Public Inquiries into Emergencies Act begin September 19


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
LOL - there was testimony that the Feds were taking their information from the CBC! (sorry) I don't recall who made that statement, but apparently the Feds couldn't be bothered to go down to actually speak to those involved.

BTW my comment was "tongue in cheek" due to the comment but of course, not everyone saw it so my apologies.

Okay, taking shit just from the CBC and not doing field work is gross stupidity on their part, don't get me wrong.

But again, what about people who live there who had genuine concerns and actually did have issues with the truckers? Are they invalid because the Feds didn't do their job?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
That day got even better. After dunking my phone my truck threw a rod and I didnt have a phone.
Someone must have stopped and lent you one . Maybe check your oil once in a while and keep the tach below red line .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
LOL - there was testimony that the Feds were taking their information from the CBC! (sorry) I don't recall who made that statement, but apparently the Feds couldn't be bothered to go down to actually speak to those involved.

BTW my comment was "tongue in cheek" due to the comment but of course, not everyone saw it so my apologies.
I remember the MP in question period asking Mendesino about his statements regarding subversive and radical protesters posed a threat to public safety . She blasted the Minister for allowing her to walk through this dangerous threat on her way to her parliamentary office every morning and evening .
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Okay, taking shit just from the CBC and not doing field work is gross stupidity on their part, don't get me wrong.

But again, what about people who live there who had genuine concerns and actually did have issues with the truckers? Are they invalid because the Feds didn't do their job?
Yes the dealers , junkies and thieves sure hated it .
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Anyway, week three of the Emergencies Act inquiry brings Blah blah blah infighting blah blah blah occupation blah blah “cut off Dave Springer’s nuts… and use them as bookends,” etc….

Then on the Ford front, Premier Doug Ford’s claim that his job gives him immunity from testifying at the federal Emergencies Act inquiry is a “delay” tactic and an exaggeration of “parliamentary privilege,” commission lawyers charge.

Then of coarse there’s this:
…& beg to differ, as I’ve seen this, without Trudeau calling the Emergencies Act either

The inquiry into the use of Emergencies Act this past February is gathering momentum as it enters its third week of public hearings with prominent witnesses waiting to testify.

The big names include Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who made the call to invoke the act — enacted in 1988 to replace the old War Measures Act. Other witnesses scheduled between now and Nov. 25, when the inquiry is to wrap up its six-week fact-finding phase, include federal ministers Marco Mendicino (Public Safety), Bill Blair (Emergency Preparedness), and David Lametti (Justice). Not to forget Doug Ford, once he gets over his snit about the temerity of a federal inquiry wanting a premier to explain something that falls within the constitutional jurisdiction of the province, etc…

Don’t expect Judge Rouleau to come down hard on the prime minister, to second-guess him, to find he lacked sufficient cause to declare the public emergency. The decision boiled down to a matter of judgment. The judgment was Trudeau’s alone to make. He gets to carry the can or claim the credit, whatever the inquiry may say.


Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
Okay, taking shit just from the CBC and not doing field work is gross stupidity on their part, don't get me wrong.

But again, what about people who live there who had genuine concerns and actually did have issues with the truckers? Are they invalid because the Feds didn't do their job?
And what might those concerns be? I don't see you listing any.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
More weirdness…or at least potential weirdness.

OTTAWA — MPs unanimously voted to demand answers from the Ontario Provincial Police on its “wildly different” testimony about the security threat posed by the Freedom Convoy protests.

POIB leader Supt. Pat Morris told the commission his team never received “credible” information that the Freedom Convoy posed a direct threat to national security.

Other intelligence partners, such as the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the RCMP’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Teams, never shared any either.

On the day Carrique told the committee that the OPP had determined the Freedom Convoy across Canada became a “threat to national security,” a POIB report noted for the first time that the protests had the “potential” to become such a threat.

But Morris told the commission the Freedom Convoy would have only become a real threat to national security if a series of hypothetical events occurred across Canada. They never did. Oh well….

An email from Morris to his staff on Feb. 7 tabled at the commission also reveals that CSIS and INSET did not share POIB’s view that the protests had even hit the threshold of “potential” national security threat at that point.

Then, because it’s 2015-ish…I think we all remember that occasion, almost a decade ago now, upon which Justin Trudeau was asked in front of television cameras what country’s government he admired most. His memorable answer was none other than the People’s Republic of China. Let’s go to the tape for the thousandth time!

Why drag this gibberish out of mothballs in 2022? Well, there are all kinds of possible reasons. Some people might find it significant that an admirer of “China’s basic dictatorship” later invoked the Emergencies Act as prime minister and suspended parliamentary government in Canada on a pretext that now seems flimsy if not ludicrous.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Tipis don't honk.

More important, tipis don't take up parking spots.

We had the Boston Tea Party. Y'all had the Ottawa Parking Party.

I like it. Variation on a theme. And sure enough, True Dope called out the redcoats.
I posted the picture of the Tipis in response to the claim in the story above it stating that if it was indigenous people they would all be dead or arrested in 36 hours, etc….it’s the sign in front of the tepees that was the punchline.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I posted the picture of the Tipis in response to the claim in the story above it stating that if it was indigenous people they would all be dead or arrested in 36 hours, etc….it’s the sign in front of the tepees that was the punchline.
Yeah, I got it. It was just so dull and faux-deep that I decided to look for something else.

I'm pretty sure, at least in the U.S., and I can't imagine it's any different in Canada, there are several difficulties with policing FNs, and racism, insofar as it's a factor at all, comes in behind remoteness of much of the FN population, relative lack of paper trails, higher levels of unwillingness to help the cops with their investigations, and general distrust of the cops among the FN population.

