Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The reason for the increasing number of earthquakes:
The earth in general and the earth's core, in particular, has become colder than before which led to the contraction of the earth's crust and to the instability of its layers which has resulted in more earthquakes.

Therefore, the number of earthquakes will keep increasing more and more until the final major earthquake will occur which heralds Doomsday and the breaking up of the earth (with the rest of the solar system.)
So the increasing number of earthquakes indicates the approach of Doomsday (after less than 1000 years from now.)

This increasing number of earthquakes has been prophesied in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran.

In the Bible: in the Last Days many earthquakes will occur and many wars: nations will fight each other ...etc.

In the Quran, this has been explained more, like the aya 22: 1, which means:
(1. Mankind, guard yourselves against your Lord's [punishment; for certainly] the earthquake of the Hour a is a tremendous event.b
2. On the day you [mankind] will see [such incidence of the quaking of the earth], every suckling woman will [then] be scared away from [the child] which she has suckled, and every pregnant woman will abort her bearing c, and you [man] will see men [afflicted with the earthquake] drunken [because of the extreme fearing and suffering], yet they are not drunken, but dreadful will be the chastisement of God.)

a i.e. the quake of the earth before Doomsday, which is one of the portents of the Hour, which is also mentioned in the Quran, soora 99.
b i.e. with a great impression on souls.
This in fact is a threat to the associaters. And such events in fact herald the Hour of Doomsday.
c God – be celebrated His praise – told about the incidence of the earthquake, if it occurs in the inhabited region of the earth, that every suckling woman will be scared away from her child and will not pay attention to him, because of the much fear that she will have, so that she is occupied with herself rather than others. Moreover, every pregnant woman will abort her fetus, because of the falling of the walls on her.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran, Soora 99:
[Some of the associaters and idolaters asked about Doomsday: when it will take place; so God answered their question and said:]

(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

1. When the earth shall be violently quaked!
2. And earth shall expel its burdensome [insufferable, wicked souls]!
3. And man shall say [on that day]: "What is the matter with it!?"
4. On that day will [people] tell [each other] the news:
5. That your Lord has inspired it [to quake.]
6. On that day, will people come up, scattered abroad [in the space] to be shown [the reward of] their works.
7. And he who does the weight of an atom of good shall see it [written in the book of his deeds.]
8. And he who does the weight of an atom of evil shall see it [written in the book of his deeds.]

And here is the recitation of this great soora of the Quran:

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Final Earthquake:
Is also mentioned in the Quran 79: 6-9:

[God – be glorified – threatened them with the torment of Doomsday, and explained about some events which will occur then, so He said:]

(6. On the day when the quaking earth will quake [the quaking of Doomsday.]
7. Which the following [calamity: the tearing-up of the earth] shall succeed.
8. [Some] hearts on that day will be agitated.
9. While their sights shall be humbled.)

Here is also about the Final Earthquake:
The earthquake [of Doomsday]
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Satan is not any god; he is a loser like the atheist and the idolater; in fact, he knows God and worshiped God Almighty for hundreds and maybe thousands of years before he disobeyed God's command and was later on driven away from heaven and given respite until Doomsday, according to his request from God.

Satan has no authority over the monotheist who puts his trust in God Most Gracious and seeks His protection from Satan. Satan has authority over those who follow him and listen to his suggestions which lead to their destruction; Satan is the enemy of the sons of Adam.
God: no one is like Him, and none can escape His power.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
My personal observation about the earthquake:
It is only an observation; it could be correct or wrong.

Some major earthquakes happen in coincidence with the solar eclipse, and some with the full moon; so the recent earthquake of Turkie and Syria happened when it was full moon: 14 or 15 of the lunar month.
I noticed also some other major earthquakes occurred when it was a full moon.
I mean it might be related to the influence of the sun's gravity on the earth.

Anyhow it is only my own idea and I do not insist on it.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The atheist thinks it is only natural factors that lead to the earthquake and other disasters like the hurrricane and floods and epidemics; because he denies God.
While it is done by God as everything else in the universe; even wars occur when God allows this to happen; and if He wills people will not fight; but He lets them fight to punish them, and He lets the earthquake happen to punish the idolaters and wrongdoers, and when earthquake and other afflictions occur it will include children also though they are innocent, but as punishment to their fathers and parents: the idolaters. It may include also the believers if they are silent about the wrongdoing and the idolatry.
So why do the earthquake happen now and not later or on this date and not on another date?
Similarly, the hurricane may happen or not, and this according to God's will, and not as they say the natural factors.

Quran 8: 25, which means:
(And ward off an infliction which will not afflict the wrong-doers among you exclusively; and know that God is Severe in punishing [those who disobey Him.] )

Quran 77: 6-7, which mean:
(6. Whether you are [children] excused, or [adults] warned:
7. [If you do not believe], such [punishment] with which you are promised will inevitably inflict [you.])


