2020 was a pandemic year but suppose that doesn't matter if governments tried to accommodate, does it?
Hillary is a dipshit.
Abrams conceded, even though yes, it was stolen, and watch the doc I posted to see the proof (not that you'd take it of course though, right?

On that I'll agree.
... even as THEY are the ones constantly being caught denying safe, honest and deceptive elections...
Unless you fit certain social dynamics.
Funny, I hear more from Republicans about this shit than Dems.
If by good you mean suppressive AF, sure, it's doing great then.
Yeah, so they say but we'll see. Voting isn't done yet.
Wow... so, you don't like people to vote who are poor, don't have cars, live in the 'wrong place', etc.
Good to know.
Considering their fucked up voting system, and the amount of stuff they vote on, I don't get why this shocks you so much.
Unless there are irregularities, they are. Don't pay attention to it much, do you?
We'll see. I'm expecting a shitshow in the usual places.
But hey, so long as those damned worthless people don't vote, it's all gold!