One Zionist goes and another one comes

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Charlatan and the impostor Trump, the Wicked Zionist, has departed from the White House, while another Zionist: Joe Biden has been inaugurated as the new president to dwell in the White House.
What Trump did in fact is the servitude to the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv: he did to them every favor from the first day he came to rule, and that was to the disadvantage of Muslims and the Palestinian People.
What he did in his last days: he released by pardoning the father of Jared Kushner: this one who did a crime which none does other than only the rascal.. Kushner the father: planned with a prostitute to sleep with his brother in law, and he recorded this fornication then sent the record to the wife of his brother in law; the wife is the sister of Kushner the father himself.

Therefore, see what lewdness is the conduct of this Zionist gang.

Anyhow, that Zionist Trump went away with curse of people: the American People whom he claimed he loved them and acted to make them great, but in fact he divided them and made the sedition among them. And he behaved with selfishness and did not make farewell to the next president, which none did this before him: so at least morally acting and greet him, but his rancor, like Shylock, and he couldn't do this with his malace.

And now another Zionist has come:
If this one: Biden keeps like Trump antagonizing the Palestinian People and Muslims and in particular the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem... then God Himself will deal with him and with his Zionists, as did God Almighty terminated many nations before when they became atheists, idolaters and transgressors.

When I saw the recent inauguration, I saw the flags in large number as if and like the graves in a cemetery,

And I find these ayat in the Quran 38: 1-3, which means:

[When Prophet Mohammed came to the tribe of Quraish and told them about his message, and invited them to worship God alone and forsake the worshipping of the idols, they denied and mocked him.
Therefore, God – be glorified – revealed this aya confirming the Prophet:]

( 1. (Şsad): (Which is an Arabic letter that means: Truthful) [i.e. Mohammed is truthful.]
[I swear] (by the Quran with its admonitions!)

[Then God – be glorified – told His messenger about the arrogance of those associaters and their haughtiness and their refusal to believe and submit to God; He said:]
2. But [actually] the unbelievers are with arrogance and contradiction.

[Afterwards, God – be glorified – started to threaten and terrify them, and He said:]
3. And how many a generation before them We destroyed; when [the earthquake seized them]
they cried [: Run away from the city],
but [the angel, sent for their destruction, said:] “It is not a time for escaping”.

See more explanation of these ayat, by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Ain't it great? Another strong supporter of the Children of Abraham over the Bastards of Muhammad and a she-camel.
Red Indians were almost annihilated by the old Americans.
Anyhow, you don't understand that none is stronger than God Almighty.
In fact, America is deteriorating unless saved by some wise and righteous men.
And now, a breach has occurred in addition to their suffering economically and from the pandemic.
You cannot deny that about 25-50 thousand troops and other police and security all were on alert and emergency measures fearing of their own people.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Red Indians were almost annihilated by the old Americans.
Anyhow, you don't understand that none is stronger than God Almighty.
In fact, America is deteriorating unless saved by some wise and righteous men.
And now, a breach has occurred in addition to their suffering economically and from the pandemic.
Five countries of the faithful, working together, got whipped liked a three-legged dog by the Zionists.

We know whose side Allah is on. He grants victory to His true children.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Thank you. Here is a recital of Why Don't We Get Drunk And Screw from the most holy Prophet al-Jimi ibn Buffett
This proves to me that Americans will lose unless they change their policy to justice among peoples of the earth, and be fair with the Palestinian, Muslims and other peoples of the globe.
No wonder that you being an idolater will say such words, but the strange thing is that you are one of the remaining Indians and you are rancorous against Muslims and Prophet Mohammed: this is the extreme error and madness and blindness in fact.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Five countries of the faithful, working together, got whipped liked a three-legged dog by the Zionists.

We know whose side Allah is on. He grants victory to His true children.
God has given the Zionists victory over Muslims, not because the Zionists are good, but as a discipline to Muslims on account of that they work against the Quran and against the true monotheism included in it.. and this is only temporary.. which is like what God did to the Israelite in the past.
Once the Zionists and their allies (whoever they be: the USA or others)... once they transgress on the Aqsa Mosque.. God will terminate the transgressors.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This is similar to what the Zionists demanded of the Ottoman Caliphate Abdul-Hameed: they requested he might give them some written document that they might come to Palestine; he said:
"Palestine is not my own possession that I dispose about it as I like; Palestine is the inheritance of the Muslim nation, and none can dispose about it."

