If a Carbon Tax isn’t a punitive tax intending to punish in order to change behaviour, then what is it?No, I'd say it was punitive if it was intended to punish.
That being what the word means.
A Rose by any other name etc…and wording it as a tax that “incentivizes actions to make them less carbon intensive” changes it into a non-punitive tax how?
Somethings we can change behaviourally and some things we can’t. We can’t make Canada a country that doesn’t require us to heat our homes at least half the year, but some people in urban settings can use public transportation if it exists and is effective and goes from where they are to where they need to be in an effective timeframe.
So a carbon tax on driving a private vehicle in a city that has a real & effective public transportation system can change a persons behaviour, but application of that same carbon tax to the same person for choosing to not freeze from Fall through Spring changes their behaviour how (?) and how is that not punitive?
Some people will get a Carbon Tax rebate and some won’t, based upon their income or lack there of, which has nothing to do with their Carbon Footprint or what they’ve done to change it. How is that not punitive?
Personally, we’ve (on our own dime) upgraded to a 95% efficient furnace, & have spent almost $18,000 replacing all the windows in our home to make them more efficient, and have insulated the living shit out of our attic, and have years ago replaced every lightbulb in our home to energy efficient CFL’s or LED’s, but it makes no difference to the fact that we will be charged a carbon tax on our electricity & heating bills and will receive no rebate for our efforts….with the money invested in becoming more energy efficient more than offset in the Carbon Tax that increases more every year…& and there’s not much left we can do to make our home any more energy efficient. On April Fools Day this Carbon Tax (& the irony of the timing doesn’t escape me) will increase again regardless of what we do or don’t do.
I have a truck that I need for work in the industry that I’m in, but I Rarely use it for anything beyond work….& we have a fuel sipping (better than 9L/100kms on the highway) SUV for as much of everything else as we’re able to use it for….but that also means we have to have two vehicles that each need to be insured every month so are we getting ahead & helping save the planet by having two vehicles instead of one (?) or just playing the game and being “incentivized to act in a certain manner” that gains us no financial advantage in the increasing carbon tax scene of things?