One Zionist goes and another one comes

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Mohammed was a war monger, brigand, slaver, rapist, pedophile and genocidal murderer.

"I refuse to join any club that would have me" Groucho Marx.

Perhaps Mohammed was a Marxist:

"I refuse to join any club that would have me" Groucho Marx.

Perhaps Mohammed was a Marxist:
The enemy of Prophet Mohammed: the idolaters said Mohammed was a magician, a liar, a poet, a swindler, a mad man, a greedy ... so God - be glorified - replied to them in the Quran 51: 8, which means:

(Truly you [associaters: idolaters] are at varying opinions [about the messenger c and the Quran d.])

8 c So that some of you say Mohammed is a poet, others say he is a magician and others say he is mad or possessed.

8 d Similarly you are at variance concerning the Quran too; so that some of you say: it is magic; others say it is soothsaying and still others say it is the written fables of the ancients.

The implication of this aya:
You claim so many claims: one time you say he is a poet, another time you say: he studied the previous heavenly books and wrote the Quran accordingly, another time you say he is mad and possessed, still another time you say he a magician and sorcerer...

so choose and stick to one accusation of such allegations! either he is mad, or poet or sorcerer and magician, or he studied the heavenly books and wrote the Quran accordingly.. etc.

But in fact, you want only to object and refuse because of your disbelief and misguidance. The reason is that you deny that he is the Messenger of God, and moreover, you deny God Himself and you deny the Next Life.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Especially you Colpy:
You are old enough to think and contemplate; because sooner or later I and you (and all people the young and the old) will depart from this world and go to the Afterlife.
None will help you there: no son, no daughter, no parents, no friend, and no party will avail you (and anyone else) can help you against God Almighty and Most Gracious.

What's the benefit for you and for everybody from such useless words of disbelief, atheism, and blasphemy?

When I go to bed, I admit and say that:
No god but God alone without associate and Mohammed is the messenger of God
That is because when I go to sleep, I am not sure I will wake up or not; and I give such testimony at many occasions: when I ride in a car and when I leave the home and go shopping.

If your pride prevents you from listening to my words, then go yourself and search and think: to know that the Quran is the word of God and that Mohammed is His noble and devoted messenger and prophet.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 31: 33, which means:
(O mankind, safeguard [yourselves] against [the punishment of] your Lord, and fear [the punishment of] a day when no parent can avail anything for his begotten [son or daughter], nor can any begotten [son or daughter] avail anything for his parent.

Surely the promise of God [about the judgment, the punishment and the reward] is true
i ; so let not the Worldly life deceive you [with its ornamentation, and so divert you from remembering God], nor let [Satan:] the deceiver deceive you [by inviting you] to [disobey] God.)

33 i i.e. a promise which God will not break, and He will not go back in it.

Therefore, be ready for your Next Life by doing every righteous act.


Nominee Member
Jan 24, 2021
What's wrong with Zionism? I think it's a rather sensible ideology.
The supreme villain in the Middle East is definitely Iran. The need of the hour is a full scale invasion of that country to liberate it from the anti-Semitic regime
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If one studies the map of Palestine before 1948 and the present map of Palestine, the truth will be evident about the genocide work done by the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv against the Palestinian People.


[Above: the original Map of Palestine before 1947

And before the first expansion of Israel at 1948]

(Palestine in green color
Jewish colonies in white)


Below is the map of Palestine in 2012

The map showing the regression of the land of Palestine and the expansion of Israel,

which started since 1967 till now

(Palestine in green; Israel in white)

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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The Charlatan and the impostor Trump, the Wicked Zionist, has departed from the White House, while another Zionist: Joe Biden has been inaugurated as the new president to dwell in the White House.
What Trump did in fact is the servitude to the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv: he did to them every favor from the first day he came to rule, and that was to the disadvantage of Muslims and the Palestinian People.
What he did in his last days: he released by pardoning the father of Jared Kushner: this one who did a crime which none does other than only the rascal.. Kushner the father: planned with a prostitute to sleep with his brother in law, and he recorded this fornication then sent the record to the wife of his brother in law; the wife is the sister of Kushner the father himself.

Therefore, see what lewdness is the conduct of this Zionist gang.
Always the Jews, amirite?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
What's wrong with Zionism? I think it's a rather sensible ideology.
The supreme villain in the Middle East is definitely Iran. The need of the hour is a full scale invasion of that country to liberate it from the anti-Semitic regime
And how well would that work?
You can go if you wish to


Nominee Member
Jan 24, 2021
And how well would that work?
You can go if you wish to
It will be spectacular.
Imagine the US with its full might, in a coalition force that includes all of NATO, plus Israel, plus Saudis, Emiratis and other Gulf allies, plus Pakistan attacking from the east. Iran won't know what hit them. They'd be crippled in a matter of minutes.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
It will be spectacular.
Imagine the US with its full might, in a coalition force that includes all of NATO, plus Israel, plus Saudis, Emiratis and other Gulf allies, plus Pakistan attacking from the east. Iran won't know what hit them. They'd be crippled in a matter of minutes.

America lost in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
It will be spectacular.
Imagine the US with its full might, in a coalition force that includes all of NATO, plus Israel, plus Saudis, Emiratis and other Gulf allies, plus Pakistan attacking from the east. Iran won't know what hit them. They'd be crippled in a matter of minutes.
Damn, another Laser Tag Warrior
Must be an infestation
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It will be spectacular.
Imagine the US with its full might, in a coalition force that includes all of NATO, plus Israel, plus Saudis, Emiratis and other Gulf allies, plus Pakistan attacking from the east. Iran won't know what hit them. They'd be crippled in a matter of minutes.

Yeeessss.... spectacular... a Religious War plus regional war plus international war...

All the players you list vs. Iran, Russia, China, just to add the big names, then throw in others like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Venezuela...

If you think Iran would be 'crippled in minutes' you're likely someone who believed Iraq was "Mission Accomplished" when GWB said it was...


Nominee Member
Jan 24, 2021
America lost in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Circumstances were different in each of those wars. If the objective of war is to back an unpopular regime it will fail. If the objective is nation building it will fail too. In Iran the general population is totally disillusioned with the regime. They just don't have the means to overthrow it by themselves.


Nominee Member
Jan 24, 2021
Yeeessss.... spectacular... a Religious War plus regional war plus international war...

All the players you list vs. Iran, Russia, China, just to add the big names, then throw in others like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Venezuela...

If you think Iran would be 'crippled in minutes' you're likely someone who believed Iraq was "Mission Accomplished" when GWB said it was...
Russia and China will never directly take on the US. Iraq was different. If the aim is nation building it's doomed to failure. I remember 2003 how quickly the Baathist regime folded. The same will happen in Iran. Once that happens just pull out and let the country collapse on itself
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