Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Donald Trump testifies in his defence in E. Jean Carroll defamation suit
Author of the article:Associated Press
Associated Press
Jake Offenhartz, Jennifer Peltz, And Larry Neumeister
Published Jan 25, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 6 minute read

NEW YORK — Former President Donald Trump testified for just three minutes Thursday in a New York defamation trial to determine how much he might owe the advice columnist E. Jean Carroll for disparaging her as a liar after she publicly accused him of a decades-old rape in 2019.

“She said something I considered a false accusation,” Trump said in testimony the highly anticipated appearance that lasted so briefly. A lawyer for Carroll objected and U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan told the jury to disregard the remark.

Later, Trump said: “And I just wanted to defend myself, my family and frankly, the presidency.” That, too, drew an objection and another instruction from the judge for the jury to disregard it.

As Trump left the courtroom after his testimony, he was shaking his head, repeatedly saying: “This is not America. This is not America. This is not America.”

Kaplan has instructed jurors that they must accept the findings of another New York jury that awarded Carroll $5 million after concluding that Trump did sexually abuse Carroll at the Bergdorf Goodman store in Manhattan and defamed her in October 2022 statements. Trump did not attend that trial.

Carroll, who is seeking over $10 million in damages, was in the courtroom as Trump was sworn in as a witness in Manhattan federal court.

She claims Trump ruined her reputation after she accused him for the first time publicly in a memoir of sexually abusing her in spring 1996 in the dressing room of the luxury department store.

Trump, 77, has vehemently denied the accusations for the last five years and continues to assail Carroll, 80, on the campaign trail as he pursued the presidency as the Republican frontrunner.

Kaplan in Manhattan has instructed jurors that they must accept the findings of another New York jury that awarded Carroll $5 million after concluding that Trump sexually abused Carroll at the Bergdorf Goodman store and defamed her in October 2022 statements. Trump did not attend that trial.

The trial that began last week and already featured testimony by Carroll focuses only on statements Trump made in June 2019 while he was president. Those claims had been delayed for four years by appeals.

Soon after Trump attorney Alina Habba out of the presence of the jury announced that her client would testify, Trump could be heard saying aloud: “I never met the woman. I don’t know who the woman is. I wasn’t at the trial,”

That comment prompted Kaplan to respond: “I’m sorry Mr. Trump. You’re interrupting these proceedings. … That is not permitted.”

Habba told the Manhattan federal court judge that Trump was her last witness after a lunch break and that she only planned to ask him three questions to elicit that he was addressing questions in 2019 in response to Carroll’s claims in a memoir that he raped her and that and that he did not intend his statements to harm Carroll.

“I want to know everything he’s going to say,” Kaplan told Habba, who said Trump would also say that he stood by a deposition in October 2022.

Kaplan reminded lawyers of the limits he has placed on Trump’s testimony, including that he not be permitted to testify in a way that conflicts with or argues against a $5 million jury verdict last year that found Trump sexually assaulted Carroll in a Manhattan luxury department store dressing room in spring 1996 and then defamed her in 2022.

Carroll is seeking over $10 million in defamation damages for his comments after she accused him of sexual assault.

Trump ’s lawyers began his defence Thursday with the expectation that he’d be called as a witness to fight the lawsuit.

Trump’s testimony was announced after Carroll’s lawyers finished the presentation of their case by showing jurors video clips of the Republican front-runner in this year’s presidential race saying at a Jan. 17 campaign rally that Carroll’s claims were a “made-up, fabricated story” and a 2022 deposition deriding her as “a liar and a very sick person.”

The trial that began last week is the penalty phase of a defamation lawsuit over statements Trump made while president in 2019, when he claimed Carroll was lying to sell books and interfere politically.

Kaplan has instructed jurors to accept the findings of another jury that last May concluded Trump has sexually abused Carroll in 1996 and defamed her with statements in October 2022 similar to those he made in 2019. That jury awarded Carroll $5 million.

Kaplan said last year’s verdict means the current jury only needs to decide how much more money, if any, Trump owes Carroll for his 2019 statements.

Kaplan had ruled weeks ago that if Trump testified, he would be barred from testifying about subjects that would conflict with last year’s verdict. He will not, for instance, be permitted to Carroll made up her sexual assault claims or that she was motivated by her book deal or for political reasons.

Trump, 77, attended the trial two of three days last week and let the jury know — through muttered comments and gestures like shaking his head — that he was disgusted with the case against him.

After Carroll’s lawyers rested Thursday, Habba asked for a directed verdict in Trump’s favour, saying that it was clear from Carroll’s testimony that there was insufficient proof to allow the jury to find damages.

