Alberta declares State of Public Health Emergency

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Ah, all righty then.
Yes, but "personal responsibility" seems to have been taken by the way-side. Apparently, no one needs to take responsibility anymore because it's always someone else's fault. So now we have people who don't give a damn so we shouldn't be surprised. This is what happens when we don't hold those responsible for whatever actions they take anymore.

You know, no competition as everyone is a winner, it's not your fault that you robbed a store or can't get a job because everyone hates you despite the fact you can't be relied on or since you're poor and/or hard done by so it's someone else's fault - all these things have consequences and we're now seeing the results. People don't give a damn about anyone else but themselves. We've become an extremely selfish society at times so why do people expect a different result?

Having said that, there are really good people out there who do care and go out of their way to do the right thing. I must say that because I don't want to generalize like the MSM & some politicians do.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
And for now Alberta is part of Canada; likely to stay that way.

So don't let that slam on your ass as you leave for good, y'hear?

likely not to stay that way..don’t fool yourself

There are 2 huge tech companies moving to Alberta very soon.. they want a separate Alberta and bringing in 100’s of millions of dollars and jobs..

Think what they could do in advertising and reach to Albertan..

One company as big as Netflix
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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Personal responsibility lol

It's too late for that now.

'State of crisis': National medical group urges lockdowns in Alberta and Saskatchewan​

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Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Personal responsibility lol

It's too late for that now.

'State of crisis': National medical group urges lockdowns in Alberta and Saskatchewan​

what do you expect when you mandate Vaccines for first responders who don’t want the vaccine..

They quit or are fired, which then they get EI and there is a huge shortage of staff..

People will die because of this, and I promise you this, if any of my family members are effected and die from lack of healthcare care because of these stupid FEDERAL enforcements..


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Here's hoping this will be enough support to carry over into the transition.

Military nurses to land in Alberta Monday to ease health-care strain from COVID-19​

Military medical personnel are expected to arrive in Alberta Monday to help ease the strain on hospitals caused by COVID-19, the federal government announced Saturday.

"We are always ready to help Canadians across the country during difficult times, and this pandemic has been no different," said federal Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair in the release.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
If there's a shortage of staff, it's not because of the tiny fraction that quit because they're misguided.
And yet, among healthcare workers they are standing at about 80% vaccinated and 20% unvaccinated….why? Personally I am fully vaccinated so I’m on the outside looking in on this question.

Trudeau's civil service vaccine mandate isn't a real thing

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reiterated that all federal civil servants will have be to vaccinated. He declared it one of his topic priorities.

But missing from Trudeau’s announcement were an “Or else?” and a “When?”

Trudeau was always pretty dodgy about person costs for vaccine-hesitant federal workers. Would they lose their jobs, be reassigned, suspended without pay?

Trudeau was allowed to get away with this by a press corps that showed almost no interest in the specifics, but instead were enamoured with Trudeau’s trendy promise. (As they always are.)

It didn’t matter that Trudeau’s vaccine mandate promise was hollow, like most of his promises. He was permitted to use it to club Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole, who recognized the impracticality of Trudeau’s zero-tolerance tough talk.

O’Toole, reasonably, said all federal workers would have to be vaccinated or subject themselves to frequent COVID test to ensure they weren’t infected.

Any vaccine mandate would cover just over 300,000 direct civil servants. Given that Ottawa would be lucky to get 90 per cent of them to double vax, that means Trudeau always had to figure out what to do with about 30,000???

I can’t imagine the Liberals having the guts to fire so many public workers, so they were always going to have to go the way of O’Toole – vax or test.

Nevertheless, Trudeau got away with insisting O’Toole wasn’t serious about the pandemic because the Tory boss wasn’t going to force all federal workers to get shots, even though there was no realistic way Trudeau was going to, either.

Now the PM has repeated his mandatory vaccine promise as official policy and guess what? Not only is there no threat to fire uncooperative civil servants, there’s no deadline by which they must show proof of vaccination.

Trudeau’s vaccine promise is as meaningless as if it were a promise about reconciliation, clean drinking water, keeping deficits small, electoral reform or treating women with respect.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Just watching globull news. Big blahblahblah about how people are not believing the science, but believing what comes out on social media about the so called safe vaccine. Trouble is, the "experts" they expect us to listen to are either government employees or paid mouth pieces of BigPharma. Both have a well established track record of lying to the public.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
And yet, among healthcare workers they are standing at about 80% vaccinated and 20% unvaccinated….why? Personally I am fully vaccinated so I’m on the outside looking in on this question.