"The cops didn't do anything about my cousin's disappearance/murder!"
"Did you tell them everything you knew about her habits, haunts, recent movements, and associates?"
"Fuck no! I hate the cops!"

We have the same problems, not only on the rez, but in the ethnic communities in the cities.

Not dismissing the disgraceful "Lazy drunken meth-head Indians, who cares?" attitude that undoubtedly exists. Just saying that's certainly not the only factor, and as I outlined above, probably no higher than fifth or sixth on the list of real-world problems in policing the FN communities.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This is interesting. Doug “I don’t wanna go to school…I mean the Emergencies Act Inquiry!” Ford…is pulling something similar, & Justin “I’m the defender of rights unless you cross me!” Trudeau is calling him on it?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Here’s an interesting twist, that could change the legal landscape going forward (or retroactively?) regarding peaceful protests or non-peaceful protests, setting a legal “precedent” to be followed:

Can you imagine this “precedent” being applied against the railway blockades/fires immediately before COVID reared its head, or the BLM protest/fires before that, etc…?

(Some understandable church burning protests & statue destroying protests & window smashing/looting protests, etc…)

Granted the Truckers had licence plates to identify them & where not hiding their identities….& the donations would generally (I’m assuming) not be using alias’s but even if they where their banking info would match up to individuals….as opposed or contrasting to masks and such when the other protests occurred.

This could change the protest landscape going forward. Going to donate to a cause that might (or might not) evolve into something else…better think twice. Is the protest going to inconvenience anyone, better think twice…is anyone in the crowd going to commit a crime, etc…better think twice. I’m of two minds on this.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Okay, taking shit just from the CBC and not doing field work is gross stupidity on their part, don't get me wrong.

But again, what about people who live there who had genuine concerns and actually did have issues with the truckers? Are they invalid because the Feds didn't do their job?
they wind up being invalid to everyone else because in the light of all the lies and exaggerations we've seen nobody is going to believe they're real. THat is unfortunate but that's the way it is

IF they have legit concerns they should be holding the gov't to the fire over it. The gov't and the ndp are the ones who have created this mess where their concerns are blown off as "More Fake News".

Justin created this problem entirely, then handled it very badly, and the result is people you refer to who had legitimate concerns won't be heard and nobody cares. So - if they don't hold justin and Jagmeet responsible, then why would anyone else take them seriously?


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
This could change the protest landscape going forward. Going to donate to a cause that might (or might not) evolve into something else…better think twice. Is the protest going to inconvenience anyone, better think twice…is anyone in the crowd going to commit a crime, etc…better think twice. I’m of two minds on this.
I'm reasonably sure that this is what the liberals were going for."don't dare donate to someone we don't like". And it wasn't just the banks, government employees were fired if it was discovered that they donated as well. So now you can't even donate privately to something without risking your job. That is terrible. And the liberals scream about people not being able to wear religious symbols at work? They are going after what people do when they're at home nevermind at work. It's pretty disgusting

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I'm reasonably sure that this is what the liberals were going for."don't dare donate to someone we don't like". And it wasn't just the banks, government employees were fired if it was discovered that they donated as well. So now you can't even donate privately to something without risking your job. That is terrible. And the liberals scream about people not being able to wear religious symbols at work? They are going after what people do when they're at home nevermind at work. It's pretty disgusting
I’m still of two minds on this, & the Liberal/NDP Non-Coalition Coalition won’t be in power forever…& they have to know this also….so what happens when some other Gov’t pulls the same shit, or the above lawsuit is cloned against protests that Jagmeet/Justin aren’t against? Or both? It’s Pandora’s Box.

Let’s use PETA for an example ‘cuz they seem to get caught semi-often doing dumb & illegal stuff. I’m assuming PETA has to keep some kind of record of donors (even if it’s just to solicit them constantly and repeatedly). What if PETA’s goofy efforts to traumatize people into being vegans or whatever the hell they are after, somebody steps forward stating that they are traumatized (Mission accomplished?)? Lawsuit (class action) enacted….& I’m sure somebody on this site has donated to PETA at some point….voilà!!


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
so what happens when some other Gov’t pulls the same shit, or the above lawsuit is cloned against protests that Jagmeet/Justin aren’t against? Or both? It’s Pandora’s Box.
They'll be gone. They won't care. I don't think either of them has any kind of concern over the long term of their party OR canada. Right now it suits their wishes so ....

I mean lets get real - day one when it was still a rumour he was going to people were saying this could be misused in the future. They knew it could. They don't give a flying fig.
What if PETA’s goofy efforts to traumatize people into being vegans or whatever the hell they are after, somebody steps forward stating that they are traumatized (Mission accomplished?)? Lawsuit (class action) enacted….& I’m sure somebody on this site has donated to PETA at some point….voilà!!
well that's the tip of the iceberg - with this whole mess and with this lawsuit (Which i suspect is going nowhere actually) literally any group may be targeted even without a big protest. Someone stands up and says something that's deemed to be "hate speech" - get their donor's list. There have been many times first nations and other groups have had to appologize for anti-semitic remarks, now perhaps their donors will have to help pay the fines. Etc etc.

So sure it's a mess and i don't think it'll stand up to a legal challenge but as far as Justin and Jaggers go - i just don't think they cared one way or another. I think it was all about the ego.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
They'll be gone. They won't care. I don't think either of them has any kind of concern over the long term of their party OR canada. Right now it suits their wishes so ....

I mean lets get real - day one when it was still a rumour he was going to people were saying this could be misused in the future. They knew it could. They don't give a flying fig.
Yeah….yeah. Got it. Oh well….

Justin Trudeau

Officiel du gouvernement - Canada

We’ve had your backs throughout this pandemic – and we’re going to continue to be there for you.:
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