Trump is going to LOSE!!!


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

Alt-right, tiki-torchers, neo-nazis and other hard right assburns don't get shelter.

You're not very smart are you..

The election was tight, it wasn't a clear win..

This is still the division from the left, and folks like this will be the ones who end up with a bullet in their head, because people are ****ing tired of the dividers, and haters on the left.

The election is over, there is no more left, no more right, just AMERICANS.

With an election so tight, people need to figure out how the heal the USA, not continue to divide.
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Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

"But while I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last, because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities. And to the children of our country, regardless of your gender, our country has sent you a clear message:
Dream with ambition, lead with conviction, and see yourselves in a way that others may not simply because they’ve never seen it before. But know that we will applaud you every step of the way."

Nice to see some who was raised and schooled in Canada being the VP. :lol:

Maybe, just maybe Canada may benefit from her being the VP???


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Yet even as the democrats among us marvel at the vast act of popular decision-making that has just taken place in the US, we must also comment on how different it is compared with 2016. The fallout from 2016 – when the establishment’s preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost – was swift and visceral and at times unhinged. For years American politics got bogged down in conspiracy theories about the election having been ‘stolen’ from Clinton. Stories of Russian bots and the menacing influence of Vladimir Putin abounded in respectable newspapers. Impeachment proceedings were launched. Social media were charged with having permitted the spread of misinformation that brainwashed the dim electorate to vote Trump. A veil of suspicion was cast over American democracy. It was broken, corrupted.

That won’t happen this time. Yes, Trump and some of his supporters will continue for a while longer to insist there was fraud in the voting process. But you will not see the establishment talk about a broken democratic process. The Russian meddlers will disappear into thin air. Social media will have been seen to have done a good job rather than a bad one. The Observer in the UK won’t publish long, insane essays about the election having been ‘stolen’ by ‘shady’ forces. The New York Times and the Washington Post won’t publish op-ed after op-ed saying democracy is busted. No, this time they will say democracy works. Why will this radical about-face occur? For one simple reason: in 2020 the elites’ favoured candidate won.

The shocking rage against democracy and spread of conspiracy theories that we witnessed from the cultural and media elites over the past four years, following the election of Trump and the victory of Brexit, were motivated by a simple and deeply dangerous view – that democracy is only good when it gives us, the elites, what we want. When democracy puts a Biden- or Clinton-style technocrat in the White House, it’s great; it is working. When democracy returns a favourable result for the EU, it is celebrated, or at least paid lip-service to. But when democracy returns a result that these people expressly argued against – whether it’s Trump in power, Britain leaving the EU or Greece saying no to more austerity – then it is demonised, described as defective, and sometimes even ignored.

This points to one of the most worrying beliefs of the technocratic establishment and the woke elites: that democracy exists to serve their agendas and install their people in power. This is as wrong as it is possible to be. It is a catastrophically mistaken view of democracy and one that we must continue to challenge. Democracy is about empowering the people to decide the fate of the nation. The people. This is what so horrified the elites, the experts and the educated classes in 2016 – the fact that the people, them, the low-information hordes, behaved in a way that they were clearly instructed not to. They voted Trump, they voted Leave. This is why we were subjected to four years of top-down rage against democracy and ceaseless efforts by influential and wealthy people to delegitimise and even overthrow the millions of votes for Trump and Brexit.

Indeed, the great irony of the current liberal fury with Trump and some of his supporters for casting aspersions on the 2020 election is that these same liberals did far worse things to democracy over the past four years. They make Trump look like a rank amateur when it comes to throwing a temper tantrum over a democratic outcome. Their temper tantrum lasted for four years. In the US, the elites went berserk, fantasising that evil Ruskies seized victory from Hillary. In the UK, the Remainer elites used every trick in the book – from court cases to parliamentary intrigue to gatherings of vast numbers of middle-class anti-democrats in the streets – to try to prevent the enactment of 17.4million votes for Brexit. Their criticisms of Trump’s behaviour are laughably hypocritical.

Let’s get real about democracy. It is about the people deciding what happens. Not experts, not technocrats, not clever people with PhDS. All people. Their decision rules. If you only like democracy when the people give the ‘right’ answer, then you aren’t a democrat – you are an elitist who sees democracy as little more than a legitimising gloss on the course of political action you and your clever friends had already decided upon. If you are cheering the democratic wave that brought Biden to power but you revolted against the democratic waves behind Trump and Brexit, then you aren’t a democrat – you are a cultural neo-aristocrat who sees ordinary people’s political role as little more than nodding along to your views, your policies and your power.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Harris isn't left of left dude she's a cop a DA stop having a panic attack because she's a woman of color.
She was never a cop, she phucked her way to DA, she protected a lab tech that tainted evidence for her convictions, and she voted for every and sponsored most progressive bill coming through the senate.

