WE really need to get rid of this guy

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Philip Cross and I recently wrote articles on the same FP Comment page discussing Liberal culture’s negative influence on Canada’s economic growth. His focus was on entrepreneurship and innovation while mine treated climate-change catastrophism. We both described how culture can undermine fact-based analysis, rational decision-making and the economic well-being of ordinary Canadians.

Culture’s influence is pervasive and extends to human rights, sexual identity, the justice system, the military, historicity, race relations, national aspirations and more. Its power and influence may be benign and unifying, but it can also be manipulated by fear, virtue signalling, intolerance of dissent, financial inducements and the old standbys of mis- and dis- and sometimes even cis-information.

Culture does not change by happenstance. In Canada, the prime driver over the past eight years has been federal government policies and rhetoric, led by the scold-in-chief, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He has been advocating a toxic brew of isms — socialism, progressivism, globalism and wokeism — that, paradoxically, do not actually reflect the preferences or self-interest of most Canadians, not even of all members of the Liberal party and caucus.

Rest…above link, etc….

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Teacup is a closet Kenservative.
Nope, not in the closet - yet! I imagine there are those who would want rational conservatives in the closet so as to not have to deal with them. In the meantime, the Left continues to destroy what we have since they lack the ability to think for themselves & need outsiders (WEF/WHO/UN) to tell them what to do.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says Canada has been considering a "game plan" for how it would respond if the United States takes a far-right, authoritarian shift after next year's presidential elections.

"We are certainly working on scenarios," Joly said in French during an interview with a Montreal radio station Wednesday.

Joly added that Ottawa's close political and economic ties to the U.S. means that "we must certainly prepare several scenarios."

She suggested Canada has a game plan in mind but wouldn't get into details. Ohhh, Scary Right-Wing Americans now…who are they trying to divide and conquer with this titbit of information???

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says Canada has been considering a "game plan" for how it would respond if the United States takes a far-right, authoritarian shift after next year's presidential elections.

"We are certainly working on scenarios," Joly said in French during an interview with a Montreal radio station Wednesday.

Joly added that Ottawa's close political and economic ties to the U.S. means that "we must certainly prepare several scenarios."

She suggested Canada has a game plan in mind but wouldn't get into details. Ohhh, Scary Right-Wing Americans now…who are they trying to divide and conquer with this titbit of information???
Hopefully, if the so-called "far right" gets in the U.S. Canada will be saved by a Conservative Gov't & with the Republicans, we can maybe get things back on track so Joli shouldn't be too concerned. However, if the Libs remain in power & Biden & his ilk get in, we're all done anyway so we may as well give up the ghost - unless we choose rebellion....

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
You must consider the present Liberal government right wing . To each their own I guess .
No, of course not. I'm referring to the comment that Joli made. She's apparently so "scared" of the Right, they need to make plan? Seriously?.

Why? If their policies are so "good" what are they worrying about? Obviously, the "right" have solutions that the Left don't want solved.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No, of course not. I'm referring to the comment that Joli made. She's apparently so "scared" of the Right, they need to make plan? Seriously?.

Why? If their policies are so "good" what are they worrying about? Obviously, the "right" have solutions that the Left don't want solved.
That weren't fir u


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Ain't hard to work out, Ron. Science and dogma cannot possibly agree, because dogma claims to have all the answers, and science denies that it has any answers.

What surprises me is the number of people who say "Science says we must. . .", thereby demonstrating that they don't know what science is.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Ain't hard to work out, Ron. Science and dogma cannot possibly agree, because dogma claims to have all the answers, and science denies that it has any answers.

What surprises me is the number of people who say "Science says we must. . .", thereby demonstrating that they don't know what science is.
“Follow the Science of my Dogma!”???

“Follow the Science” seems to have become a political marketing slogan the last few years, like “Settled Science” has.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
"Settled science" actually has a meaning, if you define it right. It means "to the best of our current knowledge." "Follow the science" just an attempt to add weight to whatever political position you're chasing.

Science by definition does not have all the answers. Religion and politics, by definition, do. Or claim to, and are perfectly willing to tie themselves into pretty hilarious knots to try to prove it.

Once again. . . even more true today than a century ago, when it was penned. . .

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
--HL Mencken


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Follow the LAWS of Science would be a more accurate statement.

Febreze Moonlit Lavender was NOT really scientifically proven to improve sleep by the Sleep Institute set up by Febreze

Go ahead, "fact check me".
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Ain't hard to work out, Ron. Science and dogma cannot possibly agree, because dogma claims to have all the answers, and science denies that it has any answers.

What surprises me is the number of people who say "Science says we must. . .", thereby demonstrating that they don't know what science is.

I find it interesting that so long as science supports a person's political/moral ideology, they'll go all out to say "Science!" but the moment Science comes along and says "Well actually..." suddenly Science is evil and "Can't be trusted!"
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I find it interesting that so long as science supports a person's political/moral ideology, they'll go all out to say "Science!" but the moment Science comes along and says "Well actually..." suddenly Science is evil and "Can't be trusted!"
It’s also interesting, when a politician uses the same term for justification of their position, then completely flipped their position because of science, then, again, later, flips their position completely again, ‘cuz science….& the “science” hasn’t changed….. but only the funding for the political appointed spokesperson for the science. 😁

Wear an N-95, then wear a cloth mask, then only the Medical community should need an N-95 or K-95, then only the N-95 offered any protection…& the cloth masks we all wore where window dressing….’cuz science…. Which never changed its position and went full circle through politics.

I followed the leader, & did what I was told start to finish, so I could keep on keeping on day to day, beginning to end… but I still find it interesting.
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