“Your honour, Ms. Carroll didn’t prove her case, period,” she said. Kaplan denied the request.

Prior to resting, Carroll’s lawyers called a single witness _ Roberta Myers — who testified that Carroll was a “truthteller,” an accomplished writer with a long history of unleashing a “tremendous amount of empathy and a great sense of humor” in her popular monthly advice column while Myers was editor-in-chief of Elle magazine from 2000 to 2017.

It was after her testimony that Carroll’s attorneys showed the video clips, including portions of Trump’s October 2022 deposition when he denied knowing who Carroll was.

One snippet shown to jurors was when Trump during his deposition misidentified Carroll as his ex-wife, Marla Maples.

If everything goes as planned, Trump could be on the witness stand before the end of the day. Trump, fresh off big victories in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday and the Iowa caucuses last week, appeared relatively subdued in court compared to his appearances last week. He mostly gazed straight ahead, expressionless, though he seemed to move his lips along with the movement of his mouth in the video showing him saying the trial was rigged.

The trial had been suspended since early Monday because of a juror’s illness. When it resumed Thursday, the judge said two jurors were being “socially distanced” from the others in the jury box.

Trump denies ever knowing Carroll, 80. He did not testify or attend last year’s trial, a decision he now says he regrets.

At the current trial, Trump has already tested the judge’s patience. After he complained to his lawyers last week about a “witch hunt” and a “con job” within earshot of jurors, Kaplan threatened to eject him from the courtroom if it happened again. “I would love it,” Trump said. Later that day, Trump told a news conference Kaplan was a “nasty judge” and that Carroll’s allegation was “a made-up, fabricated story.”

Trump’s attorneys have tried to show the jury through their cross-examination of witnesses that Carroll has gained a measure of fame and financial rewards through taking on Trump that outweigh the death threats and other venom slung at her through social media.

Habba has told the judge that he might testify because, even with the judge’s restrictions, “he can still offer considerable testimony in his defence.”

Among other things, he can testify about his state of mind when he made the statements that got him sued and about how his comments came as Carroll was doing media interviews and journalists were asking him about her, Habba wrote.

She also suggested he could “show his lack of ill will or spite” by talking about how he “corrected” his initial denial of having ever met Carroll.

The current trial is in addition to four criminal cases Trump faces as the presidential primary season heats up. He has been juggling court and campaign appearances, using both to argue that he’s being persecuted by Democrats terrified of his possible election.


Electoral Member
Dec 26, 2004
I wonder if Donald Trump is going to understand that someone is trying to tell him, it would be in his best interest to keep his thoughts to himself, regarding what he thinks is right. I sense that he thinks he can say what he wants, through his idea of freedom of speech, which has cost him eighty three million dollars, for his last triad. Maybe he does not care, as he is counting on getting money from supporters, so he can say what he wants. The reports of him spending 100 million on lawyers would look pretty good in his bank accounts now, albeit if he is not paying his lawyers, then he should still have the money. A smart person would keep their mouth shut from now on, unless he wants to incur more law suits, so he can look IMPOTENT, and be on TV and whine. Time will tell how smart he is, and did he learn anything while in the courts.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
I wonder if Donald Trump is going to understand that someone is trying to tell him, it would be in his best interest to keep his thoughts to himself, regarding what he thinks is right. I sense that he thinks he can say what he wants, through his idea of freedom of speech, which has cost him eighty three million dollars, for his last triad. Maybe he does not care, as he is counting on getting money from supporters, so he can say what he wants. The reports of him spending 100 million on lawyers would look pretty good in his bank accounts now, albeit if he is not paying his lawyers, then he should still have the money. A smart person would keep their mouth shut from now on, unless he wants to incur more law suits, so he can look IMPOTENT, and be on TV and whine. Time will tell how smart he is, and did he learn anything while in the courts.
Except that every time he opens his mouth he gets more supporters. My bet is he will win the nomination.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Jury says Donald Trump must pay an additional $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll in defamation case
Author of the article:Associated Press
Associated Press
Larry Neumeister and Jake Offenhartz
Published Jan 26, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 4 minute read

NEW YORK (AP) — A jury has awarded an additional $83.3 million to former advice columnist E. Jean Carroll, who says former President Donald Trump damaged her reputation by calling her a liar after she accused him of sexual assault.

The verdict was delivered Friday by a seven-man, two-woman jury in a trial regularly attended by Trump, who abruptly left the courtroom during closing arguments by Carroll’s lawyer, only to later return.