Has she denounced her family's slave owning past yet?
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Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
She was never a cop, she phucked her way to DA, she protected a lab tech that tainted evidence for her convictions, and she voted for every and sponsored most progressive bill coming through the senate.

Has she denounced her family's slave owning past yet?
Meh... still enough a cop for me. I know she's crap but she's still in 'Murica a giant step forwards in opportunity, she changes the playing field, she changes the narrative.

And again this comment was about how Right wing tools keep wrongly labeling Biden... the guy is old version republican, nothing else.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
Yet even as the democrats among us marvel at the vast act of popular decision-making that has just taken place in the US, we must also comment on how different it is compared with 2016. The fallout from 2016 – when the establishment’s preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost – was swift and visceral and at times unhinged. For years American politics got bogged down in conspiracy theories about the election having been ‘stolen’ from Clinton. Stories of Russian bots and the menacing influence of Vladimir Putin abounded in respectable newspapers. Impeachment proceedings were launched. Social media were charged with having permitted the spread of misinformation that brainwashed the dim electorate to vote Trump. A veil of suspicion was cast over American democracy. It was broken, corrupted.

That won’t happen this time. Yes, Trump and some of his supporters will continue for a while longer to insist there was fraud in the voting process. But you will not see the establishment talk about a broken democratic process. The Russian meddlers will disappear into thin air. Social media will have been seen to have done a good job rather than a bad one. The Observer in the UK won’t publish long, insane essays about the election having been ‘stolen’ by ‘shady’ forces. The New York Times and the Washington Post won’t publish op-ed after op-ed saying democracy is busted. No, this time they will say democracy works. Why will this radical about-face occur? For one simple reason: in 2020 the elites’ favoured candidate won.

The shocking rage against democracy and spread of conspiracy theories that we witnessed from the cultural and media elites over the past four years, following the election of Trump and the victory of Brexit, were motivated by a simple and deeply dangerous view – that democracy is only good when it gives us, the elites, what we want. When democracy puts a Biden- or Clinton-style technocrat in the White House, it’s great; it is working. When democracy returns a favourable result for the EU, it is celebrated, or at least paid lip-service to. But when democracy returns a result that these people expressly argued against – whether it’s Trump in power, Britain leaving the EU or Greece saying no to more austerity – then it is demonised, described as defective, and sometimes even ignored.

This points to one of the most worrying beliefs of the technocratic establishment and the woke elites: that democracy exists to serve their agendas and install their people in power. This is as wrong as it is possible to be. It is a catastrophically mistaken view of democracy and one that we must continue to challenge. Democracy is about empowering the people to decide the fate of the nation. The people. This is what so horrified the elites, the experts and the educated classes in 2016 – the fact that the people, them, the low-information hordes, behaved in a way that they were clearly instructed not to. They voted Trump, they voted Leave. This is why we were subjected to four years of top-down rage against democracy and ceaseless efforts by influential and wealthy people to delegitimise and even overthrow the millions of votes for Trump and Brexit.

Indeed, the great irony of the current liberal fury with Trump and some of his supporters for casting aspersions on the 2020 election is that these same liberals did far worse things to democracy over the past four years. They make Trump look like a rank amateur when it comes to throwing a temper tantrum over a democratic outcome. Their temper tantrum lasted for four years. In the US, the elites went berserk, fantasising that evil Ruskies seized victory from Hillary. In the UK, the Remainer elites used every trick in the book – from court cases to parliamentary intrigue to gatherings of vast numbers of middle-class anti-democrats in the streets – to try to prevent the enactment of 17.4million votes for Brexit. Their criticisms of Trump’s behaviour are laughably hypocritical.

Let’s get real about democracy. It is about the people deciding what happens. Not experts, not technocrats, not clever people with PhDS. All people. Their decision rules. If you only like democracy when the people give the ‘right’ answer, then you aren’t a democrat – you are an elitist who sees democracy as little more than a legitimising gloss on the course of political action you and your clever friends had already decided upon. If you are cheering the democratic wave that brought Biden to power but you revolted against the democratic waves behind Trump and Brexit, then you aren’t a democrat – you are a cultural neo-aristocrat who sees ordinary people’s political role as little more than nodding along to your views, your policies and your power.
Have some tea and calm down Alexander Jones.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
You're not very smart are you..

The election was tight, it wasn't a clear win..

This is still the division from the left, and folks like this will be the ones who end up with a bullet in their head, because people are ****ing tired of the dividers, and haters on the left.

The election is over, there is no more left, no more right, just AMERICANS.

With an election so tight, people need to figure out how the heal the USA, not continue to divide.
LOL it was very clear despite all Trump's desperate plays and months of bullcrap.

