Hamas attacks Israel


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The Poisonous History of Gazan Natural Gas

Back in 1993, when Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) signed the Oslo Accords that were supposed to end the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank and create a sovereign state, nobody was thinking much about Gaza’s coastline. As a result, Israel agreed that the newly created PA would fully control its territorial waters, even though the Israeli navy was still patrolling the area. Rumored natural gas deposits there mattered little to anyone, because prices were then so low and supplies so plentiful. No wonder that the Palestinians took their time recruiting British Gas (BG) — a major player in the global natural gas sweepstakes — to find out what was actually there. Only in 2000 did the two parties even sign a modest contract to develop those by-then confirmed fields.

BG promised to finance and manage their development, bear all the costs, and operate the resulting facilities in exchange for 90% of the revenues, an exploitative but typical “profit-sharing” agreement. With an already functioning natural gas industry, Egypt agreed to be the on-shore hub and transit point for the gas. The Palestinians were to receive 10% of the revenues (estimated at about a billion dollars in total) and were guaranteed access to enough gas to meet their needs.

Had this process moved a little faster, the contract might have been implemented as written. In 2000, however, with a rapidly expanding economy, meager fossil fuels, and terrible relations with its oil-rich neighbors, Israel found itself facing a chronic energy shortage. Instead of attempting to answer its problem with an aggressive but feasible effort to develop renewable sources of energy, Prime Minister Ehud Barak initiated the era of Eastern Mediterranean fossil fuel conflicts. He brought Israel’s naval control of Gazan coastal waters to bear and nixed the deal with BG. Instead, he demanded that Israel, not Egypt, receive the Gaza gas and that it also control all the revenues destined for the Palestinians — to prevent the money from being used to “fund terror.”

With this, the Oslo Accords were officially doomed. By declaring Palestinian control over gas revenues unacceptable, the Israeli government committed itself to not accepting even the most limited kind of Palestinian budgetary autonomy, let alone full sovereignty. Since no Palestinian government or organization would agree to this, a future filled with armed conflict was assured.

The Israeli veto led to the intervention of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who sought to broker an agreement that would satisfy both the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority. The result: a 2007 proposal that would have delivered the gas to Israel, not Egypt, at below-market prices, with the same 10% cut of the revenues eventually reaching the PA. However, those funds were first to be delivered to the Federal Reserve Bank in New York for future distribution, which was meant to guarantee that they would not be used for attacks on Israel.

This arrangement still did not satisfy the Israelis, who pointed to the recent victory of the militant Hamas party in Gaza elections as a deal-breaker. Though Hamas had agreed to let the Federal Reserve supervise all spending, the Israeli government, now led by Ehud Olmert, insisted that no “royalties be paid to the Palestinians.” Instead, the Israelis would deliver the equivalent of those funds “in goods and services.”

This offer the Palestinian government refused. Soon after, Olmert imposed a draconian blockade on Gaza, which Israel’s defense minister termed a form of “‘economic warfare’ that would generate a political crisis, leading to a popular uprising against Hamas.” With Egyptian cooperation, Israel then seized control of all commerce in and out of Gaza, severely limiting even food imports and eliminating its fishing industry. As Olmert advisor Dov Weisglass summed up this agenda, the Israeli government was putting the Palestinians “on a diet” (which, according to the Red Cross, soon produced “chronic malnutrition,” especially among Gazan children).


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Part 2

When the Palestinians still refused to accept Israel’s terms, the Olmert government decided to unilaterally extract the gas, something that, they believed, could only occur once Hamas had been displaced or disarmed. As former Israel Defense Forces commander and current Foreign Minister Moshe Ya’alon explained, “Hamas… has confirmed its capability to bomb Israel’s strategic gas and electricity installations… It is clear that, without an overall military operation to uproot Hamas control of Gaza, no drilling work can take place without the consent of the radical Islamic movement.”