Carroll smiled as the verdict was read. By then, Trump had left the building in his motorcade.

It was the second time in nine months that a jury returned a verdict related to Carroll’s claim that a flirtatious, chance encounter with Trump in 1996 at a Bergdorf Goodman store ended violently. She said Trump slammed her against a dressing room wall, pulled down her tights and forced himself on her.

In May, a different jury awarded Carroll $5 million. It found Trump not liable for rape, but responsible for sexually abusing Carroll and then defaming her by claiming she made it up. He is appealing that award.

Trump skipped the first trial. He later expressed regret for not attending and insisted on testifying in the second trial, though the judge limited what he could say, ruling he had missed his chance to argue that he was innocent. He spent only a few minutes on the witness stand Thursday, during which he denied attacking Carroll, then left court grumbling “this is not America.”

This new jury was only asked how much Trump, 77, should pay Carroll, 80, for two statements he made as president when he answered reporters’ questions after excerpts of Carroll’s memoir were published in a magazine — damages that couldn’t be decided earlier because of legal appeals. Jurors were not asked to re-decide the issue of whether the sex attack actually happened.

Carroll’s attorneys had requested $24 million in compensatory damages and “an unusually high punitive award.”

Her lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, urged jurors in her closing argument Friday to punish Trump enough that he would stop a steady stream of public statements smearing Carroll as a liar and a “whack job.”

Trump shook his head vigorously as Kaplan spoke, then suddenly stood and walked out, taking Secret Service agents with him. His exit came only minutes after the judge, without the jury present, threatened to send Trump attorney Alina Habba to jail for continuing to talk when he told her she was finished.

“You are on the verge of spending some time in the lockup. Now sit down,” the judge told Habba, who immediately complied.

The trial reached its conclusion as Trump marches toward winning the Republican presidential nomination a third consecutive time. He has sought to turn his various trials and legal vulnerabilities into an advantage, portraying them as evidence of a weaponized political system.

Though there’s no evidence that President Joe Biden or anyone in the White House has influenced any of the legal cases against him, Trump’s line of argument has resonated with his most loyal supporters who view the proceedings with skepticism.

Carroll testified early in the trial that Trump’s public statements had led to death threats.

“He shattered my reputation,” she said. “I am here to get my reputation back and to stop him from telling lies about me.”

She said she’d had an electronic fence installed around the cabin in upstate New York where she lives, warned neighbors of the threats and bought bullets for a gun she keeps by her bed.

“Previously, I was known as simply as a journalist and had a column, and now I’m known as the liar, the fraud, and the whack job,” Carroll testified.

Trump’s lawyer, Habba, told jurors that Carroll had been enriched by her accusations against Trump and achieved fame she had craved. She said no damages were warranted.

To support Carroll’s request for millions in damages, Northwestern University sociologist Ashlee Humphreys told the jury that Trump’s 2019 statements had caused between $7.2 million and $12.1 million in harm to Carroll’s reputation.

When Trump finally testified, Kaplan gave him little room to maneuver, because Trump could not be permitted to try to revive issues settled in the first trial.

“It is a very well-established legal principle in this country that prevents do-overs by disappointed litigants,” Kaplan said.

“He lost it and he is bound. And the jury will be instructed that, regardless of what he says in court here today, he did it, as far as they’re concerned. That is the law,” Kaplan said shortly before Trump testified.

After he swore to tell the truth, Trump was asked if he stood by a deposition in which he called Carroll a “liar” and a “whack job.” He answered: “100 percent. Yes.”

Asked if he denied the allegation because Carroll made an accusation, he responded: “That’s exactly right. She said something, I consider it a false accusation.” Asked if he ever instructed anyone to hurt Carroll, he said: “No. I just wanted to defend myself, my family, and frankly, the presidency.”

The judge ordered the jury to disregard the “false accusation” comment and everything Trump said after “No” to the last question.

Earlier in the trial, Trump tested the judge’s tolerance. When he complained to his lawyers about a “witch hunt” and a “con job” within earshot of jurors, Kaplan threatened to eject him from the courtroom if it happened again. “I would love it,” Trump said. Later that day, Trump told a news conference Kaplan was a “nasty judge.”
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Donald Trump is on the hook for $88.3 million in defamation damages. What happens next?
Author of the article:Associated Press
Associated Press
David B. Caruso
Published Jan 27, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 5 minute read

NEW YORK — For years, Donald Trump hurled insults at E. Jean Carroll, saying the advice columnist fabricated a sexual assault allegation against him to sell a book.

