke to CBC News underlined the point that the Liberal caucus is "fairly passive" and unlikely to agitate for change too aggressively or too loudly. This is from the CBC, as the unofficial Liberal sounding board for anonymous leaks from government officials to the public.
No MP has publicly called for Trudeau to step down as leader as of yet, but there is increasing pressure on the Liberals to consider all their options, including a change in leadership, given that polls currently show them heading toward a resounding defeat in the next election.

Cabinet ministers have all come out to support Trudeau to stay on as Liberal leader.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Double-Down!! Liberal insiders and Members of Parliament I’ve spoken to in recent months have been quick to express private frustration at the state of affairs in Ottawa, but not one could imagine taking those issues public.

As one Liberal MP explained to me, most of the Liberal caucus sees itself as more beholden to the party than their constituents — the more they fear losing their seats, the more they are inclined to rally behind their leader. That, to me, is a sign of some serious democratic rot.