Nuclear and Natural Gas are Sustainable Forms of Energy.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
no they're literally unsustainable, or non-newable, but good effort i guess.
Claims by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that the global energy crisis is a reason to move to so-called “green” energy faster, are out of touch with reality.

In fact, the “great reset” going on all over the world right now is heading in the opposite direction — back to fossil fuels.

Lawyer and energy blogger Andrew Roman has accurately described it as “The Great U-Turn”.
It’s happening because wind and solar power are too unreliable and too inefficient to power modern industrialized countries.

Much of Europe — led by Germany — abandoned domestic energy security in the mad rush to go green, leaving the continent vulnerable to the whims of dictators like Russian President Vladimir Putin.

European nations are now in the conflicted position of arming Ukraine to fight Putin’s invasion, while simultaneously financing Putin’s invasion because they are so desperate for Russia’s natural gas and oil.

Because their leaders foolishly ignored domestic energy security, Europeans are now vulnerable to the twin dangers of skyrocketing energy prices and severe energy shortages this winter, if Putin decides to turn the screws on Europe’s energy supply.

When it comes to Canada’s energy supply, things are not that desperate, yet.

But it’s alarming that Trudeau and Freeland are doubling down on green propaganda and the foolish argument that renewable energy sources, given their current level of technology, are anywhere near ready to replace fossil fuels, especially in a big, cold, northern, sparsely-populated country like Canada.

Canada could be a global leader in sensible energy policies because we have huge domestic reserves of natural gas and safe nuclear technology.

Because nuclear power produces no greenhouse gases and natural gas burns at half the carbon intensity of coal, using them to replace coal-fired electricity globally is the single most effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

But first, our energy policy would have to make sense. Under Trudeau and Freeland, it doesn’t.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Good on the EU. Hopefully, Canada will eventually come to the same conclusion.

My girlfriend who lives in Germany said that she's worried about the coming winter as she still doesn't have heat from the flood of July, 2021. Her town's business section is still not up and running so they have to go elsewhere for groceries. Things are not good there so I'm sure she'll be happy to hear that Germany, along with the rest of the EU have changed their minds about the farcical climate change & how it affects them domestically. It's inconceivable that these so-called politicians couldn't see the consequences of their decisions BEFORE making them. Just like Biden, they went whole hog without actually knowing what they were doing & now it's bit them on the ass.

Biden should be reversing course but his puppeteers' are so brainwashed about said climate that he doesn't have the capacity to over-rule them so they'll go down with the rest of us. They just don't know it yet.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
we haven’t run out of other peoples money yet .
LOL - so true, so true. Justin seems to like to follow Biden's note book, so I doubt he'll change course. And, he's a fan of the corrupt Soros who is also in kahoots with the WEF and the WHO and likely a bunch of other lettered organizations who are intent on destroying the countries we live in. Don't know why they hate so much, but they do.

It will take the loving, kind & tolerant Conservatives to bring us back to where we can continue to improve everyone's lives and live to the fullest. We must be patient because the Lefties are "hard-core" and will require additional assistance to see where they've gone wrong. They've been brain washed so we need to reverse the idiocy that they have been used to and explain what common sense means & how to implement common sense ideas that will benefit EVERYONE and not simply a "class or tribe". No class or tribes in a democracy - we're all the same and come in beautiful, multiple colors. Cut any one of us and we all bleed red!!!
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Within 10 years Gen X and the last of the analog humans who can still do math in their heads retire.

After us its only the digital children raised by the Beast who will lead, build and tend to societies needs.

Thats fucking scary.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
With any luck the Supreme Court will rule that all anti-pollution measures are unConstitutional, and we can get rid of catalytic converters and smokestack scrubbers an look forward to an atmosphere filled with sulfur and lead that we can enjoy whilst watching the river burn on a summer's eve.


Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
With any luck the Supreme Court will rule that all anti-pollution measures are unConstitutional, and we can get rid of catalytic converters and smokestack scrubbers an look forward to an atmosphere filled with sulfur and lead that we can enjoy whilst watching the river burn on a summer's eve.

Don't be so obtuse! It doesn't suit you!!
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006

If you want to know what will happen if we follow what the WEF insists we must, then look what's happening in Sri Lanka. It's not pretty people. The IMF promised them funds to "assist with the transition" because Sri Lanka didn't really have the funds to do so. The were assured if they gave up fossil fuels, farming & other things that "contribute to climate change" they would get the much needed funds. When Sri Lanka started falling apart, the IMF turned tail and has refused them the promised funds. Now people are starving, no food, no fuel, prices so high and shelves empty so now chaos rules which is exactly what the WEF & the elitists want. Wow, atta go WEF - success at last!!!

Of course, people who insist on destroying our country will say that Sri Lanka isn't the U.S. or Europe or Canada so their policies WILL work here. Ya right!!

So that's what we can look forward to.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

If you want to know what will happen if we follow what the WEF insists we must, then look what's happening in Sri Lanka. It's not pretty people. The IMF promised them funds to "assist with the transition" because Sri Lanka didn't really have the funds to do so. The were assured if they gave up fossil fuels, farming & other things that "contribute to climate change" they would get the much needed funds. When Sri Lanka started falling apart, the IMF turned tail and has refused them the promised funds. Now people are starving, no food, no fuel, prices so high and shelves empty so now chaos rules which is exactly what the WEF & the elitists want. Wow, atta go WEF - success at last!!!

Of course, people who insist on destroying our country will say that Sri Lanka isn't the U.S. or Europe or Canada so their policies WILL work here. Ya right!!

So that's what we can look forward to.
But our emotional and political betters think conservatives want to return to the sixties , just ask Tecumshesbones she will explain .

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Fact of the matter is, you can't just flip a switch and everything is there to supplement this new way of life. It has to worked into gradually. The libs just can't seem to understand that.
I wonder if they also know how many products are made from O&G. It's not just transportation and energy that is at stake. Are there substitutes out there that I don't know about?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
On a long enough timeline, wind and solar are non-renewable.
Here's the problem with wind. Take your standard 2MW turbine. Depending on the environment they're in they have a shelf life of 20-25 years. Now, in order to meet just the annual increase in demand for power, you'd have to cover an area about the size of Great Britain in wind farms every year. After 25-30 years you'd cover a land mass almost equal to the size of Russia. And that's where the problem really begins. First, this doesn't take into account replacing the fossil fuel power plants, this is only to meet the annual increased demand. Secondly, after 20-25 years you'd have to start building twice as many turbines every year, half to meet the annual increased demand for power and the other half to replace the old, worn out turbines. Plus, you still need oil to lubricate them and you can't use vegetable oil. As well they require the same batteries for back up as the ones that like to spontaneously combust.

Solar is a better option but only if you get enough annual solar radiance to make it viable. They benefit at least is you can use molten salt batteries.

Here's the reality in Canada. Quebec and Ontario could supply the entire country with almost 100% emissions-free power. (As it is the country as a whole pumps out 3% of the world's annual total power while doing it 82-83% emissions-free.) But in order for that to be feasible in the near future, people need to quit shitting their pants over nuclear power so we can build micro reactors.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
There has been significant progress toward workable fusion, and superconductor temperatures are rising. Battery storage is also improving steadily.

I'm agreeing with you, Jin. Current efforts are fine, but this "Fossil-Free By Insert-Date-Here" is ridiculous. The solution (for a while) will come from advancing technology, not from building bigger and bigger dirigibles.