Has NOTHING to do with "wokeness" though.
Has EVERYTHING to do with it. Pay attention to all the remakes. Gotta remake all those "problematic" movies and TV shows that didn't have enough "diversity" in them. Ya know, because apparently some people can't enjoy anything unless "they're represented" in it. It's all about "representation" including but not limited to race or gender swapping, even when it makes abso-fucking-lutely no sense.
Cleopatra portrayed as Black. Heimdall portrayed as Black. Now, I'm not an expert on Norse mythology but I'd bet the farm there were no Black Norse gods. And for sure Heimdall wasn't. Isacc Newton portrayed as Black. Ann Boleyn portrayed as Black, and lesbian.
Then there's the nonsense of how no woman can ever be bested by a man anymore, physically or intellectually. Toxic masculinity is bad, unless those traits are transferred onto a female character then you're supposed to cheer for and admire her because she's just so awesomely awesome. *cough*Galadriel*cough*Rings of Power*cough*.
These twats take other people's universes and worlds and decide to say "Fuck the lore/cannon, I'm gonna inject my own "woke" worldview into someone else's created world that has its own worldview, rules and laws. I don't mean legislated rules and laws of the land, I mean the rules and laws that govern how a particular universe/world works.
The Star Wars universe is a prime example of fucking with those laws. Used to be a time in Star Wars where getting run through with a light saber meant you were dead. Period. In Ahsuka as long as you're a "strong, diverse female character", getting run through with a light saber 'tis but a flesh wound now where a few days in the medi-bay and you're good as new and ready to rock.
Fast forward to The Wacolyte and now Jedis can be killed with a fucking throwing star. Light saber? Fucking useless. But a ninja throwing star? Instant death.
And speaking of, as long as you're a radical feminist lesbian in the Star Wars universe, you can impregnate other women with your "force magic". An immaculate conception if you will. Of course that's NOT how the force works but hey, why bother with even the tiniest bit of consistency with the lore, they got propaganda shows to make.
Then you get all the "diverse" self-deluded twats who talk about how important it is for similarly "diverse" people to see them on the big screen. Well of course it's important, to their bank accounts. Ya know, because before 2015 no diverse actors ever starred in movies and TV. Yep, nobody ever saw movies or shows with Black stars, or Latino stars, or Asian stars, or strong female characters until Hollyweird got all woked up. Like the goof in the Wacolyte who exclaimed he never thought he'd get to play a Jedi because he'd never seen any other Black Jedis in Star Wars. Helloooo, calling Samuel L. Jackson. Some motherfucker needs a slap upside the head.
Yet another example of how "racist" fans aren't the problem is Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. The main character, Miles Morales, wasn't White. But he was a well fleshed out character. He wasn't a race swapped retcon, he was his own character with his own motivations and story. It had a well written script and did pretty well at the box office too, even though Super Hero fans are allegedly "racist". While Madam Web tanked because, well, if you watched it you'll know why.
Woke, talentless hacks are blaming racism and sexism for their abject lack of talent/experience. The heavy over-reliance on badly done CGI don't help them either.