He stacked things just shy of open dictatorship elections and still lost.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
You're not very smart are you..

The election was tight, it wasn't a clear win..

This is still the division from the left, and folks like this will be the ones who end up with a bullet in their head, because people are ****ing tired of the dividers, and haters on the left.

The election is over, there is no more left, no more right, just AMERICANS.

With an election so tight, people need to figure out how the heal the USA, not continue to divide.
And look a gun violence threat.

You'd shit yourself if you ever had someone in your face Boomer.

Go sit down with your bullet to the head fantasies.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Has America suddenly turned into a Soviet regime now where those who didn't vote for the Party are to be carted off to the gulags?

The US was close to a fascist state, only the fact Trump is a fuking moron kept it from being so.

Considering what Trump and his followers are calling for, I'd say yes, it is, and it's the Trumpsters wanting that.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The US was close to a fascist state, only the fact Trump is a fuking moron kept it from being so.
Considering what Trump and his followers are calling for, I'd say yes, it is, and it's the Trumpsters wanting that.

It never got anywhere near being a fascist state under Mr Trump.

Rigging an election and then drawing up lists to "punish" people for voting for Trump - even though people are allowed to vote for whoever they want in a democracy - is fascism. It's also completely and utterly despicable.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
It never got anywhere near being a fascist state under Mr Trump.

Rigging an election and then drawing up lists to "punish" people for voting for Trump - even though people are allowed to vote for whoever they want in a democracy - is fascism. It's also completely and utterly despicable.
Only it literally wasn't rigged by the Democrats but the Rethugs who literally spent months prepping, rigging fooking with the system, voting, the mail all openly enough and with the enthusiastic fervored consent of the Trumpers.

Look Blackie if you're lying like you are as the basis of your argument it really shows.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
It never got anywhere near being a fascist state under Mr Trump.

Rigging an election and then drawing up lists to "punish" people for voting for Trump - even though people are allowed to vote for whoever they want in a democracy - is fascism. It's also completely and utterly despicable.

This is some asshole on twitter making a list. Hardly illegal nor noteworthy.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Statistical Impossibilities in Wisconsin and Michigan:

In Wisconsin, voter turnout matched the record high of 2004. The Wisconsin Elections Commission uses the estimated voting age population as the denominator when calculating statewide voter turnout numbers. According to the Elections Commission, there was a 73 percent turnout in this Wisconsin election.

Turnout was 67 percent in 2016; 70 percent in 2012; 69 percent in 2008; and 73 percent in 2004. Apparently Joe Biden smashed Barack Obama’s 2008 turnout in most places in the country.

In both Michigan and Wisconsin, several vote dumps occurred at approximately 4am on Wednesday morning, which showed that Joe Biden received almost 100 percent of the votes. President Trump was leading by hundreds of thousands of votes in both states as America went to sleep, and turnout in the state of Wisconsin seems to be particularly impossible.

With absentee ballots, former vice-president Joe Biden was also up 60 points in Pennsylvania and almost 40 points in Michigan According to the New York Times. Comparably, Biden was only up single digits in absentee voting in most other battleground states. Wisconsin has not yet been reported.

Elections officials in Michigan and Wisconsin could not explain Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s sudden and dramatic vote tally increase that occurred in both states Wednesday morning.

When asked at a Wednesday press conference how this occurred, Michigan Department of State spokesperson Aneta Kiersnowski told reporters “We cannot speculate as to why the results lean one way or another.”

This is particularly concerning considering republicans led in mail-in ballots requested and mail-in and in-person ballots returned leading up to and at the start of election day.

According to NBC News on election day before the polls opened, In Michigan, Republicans led 41% to 39% in Mail-in Ballots requested. Republicans also led 42% to 39% with Mail-in and in-person ballots returned.

In Wisconsin on election day before the polls opened, Republicans led Mail-in Ballots requested 43% to 35%, and Mail-in and early in-person ballots returned 43% to 35%. Almost ALL of the ballots found, while most in the country were sleeping, after they officials stated they would stop counting, were for Joe Biden.

Some statistically savvy observers noticed other mathematical flaws, as random numbers in statistics should follow a pattern in their distribution. If the numbers are falsified, it is easy to detect.

Okay, working with some more reliable sources now: Biden had 49,000 votes posted on the City of Milwaukee website as of 4 AM Wednesday ( ) and 194,000 votes as of 3 PM Wednesday. 102 wards added more than 500 votes, 16 added more than 1000. State margin 20k

— Spotted Toad (@toad_spotted) November 5, 2020

The increase in Democrats relative to Republicans was significantly higher when the Democrat was doing worse overall in early counting. Within each ward, late votes broke heavily to the Democrat in exactly the races where they are likely to affect the result.