Following this logic, Operation Cast Lead was launched in the winter of 2008. According to Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai, it was intended to subject Gaza to a “shoah” (the Hebrew word for holocaust or disaster). Yoav Galant, the commanding general of the Operation, said that it was designed to “send Gaza decades into the past.” As Israeli parliamentarian Tzachi Hanegbi explained, the specific military goal was “to topple the Hamas terror regime and take over all the areas from which rockets are fired on Israel.”

Operation Cast Lead did indeed “send Gaza decades into the past.” Amnesty International reported that the 22-day offensive killed 1,400 Palestinians, “including some 300 children and hundreds of other unarmed civilians, and large areas of Gaza had been razed to the ground, leaving many thousands homeless and the already dire economy in ruins.” The only problem: Operation Cast Lead did not achieve its goal of “transferring the sovereignty of the gas fields to Israel.”

gas that is falling in our zone.” Hezbollah, the most aggressive political faction in Lebanon, promised rocket attacks if “a single meter” of natural gas was extracted from the disputed fields.

Israel’s Resource Minister accepted the challenge, asserting that “[t]hese areas are within the economic waters of Israel… We will not hesitate to use our force and strength to protect not only the rule of law but the international maritime law.”

Oil industry journalist Terzian offered this analysis of the realities of the confrontation:

“In practical terms… nobody is going to invest with Lebanon in disputed waters. There are no Lebanese companies there capable of carrying out the drilling, and there is no military force that could protect them. But on the other side, things are different. You have Israeli companies that have the ability to operate in offshore areas, and they could take the risk under the protection of the Israeli military.”

Sure enough, Israel continued its exploration and drilling in the two disputed fields, deploying drones to guard the facilities. Meanwhile, the Netanyahu government invested major resources in preparing for possible future military confrontations in the area. For one thing, with lavish U.S. funding, it developed the “Iron Dome” anti-missile defense system designed in part to intercept Hezbollah and Hamas rockets aimed at Israeli energy facilities. It also expanded the Israeli navy, focusing on its ability to deter or repel threats to offshore energy facilities. Finally, starting in 2011 it launched airstrikes in Syria designed, according to U.S. officials, “to prevent any transfer of advanced… antiaircraft, surface-to-surface and shore-to-ship missiles” to Hezbollah.

The rest....

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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Maybe they can do a corpse swap? Televise it…kind of like a hockey draft, but they (by they I mean both the red & blue shirts) would have to list the names of the corpses…& it would be like a super-morbid version of 8yr olds picking teams for dodgeball.
Any word on the 8 menstruating who were IDF but not IDF in plain clothes cause they were spotting?

Is it like our Natives where women arent allow in the kitchen during cycles so its 3-4 days of take out?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There Is No Denouement

After 25 years and five failed Israeli military efforts, Gaza’s natural gas is still underwater and, after four years, the same can be said for almost all of the Levantine gas. But things are not the same. In energy terms, Israel is ever more desperate, even as it has been building up its military, including its navy, in significant ways. The other claimants have, in turn, found larger and more powerful partners to help reinforce their economic and military claims. All of this undoubtedly means that the first quarter-century of crisis over eastern Mediterranean natural gas has been nothing but prelude. Ahead lies the possibility of bigger gas wars with the devastation they are likely to bring.

Well well well

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's biggest coalition partner said on Tuesday it would support a prospective deal to free hostages from Hamas captivity even if it entails an overhaul of Israel's Gaza war strategy.
The statement by Shas, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish party that holds 11 of parliament's 120 seats, followed similar remarks on Monday by Yitzhak Goldknopf, leader of the second such party in the coalition, United Torah Judaism, which has seven seats.

"Our position is that there is nothing greater than the value of life and the commandment to redeem captives, because their lives face a real and present danger," Goldknopf, Israel's housing minister, said in a statement.

Similarly citing a religious obligation, Shas pledged "full support" to the proposal. It encouraged Netanyahu and his war cabinet to "withstand all pressures for the end of returning the hostages".

