Public Inquiries into Emergencies Act begin September 19


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Actually, Balcony Guy is a senior policy adviser for parliamentary affairs in the office of Liberal Government House leader Steve MacKinnon.

If he was a plumber somewhere, this would be a non-issue…but he’s not. In all honesty, I’ve never heard of the guy before yesterday. Couldn’t care less.
Unless he was Joe the Plumber.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Actually, Balcony Guy is a senior policy adviser for parliamentary affairs in the office of Liberal Government House leader Steve MacKinnon.

If he was a plumber somewhere, this would be a non-issue…but he’s not. In all honesty, I’ve never heard of the guy before yesterday. Couldn’t care less.

I saw that video before, but otherwise yes, I'd not give a damn really, except that somehow the Post does, enough to Doxx the guy 2 years after the fact.

Regardless of where he works, this was outside his home.

And really? 2 years later? Come the fuck on...

Then again, at the border of NS and NB, there are STILL idiots who are part of that same mentality that sit there in their trucks with "Fuck Trudeau" flags for who the fuck knows what reason, other than they don't have anything better to do with their time.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I saw that video before, but otherwise yes, I'd not give a damn really, except that somehow the Post does, enough to Doxx the guy 2 years after the fact.

Regardless of where he works, this was outside his home.

And really? 2 years later? Come the fuck on...

Then again, at the border of NS and NB, there are STILL idiots who are part of that same mentality that sit there in their trucks with "Fuck Trudeau" flags for who the fuck knows what reason, other than they don't have anything better to do with their time.
Yep. Weirdness. The only thing of relevance to the current day from this two-year-old story of a guy behaving like a two-year-old…are the lies still being told about it.

Added Kennedy (Mark Kennedy, director of communications for the Office of the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons): “Trucks in the convoy honked their horns at ear-piercing levels 24 hours a day for three weeks, making it virtually impossible for residents to sleep at night.”

Except that never happened, the honking stopped in the first few days after a court injunction but the protest remained in place for three weeks until the government invoked the Emergencies Act — which, ironically, last week was ruled by a court to be unconstitutional. If they’re going to lie about the easily google-able stuff, then…?

Beyond the Misinformation & Disinformation from the current Government, it’s a non-story.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
As opposed to the truckers and others who were there behaving like three year olds?
The greatest gathering of patriotic Canadians ever to spontaneously and peacefully appeal to Ottawa and we’re vilified for their effort .
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Somebody told me what Doxxing was a few years ago, but I have forgotten what it means.

Basically it's announcing to the public someone's address, with the intent to get people who wish that person harm to show up and cause trouble.

It usually pairs with Swatting, where Swat teams show up under the assumption a seriously illegal crime has happened - murder and hostage situation for example.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I saw that video before, but otherwise yes, I'd not give a damn really, except that somehow the Post does, enough to Doxx the guy 2 years after the fact.

Regardless of where he works, this was outside his home.

And really? 2 years later? Come the fuck on...

Then again, at the border of NS and NB, there are STILL idiots who are part of that same mentality that sit there in their trucks with "Fuck Trudeau" flags for who the fuck knows what reason, other than they don't have anything better to do with their time.
Yep. Weirdness. The only thing of relevance to the current day from this two-year-old story of a guy behaving like a two-year-old…are the lies still being told about it.

Added Kennedy (Mark Kennedy, director of communications for the Office of the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons): “Trucks in the convoy honked their horns at ear-piercing levels 24 hours a day for three weeks, making it virtually impossible for residents to sleep at night.”

As a fact check, the honking stopped in the first few days after a court injunction but the protest remained in place for three weeks until the government invoked the Emergencies Act — which, ironically, last week was ruled by a court to be unconstitutional. If they’re going to lie about the easily google-able stuff, then…?

Wasn’t someone gonna do something about Misinformation & Disinformation? Who was that again? Just sounds so familiar…
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This climate of malicious disinformation was aggravated by the stentorian hyperactivity of the federal government’s propaganda apparatus. Potential liberal leadership candidate Mark Carney wrote that the truckers were trying to overthrow the government. This was a deliberate falsehood.

Once they arrived in Ottawa, they parked their trucks in inconvenient places, made a good deal of noise, but did absolutely nothing to justify allegations that they were united by extremist views or had any seriously illegal purpose. These were independent truckers who for their own reasons did not wish to be vaccinated and most of their activities were deliveries across the Canada United States border and when they returned to Canada unvaccinated, they were required to undergo quarantine for two weeks.

Obviously this would eventually lead to bankruptcy if not starvation.

In the circumstances, and in the light of subsequent research on the Covid virus and its treatment, it is clear that their objections were reasonable. Of course, no serious country can tolerate the roads adjacent to its principal federal government buildings to be congested by protesters indefinitely.

The truckers were jovial and rather likable and only occasionally slightly over boisterous, and this matter could have been dealt with by normal police methods.

Other than in the fact that the authorities did not use live ammunition, we effectively, incredibly, managed to emulate the public relations and human rights disaster of the government of the People’s Republic of China in clearing Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989: a thoroughly unjustified recourse to coercive force, extraordinary prosecution, and freezing or confiscation of assets.

This was the first use of the Emergencies Act and the first invocation of extraordinary powers by the federal government since the other Prime Minister Trudeau use the War Measures Act in 1970.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC

Now, don't get me wrong. . . if True Dope was otherwise spotless, this abysmally stupid, thuggish, ham-fisted invocation and use of the Emergencies Act would, by itself, disqualify him from running anything more significant than food truck.

Still, comparing it to Tiananmen Square is a bit much.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Now, don't get me wrong. . . if True Dope was otherwise spotless, this abysmally stupid, thuggish, ham-fisted invocation and use of the Emergencies Act would, by itself, disqualify him from running anything more significant than food truck.

Still, comparing it to Tiananmen Square is a bit much.

And they call Trudeau a "Drama" something something...
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I was just commenting on the misinformation and disinformation, & yeah the author is more overly dramatic than needed, but is he (or she?) wrong? Tiananmen Square & Hitler aside?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In a word.

So, there wasn’t government misinformation & disinformation then? Bank accounts & assets were not frozen or seized? Zexi Le didn’t initiate & have in place the court injunction banning horns from being used in the first handful of days of that protest? The truckers, in protesting heavy handed COVID policy were trying to treasonously overthrow the government? This wasn’t the first & only use of the Emergencies Act since its inception, replacing the War Measures Act only used itself once outside of actual real war by the only other PM named Trudeau as opposed to the current one?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Now, don't get me wrong. . . if True Dope was otherwise spotless, this abysmally stupid, thuggish, ham-fisted invocation and use of the Emergencies Act would, by itself, disqualify him from running anything more significant than food truck.

Still, comparing it to Tiananmen Square is a bit much.
I was just commenting on the misinformation and disinformation, & yeah the author is more overly dramatic than needed, but is he (or she?) wrong? Tiananmen Square & Hitler aside?
Yes Ron. Government lies and mass murder are exactly the same thing.
Deflection & Hitler. Ok. It is what it is.
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