COVID-19 'Pandemic'


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
People have family far away. It would take 3.5 days to drive to Saskatoon from Toronto, more if you couldn't take the shortcut through the states. You would actually expose yourself more to viruses by driving than flying.

And some of us still want to go to a nice warm place in the winter.

I don't think the virus really plays a big role here. What plays the biggest role I think flying is probably going to get really expensive regardless. People are "gun shy". Every day that cross border travel is curtailed the airline companies and manufacturers are going deeper in the hole. Maybe another year will finish them indefinitely!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Add nothing is correct, and the laughable thing is is that they think their aggressiveness has an effect. It's so pointless, keyboard courage I think is the term. Like I stated before, when I first jumped in here there was more discussion and far less immaturity. But at times I feel sympathy for them, that kind of anger must carry over from somewhere in their lives. Maybe they were bullied growing up and this is a way to get even, maybe it's a matter of being unhappy in their personal lives so they want to spread their misery. Maybe they've been rejected over and over and they lash out here. Who knows. But once you look at it from another point of view, you can see the sadness in it. I hope they can work through their troubles.

Very thoughtful comments, Mockingbird.

In spite of the often voiced bravado of some posters concerning the pandemic, after months of reading their comments since the outbreak, I am given to wonder if they number among those who are incapable of dealing with adversity and the stress that comes with it. Many people are unable or unwilling to accept that some things are beyond their control and for some unfathomable reason take the set-backs as if they had been personally targeted by nature or circumstances. Rather than approach the situation rationally, they lash out as if their anger were any antidote to their inner distress. Which of course, it is not and only furthers the distress and inability to contain their furor and angst.

I lived with such person for over 18 years and in spite of years of trying to reason and rationalize - to bring him some kind of peace, I failed.

The internet has given such a medium in which to express their anger while exhibiting their lack of emotional control and I, like you, hope someway they are able to see beyond their own lives to the greater world and realize that they are part of it as are we all.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Matt Hancock Drinking 🍷 Until 10.25pm

This is going to end in mutiny.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Very thoughtful comments, Mockingbird.

In spite of the often voiced bravado of some posters concerning the pandemic, after months of reading their comments since the outbreak, I am given to wonder if they number among those who are incapable of dealing with adversity and the stress that comes with it. Many people are unable or unwilling to accept that some things are beyond their control and for some unfathomable reason take the set-backs as if they had been personally targeted by nature or circumstances. Rather than approach the situation rationally, they lash out as if their anger were any antidote to their inner distress. Which of course, it is not and only furthers the distress and inability to contain their furor and angst.

I lived with such person for over 18 years and in spite of years of trying to reason and rationalize - to bring him some kind of peace, I failed.

The internet has given such a medium in which to express their anger while exhibiting their lack of emotional control and I, like you, hope someway they are able to see beyond their own lives to the greater world and realize that they are part of it as are we all.

Bingo! There's half a dozen right on this forum!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Why don't you outline how it should be handled that would work more effectively than what you are criticizing. Thanks.

So Trudie is not losing the COVID battle by mishandling it from the beginning?

See Saskatchewan where I live, hotspots are isolated to term, economy keeps churning can't do much better can you?

Another fail IMO there are 3 or so Canadian labs that have been waiting to go to stage 3 trials for a month or so and they can't get support from the Lib. Gov (Don't believe me read back in the thread where it has been posted many times) but are instead pre-purchasing from international companies instead.

Canada’s chief science advisor warns coronavirus could still overwhelm health-care system

She said researchers will likely know by the end of this year whether they have developed a usable vaccine. If they have, she said, it could be available to Canadians by early 2021.

Read more: Canada begins review of Oxford coronavirus vaccine candidate

“We have vaccines that are safe,” she said.

“What we're still waiting to find out is whether vaccination is going to prevent infection or is going to prevent severe disease in infected individuals.”

Nemer’s warning about risks to hospitals comes less than a week after local health officials in Ottawa said the city’s health-care system was “in crisis.”

“I am sounding the alarm. This is our warning bell,” said Ottawa's medical officer of health Dr. Vera Etches on Oct. 2 following the record-breaking announcement of 142 new COVID-19 cases in the city in a single day.

Meanwhile, Nemer’s comments about vaccines echo statements made by Public Services and Procurement Minister Anita Anand in early September, who said she expects a vaccine will likely be available sometime early next year.

