Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The best way to solve the conflict between Jews and Muslims in Palestine is like this:
Jews believe in God as One God ... Muslims believe in God as One God
Jews believe in Moses ... Muslims believe in Moses

Muslims believe in all God's prophets without exception: including Jesus and Mohammed

So let Jews add another belief to their belief in Moses, and let them believe in all the prophets including Jesus and Mohammed, and let Jews believe in all the heavenly books including the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran.

Quran 2: 136, which means:
(136. Say [O Muslims]: "We believe in God and [the Quran] that is revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the Prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction concerning any of them and to Him alone we have submitted ourselves."

137. So if they [: Jews and Christians] believe as do you [: Muslims] believe then they will be rightly guided,
but if they turn away [from believing and from the Quran] then they are in schism,
so God will save you [from their wickedness and plight];
for He is the All-Hearing [of their words], the All-Knowing [about their work.]


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
A parable for Zionists:
So that they may not be in such haughtiness and conceit.. seeing themselves now with much weapon and arms and that America supports them.

The parable is their condition before their Diaspora.
They thought none might conquer or defeat them.. so they ignored the mission of Jesus Christ and the Apostles who came to Jerusalem after Jesus left them and went to His Lord in heaven.

Quran 36: 13, which means:
(And tell [your people] the parable [about the arrogance and stubbornness] of the people of the city [of Jerusalem in Palestine], when the apostles [: the disciples of Jesus Christ] came to it. c)

c That was some years following the death of the Christ, when the hearts of the Children of Israel became hard, and they were ungrateful to the bounties of God, and they associated [in the worship of God.]

See the complete interpretation of this great story here:


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The best way to solve the conflict between Jews and Muslims in Palestine is like this:
Jews believe in God as One God ... Muslims believe in God as One God
Jews believe in Moses ... Muslims believe in Moses

Muslims believe in all God's prophets without exception: including Jesus and Mohammed

So let Jews add another belief to their belief in Moses, and let them believe in all the prophets including Jesus and Mohammed, and let Jews believe in all the heavenly books including the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran.

Why should they, their religion does not see Jesus as a prophet or anything like it, same with Mohammed.

The Bible and Quran are also not part of their belief.

There won't be peace in the middle east until Israel and Palestine destroy one another.

IMO fuck both peoples, declare Jerusalem a free territory that no one owns, put in the UN to control it, wall the entire thing off and EVERYONE has to 'pay' to go into it.

As for the lands outside of that area, go ahead and blow yourselves to pieces.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
The best way to solve the conflict between Jews and Muslims in Palestine is like this:
Jews believe in God as One God ... Muslims believe in God as One God
Jews believe in Moses ... Muslims believe in Moses

Muslims believe in all God's prophets without exception: including Jesus and Mohammed

So let Jews add another belief to their belief in Moses, and let them believe in all the prophets including Jesus and Mohammed, and let Jews believe in all the heavenly books including the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran.

Quran 2: 136, which means:
(136. Say [O Muslims]: "We believe in God and [the Quran] that is revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the Prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction concerning any of them and to Him alone we have submitted ourselves."

137. So if they [: Jews and Christians] believe as do you [: Muslims] believe then they will be rightly guided,
but if they turn away [from believing and from the Quran] then they are in schism,
so God will save you [from their wickedness and plight];
for He is the All-Hearing [of their words], the All-Knowing [about their work.]

Torchie - the Palestinian people need to get rid of their so-called "leaders" who are simply terrorists & jihadists who believe that they know what's good for everyone & killing is a necessary part of their beliefs. So apparently, you support these people and you shouldn't. You should go into the Palestinian areas, including Gaza to help the people understand what is happening.

I saw a documentary on TV once that had a reporter speak with Palestinians - not their leadership - every day Palestinians and not one person he spoke to had anything bad to say about Israeli's which showed clearly that it's a Leadership issue and nothing more. Maybe if Israel was able to get rid of the current crop of leaders and appoint Palestinians who actually have their peoples interests at heart, things would very quickly change.

So don't bother preaching to us here as we already have our own beliefs be it Christian, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim or atheist - thank you very much.
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
If torch light went door to door like jehovah witnesses, he'd be out on his ass on the sidewalk all the time.
On the forum he's safe, even if nobody believe anything he says
Like conspiracy nutbars, he's good for a laugh!:ROFLMAO:
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Heartless, and no sympathy. :devilish:

Heartless and no sympathy?

I guess, I mean, after years of supporting Israel and when things changed with them to the point peace was no option and they started breaking international laws, well golly, I should still keep supporting them?

Fuck that.

They're as much child killers as Hamas are.

Heartless is killing civilians - on both sides, don't give me that "Hamas only" bullshit because that's no longer a thing - and not giving one sweet flying fuck about it. Killing kids and making excuses.

No. Israel became terrorists because they chose to be. They have become the very thing that almost destroyed them in WWII.

So no, no sympathy at all.

For EITHER side. Because they are heartless and unsympathetic themselves.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
When one reads the comments of the Zionists on this forum, like taxslave, da sleeper, and Boomer, he will understand what transgressors are the Zionists... ugly transgressors in fact, who shamelessly defend the falsehood, and what destiny will be of the Wicked Zionists in the near future, God's willing.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Torchie - the Palestinian people need to get rid of their so-called "leaders" who are simply terrorists & jihadists who believe that they know what's good for everyone & killing is a necessary part of their beliefs. So apparently, you support these people and you shouldn't.

And why do you blind yourself of the crimes of the Zionist leaders who have killed hundreds of Palestinians?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Why should they, their religion does not see Jesus as a prophet or anything like it, same with Mohammed.

The Bible and Quran are also not part of their belief.

There won't be peace in the middle east until Israel and Palestine destroy one another.

If Zionists convert and become Muslims, they will not lose their belief in Moses and the Torah.. because in Islam it is obligatory to believe in Moses and the Torah revealed from God.
Moreover, they will add more faith and belief by acknowledging Jesus and Mohammed.
In addition, the Quran teachings primarily are like the Torah teachings: of admitting that God is One and by believing in the Ten Commandments.
The Ten Commandments In The Quran

Another point, if Zionists believe in the Quran and become Muslims, they will be like other Muslims and will be saved from the coming inevitable termination decreed for the Zionists.

God - be glorified - said in the Quran 17: 104, that means:
(And, after him, We said to the Children of Israel: "Sojourn in the land [of Canaan and Palestine], and when the promise of the last time [of your corruption] comes to pass, We will bring you as a multinational mass [from every country in the earth g.]")

g So that your termination will be by the hand of the Mahdi.

The Arabic word in the aya means the ‘multinational mass’ with different places, origins and languages.

However, they have come to Palestine from every country of the earth, and left their original countries, gathered in Palestine, with their masses and various languages; so that it has become clearly fulfilled His saying – be glorified – in this aya, which means:

(We will bring you as a multinational mass [from every country in the earth.]); for the time of their termination has come to rid the humanity from their evil and wickedness, and that will only be by God’s will.

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Lefties waving Palestinian flags in Glasgow are allowed to spread Covid while surrounding a cop van demanding the release of two Indian illegal immigrants.

But this is not too surprising. As we all know, Lefties are allowed to be in large groups and spread covid. As your lockdown release is continually delayed, you know who to blame...

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