Will Trump keep that up, now that he’s been hit with a $83.3 million defamation judgment?

A jury on Friday found that Trump had maliciously damaged Carroll’s reputation in 2019 after she went public with her accusations. Jurors awarded her $18 million to compensate for the personal harm she experienced, then added $65 million more to punish Trump — and maybe prevent him from continuing to go after her on social media.

A different jury concluded last May that Trump was responsible for sexually abusing Carroll in a Manhattan department store dressing room in 1996. Those jurors awarded Carroll $5 million. If both judgments stand, Trump would owe her a total of $88.3 million.

Trump and his lawyers have promised to appeal.

A look at the verdict and where the case might go from here:

Carroll said she was shopping at the Bergdorf Goodman store on Fifth Avenue in 1996 when she bumped into Trump, who lived nearby. She said they recognized each other. At the time, Carroll had a column in Elle magazine and was the host of a cable TV talk show called “Ask E. Jean.”

In court testimony and in her memoir, Carroll said she and Trump went to the store’s lingerie section and then into a dressing room as each tried to persuade the other to try on a lacy item. When they moved into the dressing room, she said, Trump pushed her into a wall, pulled down her tights and sexually assaulted her. Carroll said she broke free and ran.

After she wrote about the alleged encounter in 2019, Trump, who by then has been elected president, told reporters he had no idea who Carroll was, that her accusation was “totally false” and that she motivated by a desire to sell books.

Carroll sued Trump for defamation in 2019, saying his statements about her were false and damaged her reputation. That claim wound up being bogged down for years over the legal question of whether, in denying the allegations, Trump had been fulfilling his duties as president. Trump claimed that the presidency shield him from liability against the defamation lawsuit.

In the meantime, New York changed its law to give sexual abuse survivors a fresh chance to sue civilly over attacks that happened in the distant past. Carroll was one of the first people to take advantage, filing a new legal claim against Trump alleging that he had raped her. She also sued over things he had said about her after leaving the White House.

Trump was not criminally charged. The civil verdict, however, has led many to mistakenly believe he was convicted of sexually assaulting Carroll. Under state law, too much time had passed since the alleged assault in 1996 for a criminal case to be considered against Trump.

A jury heard testimony in that lawsuit last year and found that while Carroll had not proved she had been raped, under New York’s definition of that crime, Trump had sexually abused her.

The jury awarded Carroll $2 million for the abuse and nearly $3 million for Trump’s public comments about her, which it said were defamatory — and therefore not protected free speech.

With the main legal issues resolved, one matter remained: Had Carroll also been damaged by Trump’s comments while he was still in the White House.

U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan ruled that there would need to be a new trial to decide that claim, but that trial did not need to revisit the issue of whether Trump had assaulted Carroll or whether the things he had said about her were defamatory. This trial would decide how much more, if anything, Trump owed Carroll for things he had said about her on June 21-22, 2019.

Trump and his lawyers have been outraged that they did not get a chance to make a new argument that he was innocent, but Kaplan said they had already lost that fight.

“It is a very well-established legal principle in this country that prevents do-overs by disappointed litigants,” Kaplan told the lawyers on the day Trump testified in the second trial. “He lost it and he is bound. And the jury will be instructed that, regardless of what he says in court here today, he did it, as far as they’re concerned. That is the law.”

Trump’s legal team is appealing the verdict in the first case and has promised an appeal of the second one, too.

“It will not deter us. We will keep fighting. And I assure you, we didn’t win today, but we will win,” said Trump’s lawyer, Alina Habba.

Among other things, his team wants higher courts to rule that Trump was within his rights to forcefully deny Carroll’s allegations and suggest she had ulterior motives.

“Everyone has a right to defend themselves,” Habba said.

Trump’s lawyers also are contesting Kaplan’s ruling that the jury in the second trial did not need to revisit whether Trump was liable for sexual assault, and that the judge unfairly limited what Trump’s lawyers could say in front of the jury.

Appeals will go to a panel of judges in New York. The appeals eventually could reach the U.S. Supreme Court for the justices to consider.

In the meantime, Trump has put more than $5.5 million in an escrow account to potentially cover the cost of the first verdict while the appeals play out.

Carroll could bring a new lawsuit over each new comment. Potentially, new trials would have to be held at which juries could pile on additional damages.

The $88.3 million in judgments against Trump are actually less than what some of his supporters have faced in recent defamation cases.

A jury last year decided that Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and Trump ally who tried to keep the-then president in power after he lost the 2020 election, owed $148 million to two former Georgia election workers for spreading a conspiracy theory about them. Juries in Texas and Connecticut have hit Infowars host Alex Jones with $1.5 billion in defamation judgments for promoting a false claim that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.

