Freeland Harassed in Alberta


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is trying to find a divisive wedge again and called for political leaders to take a united stance against threats of violence and intimidation on Sunday, days after his deputy was confronted in Alberta by a man who repeatedly yelled profanity at her and called her a traitor.

A video circulating online over the weekend shows Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland arriving inside City Hall in Grande Prairie, Alta., on Friday, and then being confronted by the man while she approached and entered an elevator.

Trudeau addressed the incident during an announcement in Ottawa on funding for an action plan to support LGBTQ communities. He said what Freeland faced isn't isolated and is being seen with increasing frequency by people in public life, particularly women and minorities.

"Threats, violence, intimidation of any kind, are always unacceptable and this kind of cowardly behaviour threatens and undermines our democracy and our values and openness and respect upon which Canada was built," Trudeau said.

A video circulating online over the weekend shows Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland arriving inside City Hall in Grande Prairie, Alta., on Friday, and then being confronted by the man while she approached and entered an elevator.

Trudeau addressed the incident during an announcement in Ottawa on funding for an action plan to support LGBTQ communities. He said what Freeland faced isn't isolated and is being seen with increasing frequency by people in public life, particularly women and minorities?

"Threats, violence, intimidation of any kind, are always unacceptable and this kind of cowardly behaviour threatens and undermines our democracy and our values and openness and respect upon which Canada was built," Trudeau said.

The incident has prompted current and former politicians from across the spectrum to denounce the incident and speak out against harassment faced by public figures.

The identity of the man in the video has been circulating widely online, but efforts by The Canadian Press to reach him have been unsuccessful so far.

Trudeau characterized the confrontation as a "backlash" of a type that has been growing on social media for many years, where any time a woman (?) speaks up on social media, she becomes subject to harassment and toxicity that reaches a point where her voice and her right to free expression are diminished?

"As leaders, we need to call this out and take a united stance against it, because no matter who you are, who you love, the colour of your skin, how you pray, where you're from, your gender, you deserve respect," he said. "You deserve to live in peace without fear of threats of violence."

Holy Pre-Election Double-Speaking Cow, Batman!! Trudeau’s tangent broadcasting net is try’n to make it so wide that anyone who disagrees with him must be a misogynistic racist….which sounds somehow familiar again….did this one dudes freak out in a hotel lobby in northern Alberta have anything to do with Freeland’s religious beliefs (?) or the Color of her skin (?) or her sexual orientation (?) or her minority status (?) or even about her Gender???
Threats, violence, and intimidation are exactly the tactics turdOWE uses to get his way.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The thing of it is the same thing happens to men all the time - look at Jagmeet just a month ago where he had to speed away in his (chauffeur driven) car as people confronted him in a similar fashion. But to hear trudeau it's just women. And calling them names is probably going to calm them right down.

Frankly i agree that it's unacceptable. I think justin trudeau should be able to walk the streets of Calgary without an escort and be perfectly safe and free from fear.
Nope. He and his gang of asswipes are wholly undemocratic authoritarian wannabes. They shouldn't be free from fear ANYWHERE they go. Those cunts need to know Canadians are sick of their shit. The constant refusal to answer simple direct questions isn't helping them either. Ask them anything and you get a variation of the same pat answer.

"Mr. Trudeau. What is your favourite kind of sandwich?"

Trudeau: "We are working hard for all Canadians, blah blah blah...middle class blah blah blah...follow the (what we call) science blah blah blah..."


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
They shouldn't be free from fear ANYWHERE they go.
Yeah they should. If you believe in democracy and you believe in the freedoms we love then you must believe that they should have every right to do that. If people are going to elect them into power then we have to live with that. The answer is to deal with the people and convince them to do otherwise, not to throw out our democracy and rights.

If you didn't like mandates and forced vaccination then you can't support attacking people for their political beliefs. Sorry - it just doesn't work that way. Either you support forcing your opinions on other by violence in which case you should have no issue with lockdowns and forced vaccinations or you don't, in which case you SHOULD have a problem with democratically elected people being attacked in public. Take your pick.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Subjective fear does not a threat make.
If we're going to pretend that being cornered in an elevator by a person twice your size who is extremely hostile and behaving in an aggressive manner isn't threatening then we're probably not being very realistic.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
If we're going to pretend that being cornered in an elevator by a person twice your size who is extremely hostile and behaving in an aggressive manner isn't threatening then we're probably not being very realistic.
In the video I saw he did not go into the elevator , nor did he physically threaten her person . Yes he was throwing around vulgar and abusive language and acting just like the Ottawa centric media portray Alberta red necks . Definitely a bought and paid for actor . Paid by the liberal party of Canada .
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Yeah they should. If you believe in democracy and you believe in the freedoms we love then you must believe that they should have every right to do that. If people are going to elect them into power then we have to live with that. The answer is to deal with the people and convince them to do otherwise, not to throw out our democracy and rights.