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The atheist thinks it is only natural factors that lead to the earthquake and other disasters like the hurrricane and floods and epidemics; because he denies God.
While it is done by God as everything else in the universe; even wars occur when God allows this to happen; and if He wills people will not fight; but He lets them fight to punish them, and He lets the earthquake happen to punish the idolaters and wrongdoers, and when earthquake and other afflictions occur it will include children also though they are innocent, but as punishment to their fathers and parents: the idolaters. It may include also the believers if they are silent about the wrongdoing and the idolatry.
So why do the earthquake happen now and not later or on this date and not on another date?
Similarly, the hurricane may happen or not, and this according to God's will, and not as they say the natural factors.

Quran 8: 25, which means:
(And ward off an infliction which will not afflict the wrong-doers among you exclusively; and know that God is Severe in punishing [those who disobey Him.] )

Quran 77: 6-7, which mean:
(6. Whether you are [children] excused, or [adults] warned:
7. [If you do not believe], such [punishment] with which you are promised will inevitably inflict [you.])
So, Allah murders innocent children to punish their fathers?

Allah's a Nazi.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
My personal observation about the earthquake:
It is only an observation; it could be correct or wrong.

Some major earthquakes happen in coincidence with the solar eclipse, and some with the full moon; so the recent earthquake of Turkie and Syria happened when it was full moon: 14 or 15 of the lunar month.
I noticed also some other major earthquakes occurred when it was a full moon.
I mean it might be related to the influence of the sun's gravity on the earth.

Anyhow it is only my own idea and I do not insist on it.
You're not too far off. Add in geomagnetic responses to sunspot and no sun spots and youre good.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
The earth in general and the earth's core, in particular, has become colder than before
Than before what? The earth's core is cooling so slowly that it'll take another 1.5 - 3 billion years for it to cool. The temp difference in all of human existence would be almost unmeasurable even if we could.

oh - and a cooler earth's surface means LESS drift and FEWER earthquakes. That's why you never hear about earthquakes on mars or the moon. I don' t know what put it in your head that earthquakes get worse when the earth cools, the opposite is true. Look it up.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So, Allah murders innocent children to punish their fathers?

Allah's a Nazi.
Children will go to Paradise, while the adult disbelievers: atheists and idolaters + wrongdoers will go to Hell.
So beware of God Almighty: His punishment is terrible for the atheist and the idolater.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Than before what?
Today before yesterday.
The earth's core is cooling so slowly that it'll take another 1.5 - 3 billion years for it to cool.
How could you assert this to prove your ignorance in spite of your learning and graduation?
oh - and a cooler earth's surface means LESS drift and FEWER earthquakes.
Also, this is wrong. Cooler earth surface will lead to contraction and cleaving and instability.
That's why you never hear about earthquakes on mars or the moon.
On Moon: maybe; but who said no earthquakes on Mars? How could any scientific person say this!?
I don' t know what put it in your head that earthquakes get worse when the earth cools, the opposite is true. Look it up.
Who then put such ideas in your head?
By the way: the core of the earth is cooling because of the large number of volcanoes and by heat radiation as time passes by. While the earth's surface gets hotter because of many factors: like the earth becoming nearer to the sun, the changes in the atmosphere particularly the ozone of the atmosphere, etc.
The earth approaches the sun

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Satan is the god of earth.
If you want to understand the truth about the story of Adam and Iblies: Satan, then read carefully these two ayat and their interpretation:

Satan and his offspring: the devils are the enemy of Adam and his offspring:

[God – be glorified – reminded them about the enmity of Iblies [: Satan] to their father Adam, in order that they might beware of him, and He said:]
Quran 18: 51-52, which mean:
(51. And [remind them, O Mohammed] when We said to the angels:
"Fall prostrate to Adam", and they all fell prostrate except Iblies [: Satan, who refused to fall prostrate]. He had been [in his material life] one of the jinn [then he died and his soul was admitted to Paradise
a], and he alone disobeyed contrary to the unanimous obedience of the am’r [: the angels] of his Lord b.
So will you [people] take him and his offspring [: the jinn] as patrons
c instead of Me, when they are enemies to you? Bad is the exchange for the wrongdoers! d

52. I did not call them to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth e, nor their own creation; and I do not take the misleaders for assistants. f )

a i.e. then - when he died, and went, after his death, to the ethereal life - God admitted him to His paradises, in which he dwelt with angels.
b The meaning: he rebelled and contradicted the unanimous obedience of the angels, because he [alone apart from the rest of angels] disobeyed his Lord’s command.
The word (am’r) indicates every kind of angels. The plural is (am’rs.)
c So that you listen to their words and work according to their orders.
d Evil patrons are, such Satan and his progeny, for wrong-doers who take them as patrons, instead of allying with believers.

e i.e. I did not invite Iblies [: Satan] and his offspring to witness the creating of the heavens and the earth, and so you think that they are knowledgeable; therefore, you consult the jinn about your problems and seek their aid about your affairs, and ask them about the ‘Knowledge of the Unknown and the future’.
f i.e. I did not take them as My assistants about anything, so that you may take them as your assistants; for they are a misguiding kind who misguide people away from the truth, and they are not any guides; so do not listen to their words, because they are your enemies who want to let you lose and to be tormented in the Fire.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In addition to the previous post, I once asked Abu Abd-Allah about a sect who worships Satan in Iraq: the Yezidi, he said: "They are associaters [like the idolaters]; they associate Satan with God in the worship and glorification."
So I understood that almost all sects and religious groups are associaters in some way or another by glorifying some persons and associating them with God.
The Yezidi's argument: they say: we worship Satan to get rid of his evil!!
But he is their enemy and wants to let them lose in some way or another, to fulfill his oath by God Almighty.