Unlike Giuliani and Jones, Trump might have the financial resources to pay a huge judgment. He reported having about $294 million in cash or cash equivalents on his most recent annual financial statement, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. That’s in addition to the value of his real estate assets, which Trump has claimed are worth billions of dollars.

Still, Trump faces other potential financial liabilities. He is awaiting a verdict in a civil fraud trial, where New York state has asked that he forfeit $370 million in what officials say were ill-gotten gains from loans and deals made using financial statements that exaggerated his wealth.


Electoral Member
Dec 26, 2004
Some of things that society has to take into consideration is that old Donnie has been known to lie. His only defence on how many of the trials has been proven to be false. He can only deny this charge, and if the public knows that 99 of 100 statements he makes are lies, what is the likelihood of this statement being a lie?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Some of things that society has to take into consideration is that old Donnie has been known to lie. His only defence on how many of the trials has been proven to be false. He can only deny this charge, and if the public knows that 99 of 100 statements he makes are lies, what is the likelihood of this statement being a lie?
If you say so , it must be true .
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The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I wonder if Donald Trump is going to understand that someone is trying to tell him, it would be in his best interest to keep his thoughts to himself, regarding what he thinks is right. I sense that he thinks he can say what he wants, through his idea of freedom of speech, which has cost him eighty three million dollars, for his last triad. Maybe he does not care, as he is counting on getting money from supporters, so he can say what he wants. The reports of him spending 100 million on lawyers would look pretty good in his bank accounts now, albeit if he is not paying his lawyers, then he should still have the money. A smart person would keep their mouth shut from now on, unless he wants to incur more law suits, so he can look IMPOTENT, and be on TV and whine. Time will tell how smart he is, and did he learn anything while in the courts.
He thinks he can say anything he wants, and after 2024 he'll just pardon himself. Does that count for lawsuits too? LOL


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Definitely character assassination against President Grab em by the Pussy.
It doesn't matter what he does; the people don't care, they are going to make him president, and that is a commentary on how much shit people are willing to eat and smile? Honest Donald, where he lost because the election was rigged, he was framed for rape, he has fucked so many people over the course of his life, and he got people killed on Jan 6th. Garbage in garbage out!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Definitely character assassination against President Grab em by the Pussy.
It doesn't matter what he does; the people don't care, they are going to make him president, and that is a commentary on how much shit people are willing to eat and smile? Honest Donald, where he lost because the election was rigged, he was framed for rape, he has fucked so many people over the course of his life, and he got people killed on Jan 6th. Garbage in garbage out!
Yes . Look at your country and bend over . Justin Trudeau’s wealth has grown over 300% since taking office , he has lied constantly from abuse or perhaps even sexual relations with minors while he was a teacher in her care . Wore black face on numerous occasions, yikes I can go on . How about pushing a female of an opposing party in Parliment . You want to throw rocks get out off a glass house .
Remember Trump is so dangerous no new wars started under his term . Tell when any prior president could say that , you will go back a while . Maybe he made you retire from lack off work ./s
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Definitely character assassination against President Grab em by the Pussy.
It doesn't matter what he does; the people don't care, they are going to make him president, and that is a commentary on how much shit people are willing to eat and smile? Honest Donald, where he lost because the election was rigged, he was framed for rape, he has fucked so many people over the course of his life, and he got people killed on Jan 6th. Garbage in garbage out!
As a soldier I am sure you and your bunk mates never spoke of female anatomy.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Some of things that society has to take into consideration is that old Donnie has been known to lie. His only defence on how many of the trials has been proven to be false. He can only deny this charge, and if the public knows that 99 of 100 statements he makes are lies, what is the likelihood of this statement being a lie?
Except the whole thing is a witch hunt. Conveniently, all the persecutors, judges and AGs are democrats. Seeing a pattern yet?


Electoral Member
Dec 26, 2004
Yes . Look at your country and bend over . Justin Trudeau’s wealth has grown over 300% since taking office , he has lied constantly from abuse or perhaps even sexual relations with minors while he was a teacher in her care . Wore black face on numerous occasions, yikes I can go on . How about pushing a female of an opposing party in Parliment . You want to throw rocks get out off a glass house .
Remember Trump is so dangerous no new wars started under his term . Tell when any prior president could say that , you will go back a while . Maybe he made you retire from lack off work ./s
I think what we are seeing is too many of the Politicians are corrupt, both sides of the border.
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