So the Wicked Zionists went to Balfour the secretary of British affairs, and they bribed him and his British government who were in much need at that time, and he gave them his infamous declaration in the year 1917 about the end of the First World War:

His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non- Jewish communities in Palestine, or rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I add to this that to God belong the East and the West, and to Him belongs the earth and heavens; He alone gives the ownership to whom He likes to give, and He strips it from whom He likes to deprive.

God - be glorified - said in the Quran 3: 26-27, which mean:
(26. Say [O Mohammed, in your prayer:]

"Our God, the Absolute Owner of the 'kingdom and possession' [of the life of the World and the Next Life];

You offer 'kingdom and possession' to whomever [of your servants] You please, and take away 'kingdom and possession' from whoever [of people] You want;

You exalt whoever [of people] You like [to dignify among them] and abase whoever You want [to abase];

the good [as a whole] is by Your hand;

You are the All-Able to do anything [of that.]"

27. "You merge the night into the day, and merge the day into the night [because of the rotation of the earth around its axis].

You produce the living from the dead, and produce the dead from the living, and provide sustenance, to whomever You please, without stint."

See more explanation of these ayat in the link:

Therefore, Prophet Mohammed obeyed God's command, and he prayed with this prayer, and so God gave to him and to the believers the sovereignty on the entire world at that time, as will He give more in to the Mahdi who complies to God's command insha Allah.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Poor Tourchy, not realizing that his religion is no better than the Christian or Jewish one. They're all the same garbage, just told by different dudes at different times in history all to gain power over people cause they had tiny dicks.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
No wonder, you are so smart



House Member
May 18, 2010
Poor Tourchy, not realizing that his religion is no better than the Christian or Jewish one. They're all the same garbage, just told by different dudes at different times in history all to gain power over people cause they had tiny dicks.
Actually I think the Muslim religion is the worst of all the major religions, every Muslim country is a pure shithole, after 1400 years of this religion, they have never been able to make any meaningful contribution to the benefit of mankind.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Actually I think the Muslim religion is the worst of all the major religions, every Muslim country is a pure shithole, after 1400 years of this religion, they have never been able to make any meaningful contribution to the benefit of mankind.

You think so according to your shallow brain which is the flat surface above your silly beak.

Muslims are bad, not the Islam religion.
But Wicked Zionists are worse than Muslims.
In fact, Wicked Zionists are the devils among mankind.


House Member
May 18, 2010
You think so according to your shallow brain which is the flat surface above your silly beak.

Muslims are bad, not the Islam religion.
But Wicked Zionists are worse than Muslims.
In fact, Wicked Zionists are the devils among mankind.
The Islam religion is a failed and backwards evil religion.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Actually I think the Muslim religion is the worst of all the major religions, every Muslim country is a pure shithole, after 1400 years of this religion, they have never been able to make any meaningful contribution to the benefit of mankind.

Don't know much about history then, do you?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I add to this that to God belong the East and the West, and to Him belongs the earth and heavens; He alone gives the ownership to whom He likes to give, and He strips it from whom He likes to deprive.

God - be glorified - said in the Quran 3: 26-27, which mean:
(26. Say [O Mohammed, in your prayer:]

"Our God, the Absolute Owner of the 'kingdom and possession' [of the life of the World and the Next Life];

You offer 'kingdom and possession' to whomever [of your servants] You please, and take away 'kingdom and possession' from whoever [of people] You want;

You exalt whoever [of people] You like [to dignify among them] and abase whoever You want [to abase];

the good [as a whole] is by Your hand;

You are the All-Able to do anything [of that.]"

27. "You merge the night into the day, and merge the day into the night [because of the rotation of the earth around its axis].

You produce the living from the dead, and produce the dead from the living, and provide sustenance, to whomever You please, without stint."

See more explanation of these ayat in the link:

Therefore, Prophet Mohammed obeyed God's command, and he prayed with this prayer, and so God gave to him and to the believers the sovereignty on the entire world at that time, as will He give more in to the Mahdi who complies to God's command insha Allah.
Mohammed was a war monger, brigand, slaver, rapist, pedophile and genocidal murderer.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Mohammed was a war monger, brigand, slaver, rapist, pedophile and genocidal murderer.
Kinda makes a body wonder why he went to the trouble instead of just joining one of the up-and-running war monger, brigand, slaver, rapist, pedophile and genocidal murderer religions.
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