Canada has signed deals with at least five major pharmaceutical companies to buy tens of millions of doses of vaccines once ready. All of these companies — Moderna, Pfizer, Novavax, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca — are in late-stage clinical trials of their vaccines, with some expecting to publish results on their effectiveness early this fall.....More

Why aren't we supporting Canadian labs University of Sask. were 1 of the first to isolate the virus due to their work on Sars through the years they have been waiting to go to clinical trials for over 2 months the Canadian Gov. wouldn't find them a secure facility to run their trials on advice from China and the WHO. Again look back into this thread the citations are there


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
One more thing to note - a diabetic can also exhibit the same signs as someone who is intoxicated and only a medical expert can tell for sure!
Not necessarily a medical expert, but a bit of training perhaps. The first diabetic coma I attended was freaky. Done enough of them now to have a reasonable idea of what to expect. Here is a hint though. If someone is passed out and you are unsure if they are diabetic or not force some sugar into their mouth. A diabetic will come back in a couple of minutes, a drunk likely won't. Just be aware that when they come around they will be combative and disoriented. A diabetic really should go to the hospital afterwards but probably will not want to.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Very thoughtful comments, Mockingbird.

In spite of the often voiced bravado of some posters concerning the pandemic, after months of reading their comments since the outbreak, I am given to wonder if they number among those who are incapable of dealing with adversity and the stress that comes with it. Many people are unable or unwilling to accept that some things are beyond their control and for some unfathomable reason take the set-backs as if they had been personally targeted by nature or circumstances. Rather than approach the situation rationally, they lash out as if their anger were any antidote to their inner distress. Which of course, it is not and only furthers the distress and inability to contain their furor and angst.

I lived with such person for over 18 years and in spite of years of trying to reason and rationalize - to bring him some kind of peace, I failed.

The internet has given such a medium in which to express their anger while exhibiting their lack of emotional control and I, like you, hope someway they are able to see beyond their own lives to the greater world and realize that they are part of it as are we all.
This is where angry people can vent in a way they cannot in real life. In real life they have to hide their anger and their hatred.

It's sad.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What exactly do you think in entails beyond killing spam?

Monastic vows and good sportsmanship?
Just my humble opinion. I think the ideal moderator steers clear of commenting on opinions. His/her job is to see the discourse runs smoothly and such things as respect and décor are maintained. And of course when all else fails non compliance results in removal.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Just my humble opinion. I think the ideal moderator steers clear of commenting on opinions. His/her job is to see the discourse runs smoothly and such things as respect and décor are maintained. And of course when all else fails non compliance results in removal.
Very good. I might adjust the removal to be a very last resort. Warnings and temporary suspensions might be advisable prior the e extreme act of Termination. Don't forget folks can sign up again under different user names etc.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Very thoughtful comments, Mockingbird.
In spite of the often voiced bravado of some posters concerning the pandemic, after months of reading their comments since the outbreak, I am given to wonder if they number among those who are incapable of dealing with adversity and the stress that comes with it. Many people are unable or unwilling to accept that some things are beyond their control and for some unfathomable reason take the set-backs as if they had been personally targeted by nature or circumstances. Rather than approach the situation rationally, they lash out as if their anger were any antidote to their inner distress. Which of course, it is not and only furthers the distress and inability to contain their furor and angst.
I lived with such person for over 18 years and in spite of years of trying to reason and rationalize - to bring him some kind of peace, I failed.
The internet has given such a medium in which to express their anger while exhibiting their lack of emotional control and I, like you, hope someway they are able to see beyond their own lives to the greater world and realize that they are part of it as are we all.

Likely one of the most sensible posts I have read since joining these forums.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
I think it is well known you are delusional. But thanks for confirming the diagnosis.

You can think and say what you like, that's fine, I can't control that. But what I can do is recognize it for what it is, and I hope that whatever is going on in your life straightens itself out. You seem a very angry bitter person, there are resources that can help you work through these kinds of issues, I hope you seek them out.

By the way, did you have a chance to look through your textbooks yet to find that information on the life threatening bacteria that lurks in disposable face masks? I am still curious to read about that. I ask because I can find no mention of this life threatening bacteria on the internet.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
I have question for everyone on this forum who cares to answer. Would you, if you were ill with Covid, take a drug that had (in it's research stages) utilized human stem cells from an aborted fetus? No fighting now, just an honest answer for the sake of conversation.