The combined support of the two parties - which hold 18 of the 72 seats controlled by Netanyahu's expanded emergency government - could help offset opposition by far-right partners to a U.S.-backed proposal for winding down the Gaza war.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's biggest coalition partner said on Tuesday it would support a prospective deal to free hostages from Hamas captivity even if it entails an overhaul of Israel's Gaza war strategy.
The statement by Shas, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish party that holds 11 of parliament's 120 seats, followed similar remarks on Monday by Yitzhak Goldknopf, leader of the second such party in the coalition, United Torah Judaism, which has seven seats.

"Our position is that there is nothing greater than the value of life and the commandment to redeem captives, because their lives face a real and present danger," Goldknopf, Israel's housing minister, said in a statement.

Similarly citing a religious obligation, Shas pledged "full support" to the proposal. It encouraged Netanyahu and his war cabinet to "withstand all pressures for the end of returning the hostages".

The combined support of the two parties - which hold 18 of the 72 seats controlled by Netanyahu's expanded emergency government - could help offset opposition by far-right partners to a U.S.-backed proposal for winding down the Gaza war.
Religious reasons eh? Its aboot time.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Well... oops.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
MP Kevin Vuong says wife followed by anti-Israel forces who have smeared him

Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Published Jun 04, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read

Pro-Israel MP Kevin Vuong says he has reported to police and parliamentary security officials about an incident Monday night in which he alleges his pregnant wife was followed.

“This is a clear escalation,” said the Spadina-Fort York MP.

He said the incident occurred after 7 p.m. in an east-end Toronto neighbourhood when his wife, Elizabeth, went out for a walk.

“Elizabeth is rattled,” said Vuong. “She is scared.”

Vuong, 35, went to social media to report the incident and said he has contacted police. The couple is expecting their first child this fall.

“To the people who followed my wife last night and postered her route with your trash ‘genocide’ disinformation, I want you to know: We will not be intimidated,” Vuong posted to his X account Tuesday. “To the woman who followed us during our walk in her car and took photos, we took some ourselves and have your licence plate.”

Vuong said he has shared the photos with Toronto Police, who have not so far commented.

“I have also talked to the protective services people at the Sgt. At Arms in Ottawa,” said Vuong.

There is no doubt in his mind that this was provocation as a result of his strong advocacy for the Jewish community in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 slaughter by Hamas.

“She was clearly being followed,” said Vuong, who said they noticed anti-Israel posters calling him out being pasted to poles all along the same route. The poster is in essence an attack ad which asks “Where’s Kevin” and says his “favourite activities” include “supporting genocide in Gaza.”

He has removed the “hateful” smear posters in the area surrounding his home since he said they are more to pressure him than his neighbours. Vuong, who has seen a protest at his constituency office as well, has seen an escalation against him as a result of his strong support for Jewish businesses and Jewish citizens.

“I have been the most vocal MP,” he said. “There are people who don’t like it.”

In fact, it was brought to his attention that people on a social media site were commenting on how he and his wife had moved from an apartment in his ward to a home in another Toronto neighbourhood as they await the birth of their first child.

Posters targeting MP Kevin Vuong have been pasted on poles in his neighbourhood -- Supplied photo
Posters targeting MP Kevin Vuong have been pasted on poles in his neighbourhood — Supplied photo
“It was a discussion of what should be done, and it said they would talk about what to do next but not on that site but perhaps on Signal or something more secure,” he said.

The independent parliamentarian also said there has been a pattern of intimidation directed toward him that includes people using the system to harass him at his place of residence.

“They found out where we lived and they started calling parking enforcement to give me tickets,” he said. “I was given four tickets in five days.”

He said he now has a parking permit, but things have escalated with these posters being put around his neighbourhood even though the street is not in his riding.

This is brutal. It’s unacceptable. And it’s terrifying.

Vuong has been amidst much controversy since being elected in 2021. Originally a Liberal MP, he was dropped from the party after it was learned he didn’t disclose a previous criminal charge that was later withdrawn. He has since indicated he felt the complaint could have been part of a “honey trap” set by communist Chinese agents. There have also been reports Vuong has asked about joining the Conservative caucus ahead of the next election.