If you didn't like mandates and forced vaccination then you can't support attacking people for their political beliefs. Sorry - it just doesn't work that way. Either you support forcing your opinions on other by violence in which case you should have no issue with lockdowns and forced vaccinations or you don't, in which case you SHOULD have a problem with democratically elected people being attacked in public. Take your pick.
Da fuq? You think it's just about vaccines and mandates? Are you high? And who gives a fuck if Trudeau was "democratically elected", so was Hitler. A dictator is a dictator don't matter how they got there.
You know what this govt reminds me of? Some goof who picked a fight with me years ago, got his ass fucking kicked bad, and then went whining to the police to charge me with assault.
This is pretty much what the govt has done. They have fucked over god knows how many people, they have attacked people who oppose them and even taken political prisoners. And they have the unmitigated gall to whine about being victimized? My heart pumps piss for them. Freeland, Trudeau and Singh are getting exactly the treatment they deserve because they've earned it.
As for your goings on about democracy, our dishonourable PM clearly doesn't give a good goddam about it. Giving himself an ersatz run away majority govt after the voters gave him a bare minority isn't exactly in the interests of democracy now is it?
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
In the video I saw he did not go into the elevator , nor did he physically threaten her person . Yes he was throwing around vulgar and abusive language and acting just like the Ottawa centric media portray Alberta red necks . Definitely a bought and paid for actor . Paid by the liberal party of Canada .
He stood in front of the elevator, restricting her ability to leave, and his very size and demeanor and tone was more than threatening enough. Lets not pretend that if you were backed into an elevator by that guy yelling at you like that you would feel no sense of threat. He wasn't simply holding up a placard or the like.

Whether or not he was a liberal plant, the behavior was certainly threatening.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
He stood in front of the elevator, restricting her ability to leave, and his very size and demeanor and tone was more than threatening enough. Lets not pretend that if you were backed into an elevator by that guy yelling at you like that you would feel no sense of threat. He wasn't simply holding up a placard or the like.

Whether or not he was a liberal plant, the behavior was certainly threatening.
Well if he was a Liberal plant I'd call it more political theatre than threatening. Not saying he was a plant, but if it was staged then there's no true threat.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Da fuq? You think it's just about vaccines and mandates? Are you high?
So what you're saying is you're unable to actually articulate what you think it's "about" so you're going to blather. Well.. i guess that's one option...
And who gives a fuck if Trudeau was "democratically elected", so was Hitler.
No he wasn't. He took over the chancellorship after the previous guy died unexpectedly. He was not elected to that position.
A dictator is a dictator don't matter how they got there.
He is not a 'dictator', as much as he'd like to be. He's still just a prime minister and the house still has it's rules. He's democratically elected and either you respect democracy or you don't.
You know what this govt reminds me of? Some goof who picked a fight with me years ago, got his ass fucking kicked bad, and then went whining to the police to charge me with assault.
Yeah. He's the type who would do that. But that changes nothing.
This is pretty much what the govt has done. They have fucked over god knows how many people, they have attacked people who oppose them and even taken political prisoners. And they have the unmitigated gall to whine about being victimized? My heart pumps piss for them. Freeland, Trudeau and Singh are getting exactly the treatment they deserve because they've earned it.
Sounds like you've earned it too based on what you're supporting now.
As for your goings on about democracy, our dishonourable PM clearly doesn't give a good goddam about it.
Then we should elect someone else. That's our choice. That's literally how democracy works. Sorry for the inconvenience.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Well if he was a Liberal plant I'd call it more political theatre than threatening. Not saying he was a plant, but if it was staged then there's no true threat.
If he was a plant, if she knew about it before hand, etc etc. You're making up a lot of stuff to try to justify your position. The look on her face suggests she was genuinely concerned. She's not that good an actor.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Why was she wandering around hostile territory on her own? After the shit pulled, if I were deputy PM, Id have security and Im not a small man incapable of defending myself.
Who cares. You're making excuses for inexcusable behavior and that's not ok. If she were wandering naked down a back alley at night, a woman in Canada should not have to fear being attacked or threatened by anyone. If she is - that person is doing something wrong and should go to jail.

It's one thing to protest the gov't. That was something else.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
That kind of behaviour is to be expect EVEN IF YOU ARE LIKED.

Something is fishy.
If you are liked you expect some giant guy to chase you into an elevator screaming at you that you're a traitor and to get out of the province and behaving in a threatening manner? That'd be a big 'nope'. When did you ever see flahterty get chased into an elevator?