Trudeau's civil service vaccine mandate isn't a real thing

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reiterated that all federal civil servants will have be to vaccinated. He declared it one of his topic priorities.

But missing from Trudeau’s announcement were an “Or else?” and a “When?”

Trudeau was always pretty dodgy about person costs for vaccine-hesitant federal workers. Would they lose their jobs, be reassigned, suspended without pay?

Trudeau was allowed to get away with this by a press corps that showed almost no interest in the specifics, but instead were enamoured with Trudeau’s trendy promise. (As they always are.)

It didn’t matter that Trudeau’s vaccine mandate promise was hollow, like most of his promises. He was permitted to use it to club Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole, who recognized the impracticality of Trudeau’s zero-tolerance tough talk.

O’Toole, reasonably, said all federal workers would have to be vaccinated or subject themselves to frequent COVID test to ensure they weren’t infected.

Any vaccine mandate would cover just over 300,000 direct civil servants. Given that Ottawa would be lucky to get 90 per cent of them to double vax, that means Trudeau always had to figure out what to do with about 30,000???

I can’t imagine the Liberals having the guts to fire so many public workers, so they were always going to have to go the way of O’Toole – vax or test.

Nevertheless, Trudeau got away with insisting O’Toole wasn’t serious about the pandemic because the Tory boss wasn’t going to force all federal workers to get shots, even though there was no realistic way Trudeau was going to, either.

Now the PM has repeated his mandatory vaccine promise as official policy and guess what? Not only is there no threat to fire uncooperative civil servants, there’s no deadline by which they must show proof of vaccination.

Trudeau’s vaccine promise is as meaningless as if it were a promise about reconciliation, clean drinking water, keeping deficits small, electoral reform or treating women with respect.
What is never covered is how many of the unvaccinated already had COVID and have natural immunity
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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
'State of crisis': National medical group urges lockdowns in Alberta and Saskatchewan

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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
So if thousands (if not millions) of people caught Covid-19, there should be the same amount that don't need the vaccine because of natural immunity. However, I guess that's not good enough for governments as they want to control & dictate to everyone what they should & shouldn't do. I don't understand the compliance as our freedoms are at stake. However, there are those who refuse to follow protocol which is why the covid rates climb.

We need to fight back because there's likely more people who have immunity than anyone knows but because testing for immunity isn't kosher we'll never know.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
However, there are those who refuse to follow protocol which is why the covid rates climb.
That's what we're seeing in western Canada. I'm okay with people making a choice not to vaccinate, but they need to realize that they will not enjoy the same freedoms as those who have chosen to get vaccinated. There comes a point where individual rights must take second place to the safety of the many.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
That's what we're seeing in western Canada. I'm okay with people making a choice not to vaccinate, but they need to realize that they will not enjoy the same freedoms as those who have chosen to get vaccinated. There comes a point where individual rights must take second place to the safety of the many.
OK so when it comes to "a point where individual rights must take second place to the safety of the many" how do we ensure that those so-called rights will be reversed when all is said and done and how do we ensure that these so-called rights won't lead to other "rights" being lost? Governments tend to want to "control" the population so I worry about the "slippery slope" phenomenon. So while I've taken the vaccine, I don't agree to forcing others to take it if they don't want it or if they've already had covid as it's their right to refuse. Had it not been for my hubby who has health issues, I would not have gotten the vaccine myself.

Using "health" as a way to control the population is NOT a good system especially since "men" tends to gravitate towards power & seeing how powerful the governments have become, we ALL need to worry as it has provided the Globalists the ammunition to determine more & more what we can do, say or think.

The Build Back Better program is based on a a Marxist ideology which means going backwards rather than forwards - you know - segregation, government support, empty shelves because no one is going back to work (mostly in the U.S. ?? - don't know about here). That affects the entire economy and we all lose except for the rich who will do very well since they're the ones in control.
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Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
The target here is to reduce the spread of the virus, and vaccination so far is our most effective tool to accomplish that. In the absence of a vaccination, then falling back to the physical precautions of masking and distancing is needed. Having unvaccinated people mix with vaccinated people in high risk situations like indoor dining can end in nothing but further spread.

I highly doubt that when the risk of transmission is sufficiently reduced that the restrictions will continue. I have yet to meet anyone who likes wearing a mask.

PS: Marx was a genius in his own right. He proposed a theoretical society based on equality and the good of all. His teachings were perverted to a large degree by Lenin and Stalin, which has led to people tossing labels like "communist" and "socialist" around like insults. We are in a time right now more than ever where the greater good has to be deeply considered.