That aside, the naval reserve officer has shown himself to be an outstanding local MP who takes on tough files and does not fish for votes on what is popular but grounds himself in what he feels is right. It’s not easy for politicians now – on any side of the spectrum. But there needs to be a line drawn when it comes to bothering people at home or involving their families. That crosses the line. No politician or anyone who has a strong opinion on any issue should be subjected to this kind of bullying.

When you have Jewish schools being shot up, synagogues attacked and now MPs allegedly being stalked, it’s clear the anti-Semitic activities in Toronto are out of control. It’s seems no target or person is off limits.

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
B.C. school district investigates exam asking pupils to argue if Israel should exist
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Published Jun 04, 2024 • 1 minute read

BURNABY, B.C. — The school district in Burnaby, B.C., has launched an investigation into what it says was a harmful exam that asked students to make arguments about whether Jewish people deserve or need a homeland.

The question was posed by a teacher to Grade 6 and 7 students in an elementary social studies exam.

The district says in a statement that the question stated that “some believe that Jewish people deserve or need a homeland (Israel), while others believe that Israel should not exist.”

District Supt. Karim Hachlaf says in the statement that regardless of the intention, the question is deeply concerning and could be trauma-inducing for students, especially Jewish children.

The district says the family of one of the students raised the concern by sending an email to the district with the exam question.

In addition to the investigation, the district says it will reach out to families in the classroom and the Jewish community to determine what additional supports are needed, and it will work with administrators to reinforce use of appropriate learning resources within its schools.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
B.C. school district investigates exam asking pupils to argue if Israel should exist
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Published Jun 04, 2024 • 1 minute read

BURNABY, B.C. — The school district in Burnaby, B.C., has launched an investigation into what it says was a harmful exam that asked students to make arguments about whether Jewish people deserve or need a homeland.

The question was posed by a teacher to Grade 6 and 7 students in an elementary social studies exam.

The district says in a statement that the question stated that “some believe that Jewish people deserve or need a homeland (Israel), while others believe that Israel should not exist.”

District Supt. Karim Hachlaf says in the statement that regardless of the intention, the question is deeply concerning and could be trauma-inducing for students, especially Jewish children.

The district says the family of one of the students raised the concern by sending an email to the district with the exam question.

In addition to the investigation, the district says it will reach out to families in the classroom and the Jewish community to determine what additional supports are needed, and it will work with administrators to reinforce use of appropriate learning resources within its schools.
What if you self identify?

Here's one "Should Rusyns (Ruthenians) form there own Nation called Lemkovynia?"


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
This is the aerial photo released by the @IDF this morning following a strike on terrorists using an @UNRWA school in #Nusierat. -

**What we know: ** The specific rooms the #Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists were using. -

**Assessment: ** 20-30 terrorists were in the compound at the time of the strike. -

**Target: ** Precision strikes on the specific classrooms. -

**Activity in the UN school: ** The compound was used for staging attacks and as a forward operating base. -

**Planning: ** Based on intelligence, precision munitions, surveillance, and intelligence. -

**Precautions: ** We called off the strikes twice to ensure precision and minimize civilian casualties. -

**Announcement: ** We will announce the targeted terrorists as soon as possible. IDF: “This is the fifth time we've targeted Hxmas and Jihad terrorists using UN facilities as operating bases in the last month.”



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
This is the aerial photo released by the @IDF this morning following a strike on terrorists using an @UNRWA school in #Nusierat. -

**What we know: ** The specific rooms the #Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists were using. -

**Assessment: ** 20-30 terrorists were in the compound at the time of the strike. -

**Target: ** Precision strikes on the specific classrooms. -

**Activity in the UN school: ** The compound was used for staging attacks and as a forward operating base. -

**Planning: ** Based on intelligence, precision munitions, surveillance, and intelligence. -

**Precautions: ** We called off the strikes twice to ensure precision and minimize civilian casualties. -

**Announcement: ** We will announce the targeted terrorists as soon as possible. IDF: “This is the fifth time we've targeted Hxmas and Jihad terrorists using UN facilities as operating bases in the last month.”

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