Big words , I heard you were a REMF .Sorry, we ain't going back to the 1800s just to please delusional cowards like you.
Big words , I heard you were a REMF .Sorry, we ain't going back to the 1800s just to please delusional cowards like you.
Any examples? I don't recall Whitehall being stormed.I like how the same people who supported the overthrow of the democratic vote for Brexit don't like it when the exact same thing is happening with the vote for Biden.
They didn't need to storm Whitehall, Grendel, because they were already in it.Any examples? I don't recall Whitehall being stormed.
Sorry to hear about your mom, hopefully she gets well soon
Very sorry to hear about your Mom, Serryah. I do hope that she gets the treatment she needs and you are able to see her again once Canada has a handle on this virus.
Watch as a A black effetard shoots a PATRIOTIC unarmed white woman.Funny how the same snowflakes who piss and moan about "cancel culture" cream their jeans at a violent attempt to cancel the expression of 80 million Americans in an election.
Watch as a A black effetard shoots a PATRIOTIC unarmed white woman.
Celebrating a death like that after After begging for sympathy about your mum, that is as low as as a person can get, dearie.If you're talking about the woman who was trying to get past the blockade in the Capitol building, well if she didn't want to be shot, she shouldn't have been there breaking the law.
that's what's said to blacks, IIRC...
Celebrating a death like that
after After begging for sympathy about your mum,
that is as low as as a person can get, dearie.
Not to mention as racist as it is possible to be as well.
You really are a piece of werk.
Are you are lying about your mum too? Prove what you said about her is true.
But then even if you do that what you just said was just despicable.
eta..Oh wait, you didn't prove the last thing I asked you to prove was true either,
come to think of it. Are you really as full of it as your REMF buddy?
The guy is an asshole that should be prosecuted to the fullest , but was he representative of the whole ?From the New York Times:
"One of the most serious federal cases involved Lonnie L. Coffman of Falkville, Ala. In the bed of his truck, officers found what they described as an M4 assault rifle and magazines loaded with ammunition. They also found rags, lighters and 11 glass Mason jars filled with a liquid later identified as gasoline.
The police found two handguns in his pants pockets, a 9-millimeter handgun in his right front pocket and a .22-caliber pistol in his left front pocket.
When questioned by the police, Mr. Coffman said his Mason jars contained “melted Styrofoam and gasoline,” which would have behaved similarly to napalm when ignited."
So, why do we think he was carrying around 11 jars of napalm. Self-defense, maybe?
This guy was going to light off napalm in the United States Capitol.
And Twin Moose is sorry he failed.