Thanks JLM, I'm glad you got off your ass and looked something up.Oh look, another article that speaks of sepsis in Covid-19 patients:
As COVID-19 continues to ravage our healthcare systems, the race to find solutions is on. For Dr. Bob Hancock, a Vancouver-based microbiologist, this means tackling sepsis — a potentially life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by the body’s response to an infection, and the second leading cause of death among COVID 19 patients.
Hancock, the co-founder of B.C.-based Sepset Biosciences inc, recently received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to conduct a multi-center clinical study to investigate which patients with COVID-19 are at higher risk of developing sepsis.
“The goal is to tell the physician within an hour whether or not a patient will develop sepsis — who’ll go down quick and who won’t,” said Hancock. “The right patients can be moved to the ICU immediately.”
Now for Dirtybird's question.
No. I would not because embryonic stem cells only come from four to five day old blastocysts or younger embryos. NOT FETUSES
So since "aborted fetuses" arent a source for stem cells you may as well put that shit fight you wanted to start to bed.
My question is,"are you willing to donate your eggs?"
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