However, whoever worships anyone or anything together with God is an associater or idolater and will lose in the Hereafter.

"Question 26 Would you teach us what the association and polytheism is; in order that we may avoid it?"


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If you want to understand the truth about the story of Adam and Iblies: Satan, then read carefully these two ayat and their interpretation:

Satan and his offspring: the devils are the enemy of Adam and his offspring:

[God – be glorified – reminded them about the enmity of Iblies [: Satan] to their father Adam, in order that they might beware of him, and He said:]
Quran 18: 51-52, which mean:
(51. And [remind them, O Mohammed] when We said to the angels:
"Fall prostrate to Adam", and they all fell prostrate except Iblies [: Satan, who refused to fall prostrate]. He had been [in his material life] one of the jinn [then he died and his soul was admitted to Paradise
a], and he alone disobeyed contrary to the unanimous obedience of the am’r [: the angels] of his Lord b.
So will you [people] take him and his offspring [: the jinn] as patrons
c instead of Me, when they are enemies to you? Bad is the exchange for the wrongdoers! d

52. I did not call them to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth e, nor their own creation; and I do not take the misleaders for assistants. f )

a i.e. then - when he died, and went, after his death, to the ethereal life - God admitted him to His paradises, in which he dwelt with angels.
b The meaning: he rebelled and contradicted the unanimous obedience of the angels, because he [alone apart from the rest of angels] disobeyed his Lord’s command.
The word (am’r) indicates every kind of angels. The plural is (am’rs.)
c So that you listen to their words and work according to their orders.
d Evil patrons are, such Satan and his progeny, for wrong-doers who take them as patrons, instead of allying with believers.

e i.e. I did not invite Iblies [: Satan] and his offspring to witness the creating of the heavens and the earth, and so you think that they are knowledgeable; therefore, you consult the jinn about your problems and seek their aid about your affairs, and ask them about the ‘Knowledge of the Unknown and the future’.
f i.e. I did not take them as My assistants about anything, so that you may take them as your assistants; for they are a misguiding kind who misguide people away from the truth, and they are not any guides; so do not listen to their words, because they are your enemies who want to let you lose and to be tormented in the Fire.
He had been [in his material life]

Earth is the material world. The Mater (matter).


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
In addition to the previous post, I once asked Abu Abd-Allah about a sect who worships Satan in Iraq: the Yezidi, he said: "They are associaters [like the idolaters]; they associate Satan with God in the worship and glorification."
So I understood that almost all sects and religious groups are associaters in some way or another by glorifying some persons and associating them with God.
The Yezidi's argument: they say: we worship Satan to get rid of his evil!!
But he is their enemy and wants to let them lose in some way or another, to fulfill his oath by God Almighty.

However, whoever worships anyone or anything together with God is an associater or idolater and will lose in the Hereafter.

"Question 26 Would you teach us what the association and polytheism is; in order that we may avoid it?"

Except the Yezidi don't worship Satan.

But then again, you think everyone but you worships Satan, so...

You also don't know who the Yezidi are, evidently.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Today before yesterday.
Ahhh -so you admit you were being dishonest. I suppose your god approves of that as well?
How could you assert this to prove your ignorance in spite of your learning and graduation?
Because it's true. I know you don't like "true" things but this would be one of them. And frankly earlier predictions were longer.
Also, this is wrong. Cooler earth surface will lead to contraction and cleaving and instability.
Ahhh nope, it was still true. Cooler earth surface means less tectonic activity. more stable. That's why the moon doesn't have earthquakes. The cooler it gets, the less the plates shift, the less activity there is. It's not complex.

On Moon: maybe; but who said no earthquakes on Mars? How could any scientific person say this!?
ALL of the scientific persons say that. And we've had rovers on mars now for a long long time - no earthquakes. For there to be earthquakes you need plates to be moving around a lot. In a cold planet with a solid core there are no plates to move. And as earth cools it's plates will move slower and slower and slower ... fewer quakes.
Who then put such ideas in your head?
By the way: the core of the earth is cooling because of the large number of volcanoes and by heat radiation as time passes by. While the earth's surface gets hotter because of many factors: like the earth becoming nearer to the sun, the changes in the atmosphere particularly the ozone of the atmosphere, etc.
The earth approaches the sun
The earth is not approaching the sun. And the earth's core is cooling due to thermal transmission through it's surface just like any object with a hot core and cooler surface does. The volcanoes have virtually zero effect on cooling the core of the planet. The surface warms because less of the sun's energy is leaving the planet after it gets here. None of this is complicated.

The fact you don't even know these basic truths suggests strongly you're wrong about the rest of your knowledge as well. You have a bad habit of displaying your ignorance every time you talk. Its no wonder nobody takes you or your god seriously.