Biden’s Vote Tallies Violate Benford’s Law:

According to some analysts, Biden’s Vote Tallies Violate Benford’s Law. All of the other candidates’ tallies follow Benford’s law across the country, except for Biden’s when he gets in a tight race. Biden pretty clearly fails an accepted test for catching election fraud, used by the State Department and forensic accountants.

Analysts ran the data with Allegheny using the Mebane 2nd digit test with Trump vs Biden. The difference was significant. It just doesn’t work. Biden’s is fishy, many significant deviations. In Trump’s there were only 2 deviations but neither are significant at the 5% level. The X-asis is the digit in question, the Y-axis is the % of observations with that digit.

Senate and House Races Compared to Presidential Seem Curious

Others have taken a look at ballot numbers in important states with no down-ballot votes, versus states that are not swing states, and noticed a disturbing trend.

In Michigan, Trump received 2,637,173 votes while the GOP senate candidate received 2,630,042 votes. The difference here is only 7,131 which is not far off from what we see historically. In the same state, Joe Biden received 2,787,544 votes while the Democratic senate candidate received 2,718,451. The difference is 69,093 votes which is much higher than the historical norm.

In Barack Obama’s 2008 victory, he received a total of 2,867,680 votes, while the democratic senate candidate received 3,033,000 votes. Somehow Joe Biden gained over 60,000 ballots with no down-ballot vote.

In Georgia, it’s even worse. President Trump gained 2,432,799 votes, while the GOP Senate candidate tallied 2,433,617 votes. This is a difference of only 818 votes. Joe Biden in contrast gained 2,414,651 votes, while his Democratic Senate candidate tallied 2,318,850 votes. This is a difference of 95,801 votes.

In many counties and states across the country, including in those called for Biden or where Trump is now trailing, Republicans substantially overperformed what was projected. NBC estimates Republicans may ultimately end up gaining as many as eight seats.

In Cuyahoga, Ohio, Joe Biden only had a net gain of 4,000 votes compared to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 performance, yet at the same time had a net gain of almost 70,000 in Wayne County Michigan. Numbers like this are unprecedented and highly questionable. Some economists have even expressed their confusion regarding what happened in Wayne county and Milwaukee in the dead of night.

Joe Biden apparently ended up with millions more votes than Barack Obama received in his historic 2008 election where he ended up with 365 electoral votes, winning Florida, North Carolina, and even Indiana. This is even with millions more votes to be counted yet in 2020.

Massive Enthusiasm Gap:

Joe Biden with almost record low enthusiasm, underperformed across many major cities compared to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

In New York City, Chicago, and Miami, he was down 201,408, 260,835, and 6,945 respectively.

However, in the states Biden needed to overtake Trump in 2020, he gained massively. According to the Associated Press vote total data, in Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Pittsburg, he was up 76,518, 67,630, 28,429, and 29,150 respectively.
According to polling, The difference in enthusiasm for the candidates is significant. Trump leads 52.9 percent to 45 percent among the 51.2 percent of registered Rust Belt voters who say they are “Extremely Enthusiastic” about voting for their preferred candidate. Among likely voters who are extremely enthusiastic, the president enjoys a double-digit advantage—60.5 percent to 44.9 percent.

Less than half of the supporters of former vice president Joe Biden, (46.9 percent) said they were voting for Joe Biden because they like the candidate. Approximately 8 in 10 voted for President Trump because they wanted his as President.

Pennsylvania Chaos:

In Pennsylvania, Trump led by almost 800,000 votes on election night after most Americans headed to bed. Over the course of the last 72 hours, President Trump’s lead shrunk to less than a 95,000 vote lead in the keystone state, and then Joe Biden took the lead.

Over the past couple of days, batches of votes started flowing into the final tally, mostly in favor of Joe Biden. Five Thirty Eight reported recently that “Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported: 23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden”

The Pennsylvania Democratic Party predicted the remaining 580,000 uncounted mail-in ballots will go resoundingly for Joe Biden, projecting that the former vice president will carry the state by about 175,000 votes.

“Based on the Party distribution of the ballots cast in each county, we believe that 75% of the remaining ballots will go to Joe Biden,” state Sen. Sharif Street wrote in a statement. “We project Biden will win by about 175,000 votes.”

Biden is only leading in Pennsylvania by just a few thousand votes.

According to Politico, it was the ballots found in postal facilities that put Biden over the top in Pennsylvania. Postal workers found more than 1,000 ballots in Philadelphia facilities Thursday and 300 in Pittsburgh. The Philadelphia and Pittsburgh ballots were part of more than 2,000 ballots discovered in dozens of postal facilities across the two states and expedited to election officials, pursuant to a judge’s court order.

For what it’s worth, there also happens to be a record number of 90-year-olds registered to vote in one year, during a pandemic, than at any point in Pennsylvania history.

See much more of this evidence: